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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey sharon: yes you are right I was under lot of stress, I had just lost my premie baby a day earlier and unknown to me had hole(PFO) in heart, so clot travelled to brain & vola stroke it is. but life is still great, I got to be stay at home mom & watch my son (now11) grow. I am having time of my life right now. Asha
  2. Janine: I am sure Larry will undestand if you can't o to hospital one day after work. life is sometime togh but I am sure you will breeze through it with flying colors. Asha
  3. hey northenstar: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. last yer I visitd Alaska on our cruise vacation, and it's most beautiful place in the world though too cold for my liking. I am ammazed by your green juice. I too am vegatarian not by health reason but by way I was raised. never smoked never drank alcohol was no overweight still got stroke. so I tend to believe in dstiny. would love to know your name Asha
  4. hwy Katrina: your driving thing wil happen maybe not in your time but in HIS time. sometimes we don't know his plans and sweat but give God aome time and he will show you his good side. wishing you very happy birthday, I am sure it will b great birthday memory created by special guy. please update us about ur doctor visit. will keep you in my prayers. Asha
  5. hey Kyle: congratulations man. I know now you will be looking forward to going to rehab unit and do workout of your life.we all here at strokenet are so happy for you and rooting & cheering for you in this great ride of your life. Kyle now please keep your hands & feets inside at all times your uphill ride starts now. Go Kyle. Asha
  6. hey Sherry: I don't find your post boring, I rather find it inspiring. you have great attitude. attitude of gratitude brings so much peace and harmony in life. It's always good on what you can do then what you can do. I think for weight control you will start to look at the portion control since we can't move fast enough to burn those calories. I hope you get good information from your doctor. Asha
  7. Gary: glad to see detailed information about Kyle. I feel having great family and friends helps a lot in fighting this stroke fight and gives huge incentive to reclaim your life back. tell Kyle there are so many people all over the world rooting for him and so many of us are praying for his great recovery. Asha
  8. Rich: at this rate now only India is left from your world travel. would love to know your honest opinon about this spritual healing. good luck with your quest Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Summer Madness

    hey Majah: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I was this close to dragging my family to beach. it is perfect beach weather. we went to sandy hook when it was in 70s so I wa freezing at the beach. I am glad you are still creating great memories with your children. would love to know more about you through your blogs. Asha
  10. Janine: I am so happy that you are finding blessings out of this stroke thing. Now I am sure you will do just great. challeges in life does makes us stronger and it feels great to know that we all ave that inner strength to get through this things. Asha
  11. hey Gary: I think Kyk will do great. his sense of humor will get him through this rough patch of his life and into serene place at the end of thetunnel. Kyle you can do it, you are THE MAN. Gary when you visit Kyle could you also take ot of pictures and post it here. Asha
  12. Janine: I agree with all others, I thought of same thing when Larry said you won't go? I know I worried about it too even thogh my hubby was with me 24X7 still I worried. I know lot of marriages fall apart after stroke but i think the marriags which had problms beforehand tend to fall apart sooner. BTW lot of marriages become stronger too, and ours did. Though I m very happy and grateful he stayed. I view my stroke as blessing lot of good came out of my stroke I became better mother and wife & realized my 6 figure salary job could be replaced and should not be treated above my family.Now they come first. I am glad things are going on direction you want. BTW you are doing amazing job of keeping up with all this phone tag, insurance. I know it can overwhelm lot of people. Asha
  13. Gary: it's silly but if I don't see report from u abt Kyle I worry. so I was so glad to see Kyle is home and settling. I just finished Mark McWen's book "change in weather", and loved his dedication towards stroke awareness. If you happen to talk with him mention strokenetwork & me to him Asha
  14. HostAsha

    bad news

    Katrina: sorry about your fall It is so different when we were kids & just learning to walk falling & getting up was part of growing up. I guess post stroke we can view it same way though it hurts more. glad you are healing and hopefully is nothin big deal though it's good idea to run by doctor & make sure nothing is wrong. So sorry about your transportation.BTW have you looked into recross medical transportation and county transportation services lots of hugs, Asha
  15. hey noboundaries: I know as much as it hurts that maybe pregnancy is not an option same like me but maybe in time you can think about adoption or surrogate mother. lots of hugs and wishes Asha
  16. hey Nancy: your blog is truely inspiring. after stroke I too suffered with huge depression and whyme, and was and still trying to find my purpose. My husband says you are here with us be a best wife and best mom what more purpose you want in life. sometimes I feel fortunate to able to see that how fortunate I am in my hubby, and all pain goes away. God works mysterious way. I am so happy for you that you have found your soulmate who have stood by you in your thick & thin Asha
  17. Sue: we are going to miss yu here though I am sure you are ging to have lovely time visiting family. Asha
  18. Jean: I was wondering about you but then I knew you are busy with your newfound love Levi. I must be getting older too now I too like routines. hubby & I are polar opposite in our waking up patterns. he is early riser and I need somewhere to go reason to get up & shower. could you post link to yor article. in my mind you are winner whether you win that $5000 or not its different story, winnig will just affirm what I have been telling you . lots of hugs & best wishes Asha
  19. hey Rob: I am so relieved. reflection is great thing, it makes you appreciate how far you have come and makes yo so happy in your current moment. I am so happy for you. I know firsthand reaching at that level of acceptance is very hard work. Asha
  20. Janine: As a survivor I don't have any pearl of wisdom except to send you lot of virtual hugs and real prayers on your way. I think antidepressant is great idea. you can go on for few months and later wean yourself off them. I was on them almost for 2 years and now off them for almost a year or two. BTW I know you don't believe in God but during trying times having faith that things will turnaround helps a lot. I feel in my case having faith gave me lot of inner strength to get through adversity in life. so just have faith that things will change soon and that too for better. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    You All.

    hey Rob: It's good to know that you are doing so well, but don't forget us friends you made here, and update us from time to time It sure gives all newbies hope that there is still great life post stroke and that too wonderful one. Asha
  22. hey Janine: do you have any other family members you can line up for Larry during his therapy. just having family member is a huge plus. maybe you can ask Larry's children to come & vidit Larry during his therapy session. they can just stay there. webcam is god idea. I hope & pray Larry goes to acute rehab b4 he goes home Asha
  23. hey Kyle: since ur buddy was out we missed your birthday, so it's Gary's fault. wish you many happy returns of the day Kyle. I am so glad you are going home. Now the real post stroke journey begins in discovering new you and loving new you. I wish and pray for your strength in this coming months. just know that all these uncles & aunties have done it before you and if they can do, you wil breeze through it. I will tell you secret start counting your blessings even on crummy days. hugs &prayers AshaAuntie
  24. Janine: please don't look at today and project your future based on it, things are going to change. but while things are changing you need to get strength to get through this one day at a time, and never let out your stress on Larry and ruin his chances of little meaningful recovery. My husband says after our own stroke ordeal with little child thrown in the mix. the only thing he did for our family is to stay strong for our family. Everything else fell in place by itself. I know you might think your situation today is worst than whole planet but I will tell you one thing I felt same way 4 years ago too, and today I feel lucky to be alive & contributing member of our family. I know I survived for a reason. Asha
  25. Janine: when I didnt see your blog I was worried, I am so happy for both of you for having good days. I am right now reading "change in weathr" by Mark McEwen who also suffered stroke which affected his speech & right side of the body. Maybe you can read Larry this book aloud. Asha