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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Sue: you paint suxh a lovely picture of your anzac day, it does make me thank all the veterans gave up their life for our freedom. your sitting together with cuppa with Ray sounds tempting, I know all these kind of moments with Ray will light off weight of caregiving. 40 years together wow, I still have long way to go, though I am so happy for this second chance to b with the family. happy anniversary, party time. Asha
  2. Sue: you have gift of expressing yourself so nicely. I was not and still not good listner, though I like to talk a lot about my family so thiss blogging is lifesaver for me,since here I am surrounded by great listners. It works out perfectly. Asha
  3. Elondie: It's great that Tootie told you those words, but I am sure you knew without she saying she loves u guys a lot. you all are fortunate to have each other in their life. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    New Trike

    Ellen: your grand daugter is so cute Denny looks so happy with his new bike. can you tell me from where yu bougth it and how much is it. I need bike to be able to use with one hand. Asha
  5. Ellen: I was so glad to see your blog, and about your life with Denny. even though you took lmg time to update us, I am so glad that life is going on great for both of you with all the twist and turns. I found yout gift of Bike was so thoughtful and loving, no wonder Denny reciprocates with all loving gestures. Like Sue I enjoy your blogs they are so refreshing stay in the moment blogs. Asha
  6. wow kathy: your husband is quite hugger, you better be careful and not asking something more next time. hope you feel better soon and able to laugh on hugging incident few more years. Asha
  7. Bill: good luck with your driving, mine we attempted after 2 years, not that I wasn't ready but hubby wasn't, and out of respect for his concerns I delayed driving, and being able to drive to places local made huge difference in my psyic. I felt more normal and more contributing part of the household member. Asha
  8. RLT: your blog made me cry and realize some of us are fighing real hard battle. now I can see how this life must be trying for you and your husband, no wonder he wants to finalize marker on his grave. but spring is here and we better enjoy each new sunny warm day. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    beautiful sunny day

    Ann; I was so pleased to see great report on Dave on this beautiful day. Hopefully Dave' suny disposition continues in sunny days ahead. Asha
  10. Sue: I can see in your blog Life does seems trying. I know taking care of someone is 24X7 but I bet you can steal one hour and do something which you enjoy doing and delegate your cleaning work to Trev or cleaning lady. & one more thing when you spend that 1 hour enjoying what you like write about it in your blog or diary. I know it has helped me immensely. Asha
  11. Doug: I would agree with Donna and keep on doing your therapy with torture ball, what worst can happen you can slide off but you wil have therapist there to help you up. all these therapies are good for you getting you out of wheelchair. Good luck with all your exercises. Asha
  12. Kathy: I m sorry you are going thrugh tough spot right now but trust me it will get better. I agree with Maria It's better to start new then go back to old place. you survived for reason and not as punishment. have you looked into volunteering. For me voluntering and learning new things bring lot of purpose in life. Asha
  13. Bill: It was nice to see your busy weekend, sounds like any previous weekends you had prestroke. your grocery stores, restaurents choices are similar to our weekend except our wegman is little further than my other favorite grocery chain. (shoprite). do you live in PA? you guys are pretty honest keeping note about cratching, lucky it was minor and didn't become insurance claim. I enjoy shopping at linen& things too. I love reading blogs. from blogs I see glimpse of the friend. I love cracker barrel but they are very scarce in NJ. I used to eat there lot when I was working in PA. your blog brought so many memories. Asha
  14. Ruth: I agree with all other comments I really hope and pray hospice does not mean end but it means getting medical care easily. Asha
  15. Sue: welcome back I missed you so much that I decided not to write my blogreport this week since I thought no blogs moved me like yours do. I am glad you had great time with family hopefully that shot of taquila will last you for daily rigor of caregiving once Ray comes home. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Getting better

    Doug: I am glad new solution is working out and everybody is happy with it including your best friend Teddy. Iwish you well with your AFO it does take time to get used to it but keep on pushing and do more walking not just to mealroom but more to it, more you will walk better it will become. al these small things add up and become huge asset in one's quality of life. Asha
  17. heyBill: I had to respond again after reading your blog umpteen times. I think you are gojng through same emotions I went through after my stroke. what helped me most is realizing I am still the same Asha with now little added physical deficits. most important thing I learnt that this "newAsha" is really great prson too so what I walk little funny can't use my left hand yet(every stroke is different and everybody recovers differetly) I am still great wife & great mom. Now I got time to be team mom to my son's all activities. I won't lie to you it wasn't easy journey but is well worth journey. I realized later in my pursuit of runing after money I wasn't appreciating what I stll have. post stroke I realized I have married my soulmate and have wonderful son and prestroke I was sleepwalking through it. I am actually glad that I stroked, now I am enjoying my every day and making best out of my day. I love to be there for my family, my cmmunity, my family. I actually love "newme" more than "oldAsha" Asha
  18. hey wilwildbil: elcome to this wonderful world of blogging, I too stroked at age 34 4 years ago T peak of my career and didn't think it can happen to me, but it did. but I know for sure with your great attitude and your new love things will turn out great. I think everyday we are here it is blessings and our job is not done yet. I am so looking forward to your more blogs, In my depressing days I found out blogging was very therupetic. Asha
  19. Sherri: thanks for sharing scientific basis with us. all of us are different in acceptance department. I Personally like spiritual twist to forgiveness and moving on theory. I like to believe no reason is bad reason if it gives you peace. Asha
  20. hey Kathy: I was happy to see your blog means you are settling down. I feel blessed that I don't see boxes unless I tripover should do things in its on pace I still have few boxes packed in our basement. your condo sounds lovely and soon you will be able to make this place as part of your confortzone. Asha
  21. Donna: congratulatioon on your new accomplishments. start incorporating those gains in doing functional things that's what I am telling myself. great job, you inspire so many of us. Asha
  22. Ken: I agree with all others you should celebrate each of his small success which will add up to something really big. your blogs always inspires me Asha
  23. RLT: don't let your ignorant friend's comment rattles you a bit, if she knows the best maybe she can come with you to hospital to sort everything out. unless she agrees to do that, you know the best and she is ignorant person about this disease. you are advocate for your husband and do the best you can, and leave rest on God's will. hugs and prayer for you. Asha
  24. Donna: happy to see your birthday went quite well, hopefully Kristi is feeling better already. as long as we are breathing family drama continues but hopefully we all forgive and get along well. your Lili is indeed lucky she is cute, or else will be in so much trouble. Asha
  25. Mel: congrats for your 2year anniversary and sorry to hear your second ministroke lucky it wasn't serious enough to do lot of damages. yu try to be careful about your BP, we don't want major etback in this post stroke journey. I am sure you are going to have great easter, I would love to see some simple vegatrarian greek dishes recipe since from my hollywood movie experience it felt greek wedding and Gods are very similar to Indian traditions. Asha