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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Marie: after reading your part 1 and part 2. only thing I can say is that you are very strong& amazing woman no wonder you are long time survivor. Asha
  2. Katrina: I second what Maria said. you are truely inspirational to lot of survivors here on strokenet too. I for one is copletly in awe with your strength & perservance. you go girl Asha
  3. HostAsha

    day one

    hi meemaw: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. where you will find writing hugely theupetic. I hope your pain management treatment helps. I am sorry to hear you are feeling down today but remember tomorrow is another day and things will change. BTW around here we know everybody with their name. are you survivor or caregiver, I hope you give more info in your next blog, Asha
  4. Donna: wow 2 months, time just flies by when you are having fun. sorry about your fall lucky nothing was broken & only lessons learnt. Kristi's B'day sounds like fun. hope you have oodles of fun on her sweet 16. Asha
  5. hey Gary& Kyle: Kyle pretty soon you will realize this is just new bump in life's journey. stroke just puts perspective in life & in my mind it makes life more interesting & you realize how beautiful the whole world is when viewed with awe & gratidute. I will tell my son that I am now part of vvvii club. friends and family are utmost important in our recovery journey. It gives us that drive to get better there is so much to life we all still need to experience, can't make stroke hamper our living life experience. we are all rooting for you Kyle & can tell you THERE IS STILL GREAT LIFE POST STROKE. I will be waiting for that day when you come here & tell us that. Asha
  6. hey George: I love to read your blogs not for your stroke related terapies or stroke related stuff. I enjoy reading your blog which proves to me again and again there is very meaningful & fun filled life post stroke. I love your attitude towards life & that's what attrcts me to your blog. so keep on coming we miss our friends around here. Asha
  7. Janine: It's natural to find warning signs before the train wreck but as Maria wisely put it, it will drive you insane thinking it could have been prevented. I strongly believe in destiny, and believe every incident in my life is there for my own spiritual growth, and I do find lot od positives from my stroke. I guess that is my coping mechanism right now. I hope you can find lot of positives from this extremely negative experience. Asha
  8. Sue: your class sounds very interesting. I am sure all of you learn a lot from each other's experiences the way we all are learning from each other by sharing our experiences. during your respite break do something for yourself. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    The water-park

    Marie: I never tried water park before my stroke but did it after my stroke and had so much fun even when I can't swim & handicapped. Now I know secret of your longtime survivorship. you are having fun post stroke too. Asha
  10. stu: I am waiting for sept 12 WSJ & was telling my hubby I know this guy who will be mentioned in newspaper Asha
  11. hey Gary: I wondered about you and Kyle then realized you must be busyat your beach or som other activities. the way Kyle is going pretty soon he himself will b updating us, and I pray for that moment to come fast. Asha
  12. Janine: you do sound like my favorite fictional character scarlett ohara tomorro is another day and with that attitude you both will do great.
  13. Doreen: I am survivor though I understand how much all of you caregivers have to do, though we are fortunate in that regard. I am quite independent and make sure my hubby has to do minimum for me. I really hope and pray Bill agrees to go to respite and gives you your needed break. Asha
  14. hi clare:tt why does it make you so emotional, I am now curious what it has in that touched your nerve. I think it's okay to cry over our losses sometimes but also don't forget to pat your back you have lived garcefully the post stroke journey of your stroke. people like you make me stronger. I know in my heart I will do great in my post stroke life too, don't know where it will lead me but as long as I do my duties rihtfully things will start to fall in place for me. Asha
  15. Kakii: so happy to see your blog, I was wondering where were you. I am sorry it didn't work out with huby, but I think I agree with other ladies, it's better that it happened now before you actually moved in. buying your own house sounds like great idea, maybe you can look into townhouse where you don't have to worry about lawn mowing and stuff. I am sure everythig will work out for you the way God intented it. your church friends sounds real gem. these kind of people you want as your friends. Asha
  16. Sue: another great blog, I have realized this s another phase in my life and I have decided to enjoy every minute of it such that in future I don't have any regrets, who knows tomorrow. Asha
  17. Sherri: your job interview reminded me of my interview days. I chuckled thinking about "That Guy" who are almost everywhere who try to take apart your research or your presentation. reading your blog made me miss my working days. I hope you get offer if you really want one. Asha
  18. Hi Marie: I thought my depression was worst than my stroke. I was feeling weird taking antidepressant pills but the helped me immensely, they allwed me to look at the positive things in my life, and as soon as I could, I wean myself off them. though for me during my down days counting my blessings and blogging on this site helps me immensely. Asha
  19. Ann: I feel so badly about your shoulder & back pain, but I guess those are the perks you get of caregiving. I really hope and pray bribery works for you. does Bill know how much pain you are going through just to be able to give him good quality of life for him. there is only one and not herd of nurses who are waiting on him to be able to clean up after him. you have tough job on hand, & I pray God gives you enough strength to get through this job Asha
  20. Doreen: I just checked message board & realized Bill loves to play piano & miss playing piano. I had read somewhere there are piano music available for one handed pianist. I would encourage Bill to look into it. you never know he might find new passion in that. Asha
  21. Doreen: welcome to the our wonderful world of blogging wherefirsthand you will see the benefits of writing it's hugely therpetic in all aspects even when you are down or up in your emotional roller coaster ride. We have another caregiver from Australia. I know firsthand you all caregivers are our angels on the earth who help us live meaningful life one more time. I am sure as more time progresses & Bill's talking improves he will allow you to send him in respite care for a week till then hope you find some friend to stay with him while you recharge your batteries. hope to see you more around in here. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    one of my pet peeves

    Marie: I am so sorry you had to deal with these kind of people, but I am sure you taught him lesson & he might be careful handling another disabled customer. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    a golden day

    Sue: I am so happy that you had such a wonderful anniversary day I am sure this day will be fondly remembered upon in your togh day times. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    I can do anything. . .

    hey Marie: I just came back from my weeklong stint at my son's camp volunteering for whole week. I agree with you so much volunteering is much more rewardig than any of my other jobs. specially this kind of volunteering where I know I am making huge difference in my only child's life. I feel I found my pupose in surviving the debilitating stroke. though I can gladly say today I did not want allow stroke to win over me. Asha
  25. Ruth: I am so happy for all of you. every vacations can & wil have some glitches in it, but in end how you take it makes it succesful or miserable trip. It's our attitude to every event in our life defines how our life will be turned out. It always feels great to see how far you have come. you have come long way since your husband's stroke. Asha