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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Gary: this all small baby steps adds up to get ticket home and then as we all know new normal a stronger you emerges. so happy for kyle and his fighting spirit. "we can not change cards we are dealt but we can change how well we play our hand. that playing well differetiate us from being lables as stroke survivors and not as stroke victim" Asha
  2. Janine: you can vent all here to regain your strength back to fight this stroke. It's not just Larry's fight, it is your fight too. and I can promise you one thing if you fight well there will b another 50 years of blessed life with Larry maybe little different but nonethless it's wonderful life. we can not change cards we are dealt, but we can change how well we play our hand that will differentiate us from known as survivors and not as victim of stroke. Asha
  3. Katrina: just wow, you made all of us so proud. It's so great to see your accomplishments, when I did not see your blog I knewyou must be busy in school. but never thought you are doing so good, yo are true inspiration to many including me. Asha
  4. Gary: glad to see Kyle's update since we can't get it on facebook, h will be so surprised when he joins here that we already know his antics of giving finger. I hope and pray he recovers quickly to be able to be friends with us old aunties at strokenet. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    life in wareham

    kathy: your connor sounds so sweet that I am looking forward to my grandma days, fortunately they are still 15 yrs away. your brdwatching sounds so enticing, glad to know you had great week. Asha
  6. Janine: I can tell you ne thing from survivor point of view, yes I did wish I had died that day than go on living as a disabled person, but I am also glad I survivd. I have had so much more fun in life post stroke that at this point in my life I am glad stroke happened I just lost my left hand for great marriage and chace to be a mom who is really there and enjoying every minute of it. but for me to come to this point my husband now but my caregiver during those initial months played huge part. we both togeher work hard to be at this point in my life. I think right now you are grieving for your loss, but you will need to get stronger for both of you, if tht means taking anitdepression pills to get through it then maybe you should look into it. I still remember asking him again and again how come you still love me and his simpl answer was if this has hapened to him or our son would we loved him less. I just thank my stars I married the guy with such immense strength within him. I will just tell you one thing even it feels like rotton today, you will feel differently few years down the road, but you must keep very positive & loving attitude for your husband's sake. we all are given two choices in a life, and why should we choose to be negative for any situation in life. lots of hugs Asha
  7. hey Don & Jean: congratulations to you both for your upcoming 8th year anniversary. you both are really cool. I am so happy you were still on this site when I was still trying to find anchor for my life. you both saved mother of my son. Jean you both inspire lot of people in real and virtual life. Asha
  8. Janine: I know it's hard being caregiver, I always thank my stars for having strong caregiver by my side. now is the time to be strong for both of you. just remember to do your best and rest leave in God's hand he will take care of rest. get Larry good books on tape like "still me" by christopher reeves " miracles happen". my sister constantly played those tapes, they used to sooth my anxiety in the hospital. things will get better, trust in God, and keep stepping on dogpoop that does give good comic relief hugs and prayers, Asha
  9. Ah Jean: am I that obvious LOL Asha
  10. Sherri: I admire your guts. no wonder people like you becomes successful in their venture. I have no doubt you will do great in your life wherever you are and whichevr way pendulum is swinging. Asha
  11. Ken: it's so great that your daughter will be travelling to US for summer as a councelor, that would be so much fun, she must be all excited and lookng forward to it, though I wish she was little closer than we could have met. I am so proud of you about giving speech( I feel hugely nervous talking infront of people). so happy for your hydrotherapy, hope all those gains translate into better walking and balance on the land. keep up the great work Mate. Asha
  12. Amy: It was so nice to see your blog and little snippet about your life, wow Madeline is in 2nd grade, I still remember we gushing over her going to kindergarten. kids grow up fast. It's so nice you are going and volunteering your time, and in return getting all germs home:). hope to see you more around. Asha
  13. Ruth: your oasis sounded so blissfull, I wish you lot more days like these in future. I too like to blog about my oasis days gives me lot of strength. Asha
  14. Sherri: I am so happy that you are going for rehab there you wil learn lot of coping skills, all those skills are so important to be able to live happy life again. we can't wait to hear updates about your rehab. don't apologize or feel bad for your stroke or you, this is the card you are dealt and you are going to play your best. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    I'm Home

