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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. wow Janine: I am glad you are doing well.take it easy for a week or so, glad atleast you found great caregiver where everything around you is going on wrong atleast one thing is going right. Asha
  2. Marty: welcome to wonderful world of blogging.For me blogging was hugely therupetic. I too stroked after my pregnancy which resulted in sad outcome. bt oh well I have one great son, and unconditional love from my husband made me realize there is still lot left in my life if I concentrate on my blessings, and make grand lemonade out of my lemon. you are also blessed to have wonderful family support and I am sure as time will pass you will adapt with your newme. BTW always challenge yourself to do more for yourself and your family within safe limits. I found out with half of my body I can still be best mom & best wife. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    doing much better

    Nancy: I am glad you are feeling better and done with pity party. occasional pity parties are okay even sixe 2 models also has them. but I also think by keeping busy in our lives we keep woe is me at bay. I am also looking forward to new school year & flurries of activitis which will come in our household with kido going to school. Asha
  4. Ruth: as a survivor reading what you are going through gives me chills. It is amazing to see that you can still find breeze while what is going in your life, but ofcourse you are strong woman & God does not give more than you can handl though he does pushes person to limit sometimes. Asha
  5. hey Kim: good luck to you. I admire your spirit and strength to do these bike rides after sroke. let us know how you did it. Asha
  6. Ken: congratukations for your award. I am sure lot of sweat went in those community services where you don't often gets thanks. you mist be inspiration to many over there. Asha
  7. HostAsha


    hi Dawn: I like yor quirky sense of humor.hey I have opportunity to wtite anything I want since you won't see this message till tomorrow. BTW you won million dollar lottory, only catch is you need to send reply to this post today itself to claim your prize Asha
  8. hey Marie: congrats. so it's official Andr loves your food, he is actually asking for it instead of keep on saying he lost appetite. (just kidding) Asha
  9. Sherry: welcome back I wondered about you thought you were busy in your life did not realize you had to fight another stroke. but you are strong and you can fight this thing too. have you talked with your doctor about antidepression and panick attacks. I felt antidepression pills helped me big time for those anxiety attack which I used to find severe than stroke. when dust settles and you find yourself again you can always wean yourself from those pills. Asha
  10. Katrina: It's great question.for me I am trying everyday to be closer to the way I was prestroke. yes I can not my left hand yet the way I used it before "normal way" but what is normal anyways. I still try to use my left hand yes right now as fist turning on off lights, I am adding new ways to incorporate my left hand in all daily activities. you will see once you don't give up things becomes easier than they were day before. try to open that medicine bottle every day & ypu will realize by month end it will take only minute to open it. I know you are very strong lady, so don't ever doubt yourself. you are meant to soar in your life. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    day two

    brice: yes I can see it too, though lot of people complained about not being able to post long entry or post at all. Asha
  12. Dawn: I am glad that atleast someone appreciates being in hospital. I think I did not mind being in hospital when gave birth to my son. Asha
  13. hi vivid-Dawn: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. I love blogging as I find it very therupetic where I can write whatever is in my mind be it a very small incident of loving & caring family incident. I checked your website and saw your story though I would like to know how old are you and what's your name. Asha
  14. Sue: thanks for update on Ray and your life. I pray for your strength to get through this another curveball life has sent on your path. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    soups on

    Marie: I enjoy cooking too for my family & luckily they love my simple traditinal Indian food though if I try to make variety by spending so much time and if I don't see appreciation for my hard work then I go back to my traditional Indian food which is easy to cook for me & it's always success. isn't life beautiful when you can achieve all these things. Asha
  16. Marie:it's good to know your aids. I too also wonder sometimes all these tools make life so much easier. Asha
  17. Janine: I was bit worried when didn't see your blog, but assumed you must be busy handling your new life. BTW that great suggestion was given to you by Jean. I feel bad that Larry is giving up on him so quick. make him read Jean's Aphasia journal & let him see how Don is handling it so well. I don't have any wise words for your comfort. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  18. hey Kathy: good to see your update after long time you have been busy this summer going to ER & all, hope nothing serious and everything is under control. I learnt the same thing as time passes you learn that these are cards you are dealt with & you better make best out of these cards, by playing hand well such that there are no regrets. Asha
  19. Sue: I thanks for the update. I was so upset other day after reading Ann's post. Again I was blaming God for all these trgedies in human lives and that too people who already have their plates full. but I have to believe in God who fives us all strength to go through with life with best of our ability, and I am glad we don't know future. I am sure knowing future it would defintely make it hard to get through present. hope you feel better. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  20. hey Cathy: after long time. but it's better late than never update. I remember last you were talking about Rachel's wedding. now looking forward to grandchildren wow, that's wonderful. hope to see you around more often. maybe you can put this site in your favorites, such that you can go atleast once online. Asha
  21. hey JJ: glad your summer is going on great. My son is complaining to me summer vacation was too short. I tell him tay means we are having way too much fun. I am now looking forward to new school year & excitement with all that. with attitude like yours I am sure life post stroke will be lot of fun too, maybe little different that's all. Asha
  22. hey Marie: I had never heard of that book till you mentioned. I got the book & finished in 2 days I was laughing so hard that I was drooling on the book. I found this book one of the best book I have read by stroke survivor. She has great positive attitude and spirituality which I find very closeness to. I am glad that Andre has motivated to do more for yourself. I am so happy that you have not allowed your stroke to define you. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    just an update

    kimmie: no wonder you blog less, you are busybee & that too with background drum music I am sure it's hard to concentrate on anything. I am sure you might be looking more foward to school starting. I am sur as time psses on & Matt finds someone better, he will realize maybe that first bad experience prepared him for best yet to come. congrats on your upcoming grandma title. there is saying in India "interest(grandchildren) are better than deposit(your own kids) Asha
  24. hey Kristi: wow lot of drama for your Indian Aunty for the first time my life over romantic drama I am speechless but I will still try since giving advice is easy part. Kristi about boyfriend drama only things I will suggest is any of these guys are husband material, if not then why waste time in these things. time is priceless should be better used in studying which will take you better place in life. that's how I look at all these love stories at age 15. Don't be mad at me. my excuse is I am from India where having boyfriend before marriage is BIG NO NO in my times which was in 80s. one more thing sweety I realized boys are easy to raise then girls. if you the rolemodel can still fight with your mother then I shiver thinking about other teenager girls. hey maybe you should hang out with your girlfriends at home such that your mom feels less lonely. that's what I do wih my son,right now he listens since he is 11. I am so happy you blogged Kristi. I missed you around here. BTW another funny thing Aunties in India are pretty big ones, and for the record I am slim & trim Auntie. I hope to hear from you soon, see once you have boyfriend in mix there will be more melodrama in life versus just studies and your clubs. so now I am confused if you will have oyfriends then there will be more blogs but only studies then no blogs, well what should I choose. now as your aunty who wish good for her internet daughter. I wish you choose studies over boys. AshaAunty
  25. hey Marie: your blog reinforced my belief that I should be financially savvy. you know prestroke my hubby handled all financial stuff since he is CPA and more knowledgable in that area. and I had very decent paying job I never bothered to learn. post stroke it was same for a while but it bothered me that I don't know lot of financial stuff that goes around in our house. so slowly I am learning all the ropes. because of his encouragement I am right now learning accounting. your story makes me realize it's always good idea to know all these financial stuff. I feel bad that your family is estranged due to your love for Andre. but at the same token take incharge of your own finances and hopefully you are not depending on Andre for all that. I feel only after marriage you should trust anybody with your finances. atleast in marriage you stil have protection of law. Asha