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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Kristen: I am so happy for you and Patrick, being able to drive is big plus. Patrick must feel so liberated just with that. you both are truly fighters, and together enjoying fruits of your labor. So glad you are able to spend time with your parents. I love to see updates about your life, it tells all newbies who are still stuggling to find new normal after stroke, and blogs like yours makes them see light at the end of tunnel Asha
  2. Janine: congrats for 3rd grandbaby on the way. Larry's stroke is quite recent but first few months progress are in leaps and bounds, so maximize on all of them to make second phase of caregiving lot easier. I also think in life 90% is attitude we CHOOSE to take versus 10% is situation. hang in there & be a survivor for both of your sake. Asha
  3. Sherri: I don't want to congraluate you being approved by SSI but it does mean you get steady income which is good to have. you are not dead so this is second act of your life. you are still here for a reason, so keep on figting with whatever you got with your best ability. Asha
  4. Janine: I know you are using this blog to write your all inner thoughts,frurstrations. listen to all caregivers's advice. they have been through that route before, and have come out successfully. I agree with Jean don't wear hat of victim in tough situation. Larry needs to fight this and right now he needs all the support of loving spouse. don't take out his frustration personally. everybody sticks together in rosy times. person's metal is checked when they ride through tough times. you need to become survivor in this situation & not victim to stroke. If faith works then use that. I believe in one thing though didn't believed that when I was in hospital " nothing stays forever, even bad times has to pass". Asha
  5. hey Gary: with that great family support and sense of humor Kyle will look at this troke experience as bump on life journey. I am so happy Kyle is keeping positive attitude and fighting hard to get his life back. Asha
  6. Sherri: glad it wasn't anything serious and you got to spend more time with Bob. his hospital sounds better than hotel Asha
  7. Sue: I reread your blog and wondered whether you guys have shower chair there & maybe install shower on head such that person can sit in the bathroom & take shower by themselves. I got from my hospital when I got discharged, eventually I donated. but that shower chair is was lifesaver at that time. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Bonnie: happy 5th anniversary. I am sure you worked hard to get to that serene place you are at today. with survivor like you and others on this site all newbies can see there is still wonderful life after troke. no wonder John fell for you. you are great fighter just like his mom. Asha
  9. Kathy: your oasis sounds so blissful. makes me also feel I should garden or something. It's great that anxiety medicine is helping Barry. I enjoy your sense of humor, I m sure that helps take edge of Barry's high maintence nature. I think as we need to griee for ur loss even our spouses needs to grieve for their loss. in time he will also need to accept the changes and moe on with new life. life post stroke is not bad it's just different. Asha
  10. Janine: so happy for Larry's progress. more he works in his PT. less work for you when he comes home. encourage him to fullest those therapy is his tickets to go home, and start building new life. Asha
  11. Ken: so glad to see your presentation well & new opportunities ar popping up. I sometime wonder where this second act of my life will take me. sounds like now you will be man on mission starting local group & stuff. way to go Mat asha
  12. Sherry: welcome back and we are all so proud of you. all these seemingly small things are huge in my eyes & brings so much joy. simplicity is good for life. I know even making phone call to set up appointment was liberating for me. you feel so much out of control, and one small step at a time you take control of your life one more time. I am so happy you met other 2 friends at rehab. you are back amonst friends now. Asha
  13. Gary: I used to be upset with you that you don't spend time with me anymore, but now I know you are busy star. you are doing great job in spreading awarenes. I still am not there. I still like to give and get support for my loss. BTW I have been wondering how did Kyle suffered stroke? Asha
  14. kim: lot of hugs and best wishes for you and your son's relationships. I feel stroke or no stroke we as parents often feel helpless and don't want our kids to go through any pain in their life. but pain is invetiable in everyone's life. it makes us stronger,wiser & eventually something good always comes outonce we accept and move on with life. so don't affect your health over your son's lives. all will work out good. Asha
  15. Janine: I know one thing for sure that caregiving is really scary. when I come and read blogs on these site. I feel fortunate to be survivor. though over my 4 years of surviving stroke I learnt one thing. this challenge in my life is not only my challenge but my hubby's challenge too. and to have fruitful life one more time, we both have to fight hard. you are advocate for Larry and you are doing great job in it. so pat yourself and fight hard for both of you. Asha
  16. Janine: It's so great to see atleast you waking up after Larry's stroke. I feel God does work mysterious way. his stroke helped atleast one person. I am glad Larry sat up for more than hour in wheelchair. tell him more he can do physically for himself faster he will be able to come and it will be easier on you to bring him home. I as a survivor felt so powerful when I achieved smallest feat myself without taking any help. during those times only thing I wanted was going to bathroom by myself, and with Grace of God we achieved so much more. tell Larry to fight it hard to get to the point where he can do more for himself so less burden on you. Asha
  17. Butch: I always enjoy reading your blog, it feels like post card from old friend. It's good to know Lisa is doing well. kids grow up so fast, but I am sure they will still need us in later lives. I am glad you recognized your symptoms and joined antidepression club. I feel if it helps then there is no harm in taking it. Asha
  18. Gary: it's aweome news he is able to walk, and also using computer I already know 2 things from his computer typing 1. I know his birthday is May31,1989, ans 2. boys will love fart word at all ages :big_grin: way to go Kyle, keep up the great fight. asha
  19. Gary: thanks for updating us. you won't believe I can't wait everyday to get news about Kyle. I know road ahead is hard and filled with lot of tears and hard work. but it is also filled with lot of happiness when you conquer those inner fear and let strength within you shine through. journey post stroke becomes real gem. I just want Kyle to know many before him travelled through that road and are still doing so great. Kyle read cagedbird(Katrina's blog). she also suffered stroke at young age, but just recently she finished her freshman year at college with tons of accoldes. now I will become this stroke auntie to you and tell you, you are still you and you can and will still go places, stroke is just little bump in your life's journey. you can fight this and we are all here for you. AshaAuntie(38 year old )
  20. hey Kyle:

    welcome to SN, keep fighting good fight to your stroke. I want you to give that finger to stroke. I know you can do it and we are all here for you cheering you on


  21. hi kyle & Darlene: because of Gary updating us about Kyle's improvements we all here at strokenet rooting for Kyle. I still laugh thinking his giving finger. tell him to give finger to this stroke and fight as hard as he can. he can fight this. we are all praying for him and your family in this trying times. Kyle just remember things can't go worst than this. it will only get better. work hard in your therapies and do more for yourself. you are strong guy. best wishes & hugs Asha
  22. Sue: we missed you around here, I was this close to sending you PM. glad Trev set you up with our lifeline. our cuppa is incomplete without your blog. I know caregiving isn't easy, but for whatever reasons you all are doing with love for your spouse it is remarkable. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Maria: this is funny. I am already getting tastes of teenager vibes from my 11 year old from time to time, though these moments are precious ones. Asha
  24. Janine: I agree with Maria, on board you wil get more feedback from caregiver's point of view. I know all caregivers in the begining went through same insecure feelings you are going through, and everybody has their own coping mechanism. for hubby and me being spiritual helped big deal. you need to snap out of your own grief. you can get through this & get larry also out of this with positive ttitude. more Larry becomes independent in his ADL quicker he will be able to come home. I usually feel nursing homes are depressing place to be in. BTW what helped me in initial down days was writing only 5 blessings every day, during those times it was hard to find even 1. but I did, and I m gld I did that, allowed me to look beyond my selfpity stage. Asha
  25. HostAsha

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    Jean: well said blog, I know it must have taken long road to reach where you both are today. I too feel proud of myself coming out of my victim mode and wearing that survivor lable. It feels great to know that we have that inner strength within us to get through all adversitiies life sometimes throws at you. way to go Don & Jean. Asha