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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Doug: I am so encoraged by your therapy news. walk more not just to dining room but going to bathroom and start setting yourself small goals and start accomplishing them. life will become more easier. your Teddy is smarty pants. he really have you wrapped around his little toe. Asha
  2. hey nekkenrules: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am sorry about your pain & tingling. I will like to know more about your story in your next blog such that we get to know you better. Asha
  3. hey fairlakelady: I have lower quadrant vision loss but with time I am able to compensate and work with it. never experience your hubby like problem. Though I had taken few vision therapy sessions which helped me. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Getting Packed

    hey Sherry: it's great that you will bw getting therapy, I am sure it will be interesting week and we will hear about all your new friends. hey even if you wear underwear over your pants, you will still not be looked at. people might think superwoman in town. good luck and best wishes for your thrapy and we will be all waiting to hear all scoop from u. Asha
  5. Jean: you hurt my you know those are truthful feelings I have for you regardless of your boss status. Though I have been always lucky in my bosses, they usually all are wonderful. I hope Steve is reading this
  6. hey Kim: wow biking 60 miles. My butt hurts sitting on even stationary bike. can't imagine you going for 60 miles. Asha
  7. Susan: thanks for dusting off cobwebs of your blog. you will do great in interview just be yourself, a great teacher and that's what your future school will want. good luck Asha
  8. hey Sherri: . I agree with you completey, I remember blogging about it, I used to feel that post stroke journey is very lonely journey, and no one else can take it for you. even your lovely caregiver ur soulmate, ur family, no one can take that journey for you. we have to walk on this path all alone. though site like these do provides waves & cheers of other survivors who understands what we are going through on daily basis. how frustrating is it to ask for help and wait for that help to arrive. how frustrating is to loose your job which filled your time and made you happy, in blink of eye. though I remind myself everytime I feel sad about it that I have choice here, should I sit here & cry on my pity pot or go & tidy up my closet . I guess I am done with my soapbox & will go fix up my closet. Asha
  9. Janine: I am so glad you are liatening to Jean and following her advices. In my mind she is one of the best caregiver of he world. I do think I married my soulmate but I don't think even he can beat Jean in caregiving. Caregiving is inherently hard. you have to do so many things outside of your comfort zone. take over half of the workload of your partner, and in all these situation you can decide what attitude you will take. I just want to tell you we understand and are very proud of you the way you are trying everything. and along the way thre will be mistakes but hopefully you will learn from those and help Larry get most in this window of opportunity. getting lifetime award wow congratulations. Larry must be well respected & loved in his academic circle. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    second stroke

    hey Beth: sorry to hear about your second stroke glad it wasn't major one and things are coming back. I know how hard it must be for your husband, but you have to keep at him to allow you to do certain things like cooking, maybe start small cooking like making spagateii or just noodles and let him see you can handle it & hopefully he will relent it. till then use our women's best arsenal like nagging. I did that constantly & it worked on mine. good luck in everything. hope doctors find cause of your strokes such that future ones can be avoided Asha
  11. Gary: thanks for update. as we all know initial hospital days are full of roller coster rides, things starts to get stabilized once you move to rehab hospital, and the journey in developing new you begins once you come home. so Kyle still has long way to go. I hope for his strength & courage to get through thi initial difficult time in his life. Asha
  12. Doug: I think & truly believe forgiving someone is gift you give to yourself and not others. you need to forgive & move on such that you get to the nonhurting place in your life Asha
  13. Janine: I think it will be good idea for you also to go on antidepressant, such that you can go through this difficult time in your life. you can always get off them once difficult period gets over Asha
  14. hey noboundaries: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I loved your poem & now going to make it mine too & it will b great reminder for me to never quit Asha
  15. Janine- I think you need to scale back on what you tell him about all changes you will need to make in your life to accomodate him. I don't think I will like that either if my hubby comes & tells me all that. I am sorry but you need to be more sensitive here.
  16. Kyle: Yes you can if I 34 year oldie can regain my awesome life back you can too. though journey ahead will be full of tears and heartache but rewards are far better than you ever anticipated. Go Kyle fight for your life and make all of us proud AshaAuntie (now 38 year old older than dinosaur according to my son)
  17. hey Kathy: you were fortunate that bank caught problems early, and no monetary harm was done to you guys. Your trip will be fun too. That Cake looks so delicious. you are encouraging me to bake now. Asha
  18. Gary: I feel the same about all techie guys when things are working just fine they want to upgrade it though those upgrades are defintely boost the product usability. LOL I guess that's where God decided I am not fit for my previous engineering job where things start changing moment I get comfortable. but good thing is that I can still learn new things so I am off te hook Asha
  19. hey Katrina: so happy for all your other accomplishments. I brag so much about you to hubby. driving will come don't worry about it. you know once you start driving, so quickly you take it for granted and forget all tears & sweats went after it. Asha
  20. Sue: loved your blog and agree with you completely life is what ou make of it everyday. I believe that hell & heaven is right here in your life, you can choose to make your life hell by playing as victim & make all people around you also miserable. I for one 100% believe life is what you make of and you choose to be happy or unhappy about your life. I am more happy post stroke, yes there are some challenges along the way but I will get through them with positive attitude and smile. Asha
  21. Kyle: I hope and pray for your speedy recvery from this latest hurdle in your life. I don't know why but things always gets delayed when you are looking forward to that next phase of your life at another rehab facility. I think maybe to make that more sweeter when you get there. Don't worry about it sooner or larer you will get out of these bad phase of your life. till then give great fight & fingr to this stroke. and now flue too Asha
  22. Janine: I am so happy for you both, its good that you also hve started focusing on positives in both of your lives right now and it's day to day basis and no more future projections and worrying about it. More he will get independent, it will be easier for you. so get best out of this time for both of u. Asha
  23. hey Fairlakelady: welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. when I joined this site at 35 I was complete wreck didn't want to live one more day, but after coming here found out my battles were far easier than lot of others, and I don't know when it happened but it happened my outlook on everything including my life has changed completely. I actually am thankful for stroke to be able to appreciate my second chance with my great family. I feel attitude is everything in all situations in life. I would love to know more about you and your story. I gather from your first entry you are caregiver. I can tell you one thing you caregivers make huge difference in quslity of lives of survivors. I know mine did. Asha(38 yo survivor)
  24. HostAsha

    Will I never learn?

    Stu: It's good to know you are pleasing your wife by going for shopping. you have mastered long happy marriage's secret Asha
  25. HostAsha

    It's All Good

    Hey Ann: you house looks so nice from outside I bet it will be so beautiful in side too, to reflect beauty of people living in. I have told you before also you have very unique way of handling all problems life sometimes bring. I am so happy that I am learning all these life coping skills from bloggers like you Asha