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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    No more kittens

    Janice: that's wonderful now all of you can have great time without worrying about kittens. Asha
  2. hey Kim: I am speechless you made it wow that too after stroke, I can't even put my left hand on the handle yet. and you are doing tourde Philly for great cause. yu are inspiration. Asha
  3. Sue: welcome home Ray. Sue I know you both are very happy for Ray to be home for father's day & for his birthday. Ray is very fortunate to have you in his life. I am sure you are not as cheerful as cheerleader every day in your life, but you have amazing caring & loving heart. I pray that you both find your new exciting normal soon. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    its too late

    Katrina: I agree with Kristen completly. it's okay to feel sorry for one's destiny. but this is hand we all are dealt with it, it's not important what kind of hand we are given. It's how we play our hand that makes us survivor. In time like these I will tell you one thing my hubby always tells me. keep your head above water & be sure things are going to change. yes it wuld have been good if we had our limbs in functioning order. but even with these difficulties you are still blessed. & you make a huge difference in many people's lives with your strong spirit. Asha
  5. Mel: welcome back. I have never lived in small town, but as I m getting more involved in our community. It feels good to know people and be there for them in their hour of need. I am really sad for death of young one. we all have to goback to God whenever our purpose on this earth is done. & I am sure in her short life & seath also Kendra made huge difference in people's lives. Asha
  6. hey Mel: welcome back. I was so glad to see your blog and pictures of youe sweetheart. My son is going to be in 6th & is in orchestra. hope to see you around more in our blogworld. Asha
  7. Kristen: wow what a fun experience. did you guys did these at grand canyon? BTW being bald has its own added advantages we can see Patrick's face clearly. hey I can make fun of bald people since my own hubby is bald & I love him dearly. Post stroke like is glorious since we all know first hand how easily we could have lost all these moments. I agree with Sue family sways together, stays together. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    sad 3rd anniverssary

    Marie: Happy belated Anniversary. I hope you celebrated your anniversary at home. my hubby is not into going out to restaurents. So last year we celebrated my birthday by picnicing at the lake with fall colors. It was one of the best time we had there.hope Andre feel better soon. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Here We Go Again

    hey Leah: I love carlsbad, and your trip sounds so wonderful reminds me of my great vacation days there before and post stroke. you have great attitude and I also learnt with my hubby some things you can't change in other person. just your reaction. Though I also give hubby nogging from time to time. makes me feel better. & thankfully he reliazes his mistakes. says sorry, but then within few days will repeat the same things have fun at the vacation & in long weekend. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    my birthday

    Nancy: wish you many happy returns of the wonderful day. For me every minute spent with friends & family is huge blessings. I told you before also being involved in worthwhile things keeps "woe is me" at bay. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    my 1st blog

    hey Bree: you made it in my wonderful blog world, where through your blogs I get to have window in your life. I totally agree with you support of family and friends is very critical in early stages of recovery, though what doesn't kills us makes us stronger and better person. I am so thankful to my stroke. because of it I met wonderful true friends like you and others on this site. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    no answers

    Sue: I agree whole hearted with both ladies. Make sure you are fit first to bring Ray home. Just reading yor blog & things you need to do before Ray comes home tired me out. Maybe you can ask your realtime friends to come and help you in closet tidying up before Ray can even come home. & sure Ask Doctor what can be done such that Ray can have healthy caregiver at home. lts of prayers & hugs your way. Asha
  13. Kathy: I always wanted to see fall colors in boston, so can you please tell me when is the good time for that. & we will visit you and see the fall colrs if it's okay with you. your gardening sounds lovely. I want to do it, but I am afraid that maybe I won't like it, so want to start something small. I am sure you wil do great while Berry is out. Asha
  14. Marie: don't get agitated with what others think or say. only you know what you went through to get to the place of contentment. No one will have clue unless they walked in our shoes. I think whenever anyone who does little they think without that help our world would have stopped. they don't know intricacy of running household & still able to work & raise children. Don't make your happiness dependend on outside world's view. I do the same thing. One of my goal is to find happiness within me& not get affected by what others say about me good or bad. Inshort in Eastern philisophy they say do the right things (do your karmas) and things will fall in place. Asha
  15. you & Mike are in my prayers. I also echo Donna's thoughts & sending yu all positive thoughts your way. Asha
  16. your vacation sounds wonderful. I love carlsbad,CA. we used to have our breakfast on have come quite a long way and I know it won't be possible without great positive attitude towards life. & you have that. your container gardening sounds wonderful. Asha
  17. Doug: As thers said sometimes our own hurts us bad but only thing we can change is our response to situation. yes family abandoned you & that hurt does run deep. but you are still doing so great with Teddy in your life. It's amazing to see strength you possessed to get over adversity in your life. you have come quite a long way friend. life is great when we can still look at the positives in our life. you & Teddy are blessed to have each other in their life Asha
  18. Sherri: your vacation sounds very envious & amazing. Sherri though you may not realize but you have come quite a long way after your stroke. you have not allow your stroke to define you. & we all are work in progress & won't reach the destination till we die. Asha
  19. Sue: could you please PM your phone number. though you might not consider me as your friend but I do. In my hour of need you have always supported me withyour wise words and comments, made me smile when I am lickinh my wounds while sitting on pitypod where all my so called friends have moved on. versus my friends here at strokenet always understood my sob story even when hubby thoughtI am strong enough to handle the situation. you guys always hugged me & made me not feel lonely in my journey. I love you all. Sue you and Ray are always in my prayers. though I m 38 I wake up many times during the night& nowonwards everytime I wake up I will be praying for you and Ray. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    my baby is now 16

    Donna: Kristi looks so pretty. Time just flies by isn't it. but I am sure between you two things will be just different even though she might be at college, for her you will be forever her Hero. As Maria says we will have our own support group here when our kids will at college. Asha
  21. hey Marti: same here I call my son petri dish of germs. his younger years were the tough ones as soon as he will get cold & cough. I end up getting it & it will last for few weeks. for you it's multiplied by 4. but once they grow little older things settle down a little. I hope you can find doctor who can listen to you. Asha
  22. hey Gary: thanks for updating us about Kyle. 5 months is long time. I remember just after month in ICU & 3 weeks in rehab I had gone nuts crying & drove my hubby & doctors nuts questioning when will I go home. Though looking back realized that staying as inpatient in rehab hospital was the best thing one can do for themselves you get great therapy. & that is the time gains are significant. so Kyle even though it feels like long trecherous stay at hospital, get as much as possible that will will help you live your life better at home. Gary as you know I am blog junkie from the day I joined this site. I am able to keep up with the blogs and friends I made through blogs then message board. I thank blogs for my turnaround from whyme and enjoying life one more time. Asha
  23. hey George: your basement looks amazing better than ours which was done by builder. you have bathroom in basement wow that means you can even have kitchen with sink in basement. you amaze me with what you can do even after stroke. I look forwatd to Lesley's baking pictures. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Ray is alone

    hey Sue: you and Ray will be in prayers. & I know for sure Prayer works. I know it's hard for you Ray being at hospital but trust in God's will that everything is happening right now it's for your own good. & seasons do change. Asha
  25. hey Julia: even with half asleep you think about good stuff. wonder what would you be thinking with clearhead:D I don't understand Yoda quote but I do believe in trying till you succeed. my motto is unless you don't try it how would you know you can't do it. Asha