    hey bonnie: welcome back you were sorely missed around here, instead of licking you how about big bear hug from me. Asha
  16. charlene: I understand how you feel, your hubby loves you very much and very protective of you sounds like mine. I too had to argue a lot to be able to do lot more at home, and luckily he relented so I started doing more at home which in turn made me feel good about myself. I have allocated a day for laudry and do it all by myself. though I often have to remind him not to help me unless I ask for help. hang in there and tell your hubby why it's important for you to be able to contribute in the household. taking online courses is great idea. Asha
  17. Jean: I am having so much fun reading cooper's and Vevi's chronicles that don't miss your blogs much, since cooper is updating us about your life with your new bundle of joy. I am so happy that you have Levi to pull you both out of funk mood. treasure it every day. Sorry to hear about your relative going through such a hard time right now. life is so tough sometimes. Asha
  18. hey Bill: going to work post stroke is real balancing act, you think you can go back but what if you go for little while and not able to perform and get laid off what will happen to health insurance for your kids then. is there somehow in your company they allow you to work part time, by going there part time you will realize whether you can handle work load before commiting yourself to full time and then all the other stress related with it. I tried going to my work for a year and realized I did not have drive or energy to go back full time so decided to quit though my circumstances were different I did not have to worry about insurance & stuff, I still have loving husband who takes care of all that, and I am now allowed to b stay at home mom and wife. you should consult with your attorney and try to ge that clause removed. yu did not ask for stroke to shy away from not paying benefits. Asha
  19. hi greta: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you are on right track volunteering will open up lot of other oppourtunities so don't give up on that. Asha
  20. Gary: I have sent e-mail message to kyle's family, though they will get so much more by joining this support group Asha
  21. HostAsha


    Bill: I can't get give you any additional wisdom bullets other than what Maria says. how does it matter in the end what she says in the court paper, end result is still divorce, so don't loose your health and sleep over blaming game. forgive and move on with your life. you have whole new life ahead of you with your new soulmate and you don't want to jeopardise with additional health problems. Asha
  22. Jean & Don: congratulation on arrival of your new puppy Levi he is sooooo cute. I love the way he sleeps in his dogbed. Levi is fortunate to have you both as his parents and cooper as Guardian angel, man I am getting jealous. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    just checking in

    Kathy: It's okay to be angry at your stroke but at the same time remember how far you have come and don't project your life will be same way few years down the road things will change it for beter I am sure of it. when I feel angry I remember 1 christan saying which means kind of everybody is carrying some sort of burden and this is my cross to carry but to carry this burden I have more support than lot of other folks. this is our hand and we have to play this game with our best shot. I am sure not every day is good day even size 2 model are unhappy too. so wait a day or two sun will shine tomorrow. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Blue: I was so happy to see you in the wonderful world of blogging. I know it's hugely therupetic. I stroked at age 34 left me left side paralysed, retired me from high paying job and put me at the mercy of others on feb 8,2004. I never knew life could be so downright bad, but after all mess was over, I realized I am still surrounded by lot of goodness in my life. I realized I have married my soulmate, and have wonderful son. after 2 year of crying and being absent from my son's life. I decided to take control over my life and started doing simple things which brought me ton of happiness, and that's what I concentrated on. fastforward 4 years and I am very happy, content in my life. I am now present in my own life at every instant. I will recommend once in a while start counting on your blessings in your blog too. Asha
  25. Jean & Don: I am so sorry for your loss, but from Cooper's last blog it sounds like he is better place and will watching over your family. can't wait to hear about Levi's new adventures. cooper will forever stay in your heart till we all meet again on that rainbow bridge. Asha