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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Leah: have a great vacation, its great to see with your great attitude you have progressed so well. life does g on post stroke and your attitude inspires lot of people here and outside world. b careful in rushing we don't want unnecessary falls. Asha
  2. hey Beth: I just red your previous blog entry and realized you were so looking forward to this appt. I am very happy for you, hope you find relief from this pain clinic, and congrats again in making adjusments in your schedule to be able to be set your priorities right. hope and pray things will go in right direction for you from now on. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    babz: I truly sympthasize with all you caregivers. sometimes we survivors take out our anger on people we love the most, is it possible maybe he is pointing out all your deficiencies to hide his own. maybe pointing out to make you feel you both are still at the same footing. I think it could be selfesteem issue and changing antidepression pills will defintely help. also encourage him to write down his blessings and maybe try to use this board and blogs to journalize his thoughts, I know it helped me immensely during my low ride. Asha
  4. Jean: I am biggest fan of your blogs, your love for Don & your shared relationship tells me, I still have miles to go before I reach that level of love for my soulmate, but I take pleasure in knowing that I am headed in the right direction which is big plus. Asha
  5. hey Bill: congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. I am sure along with all challenges stroke brought you are still having good days with it. stroke becomes part of your newme, and I am sure someone will fall for that new available you. happy 38th birthday in advance Asha
  6. Elondie: it's so great to see Tootie is trying our everything and not staying in sidelines due to disabilities, I think that's why they say age is huge factor in living your life to fullest post stroke. you all are amazing team Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Katrina: I understand where you are coming from, but I also understand your dad's position. as any parent we are so protective of our children getting hurt unnecessarily. he must be scared fr your safety not because you can't do it but to avoid you from getting hurt. maybe you can tell your dad you will be safe with your friends, and you need a fun break for a change. I am sure he will eventually understands it. I know last year I went to very mild waterpark with my family with lot of anticipation & had great time in rides with my 10 year old son. have fun & be safe. there are lot of can'ts post stroke life but when you can make them can so much happiness is achieved. we all love you here and admire your strength & courage. love Asha
  8. HostAsha


    hey Sue: we will miss you here in our blogworld, your insight on stroke & its effects always eductes me. I live by motto ignorance is bliss and when things will happen I will handle it with whatever way, maybe I will need huge support from hubby but that's why we are married and together. I believe in if you don't try something new, how will you know whether you can suscceed in it. have fun at your dtr's house and don't worry about Ray, he will be fine. we are not in control here. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    hey Deenie: you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. loosing parents is never easy at any age though we all know our final place is with God. it is great that you have lovely memories of your mom & dad. Asha
  10. Elondie: I enjoy your tootie's achievements. it's so great to see tootie has involved psrents and grandparents. Asha
  11. hey Sherri: it will sound like I am preaching but I will tell you what worked for me I don't think that your or my stroke could have been averted but like to believe it was in my destiny. though stroke did bring out lot of other good things in my life, it brought me very close to my hubby. I realized what actually matters in my life, and I am thankful for that. just accept that it was in your destiny and make best out of what you got. bad things do happen to good people but at the same time you got lot of angels rooting for you in this bad timem, so forgive and forget, you will get peace. Asha
  12. hey Donna: congratulations on your first work anniversary. as a fellow staff member I feel honored to be working alonside you. your dedication to job also makes others work harder. I am glad you had great easter weekend with your friends and family. Asha
  13. hey Stu: glad you are feeling better now. go and please in future be careful Asha
  14. HostAsha

    A Quilting B(log)

    hey Mema: I was never artistic person and after stroke right brain shot can't even think about starting one, but I can appreciate your addiction, you sound like my mom she enjoy sewing, quilting. we are eagar to see your new designs here. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    Jean: I am happy that Don dodged another bullet, I love your cardinal rule too. I feel blessed to have you and Don on this site, in my life and my atroke such that I met wonderful people like you. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Mel: Happy 2nd Anniversary. I know for me first two years were the hardest, then life became easier and I am at better place today than I was ever been. Count your blessings and remember you survived for a reason and you are destined to be togetherwith people you love so forgive them & enjoy life. Asha
  17. Bonnie: your whole family will be in my prayers. I am so proud of you Bonnie, you are one spunky daugter -in-law of spunky mom. no wonder you are survivor. I knew you will be able to do it alone you have that strength within you. congrats on not smoking stick with it, and you will reap benefits. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    i am adjusting

    hey Kimmie: I appauld you for doing more at home for saving money. I know more you do easy it wil become. I had helper for first 2 years, and I wasted those years in deep depression. the best thing I did for myself was firing that lady. I try to do everything I can, except vaccuming and cleaning of bathroom I do every thing, but those 2 chores I never did prestroke also so why start now. glad your son is doing so well. your DIL is very good teacher. Asha
  19. Sherri: I like your attitude towards your degree, I wish I had that one in me. I guess I had done my degree to get a good job. It's great to see your love for each other so strong, I guess for me it became more strong after my stroke. I think we all individuals are different, and each one of us has different idea about what we want and how we want. I hope you make a right decision for you and your family. I am sorry if I offended you in anyway. I was just stating facts which are important to me. Asha
  20. Sue: I am happy you are over the fact that your old church is closed and able to move on with life. I remember all your fears when your old church was closing. now hopefully you will see worrying about things happening does not help, according to me just going with the flow and making best out of every situation is the only way of living life. Asha
  21. sherri: I think not able to find friends in a new place does exacerbate loneliness. and your rules are rigid relax a bit, I always look out for a perfect friend and so far haven't found one, so I adjust with whatever friends I got. I too think 6 months mark is good idea to see if it works out or not and if not atleast you tried. for me after stroke my family comes first, then work then money. family is most imprtant for me, in my crisis mode only my family that is my hubby stood by me, in job they were able to replace me quickly *beeps*, and money I think whatever we have is enough to raise family of 3 what I m saying is living apart from your soulmate is not worth a single penny. Asha
  22. Fred: after my stroke I also believe in only 2 things one day at a time and only today or this second is guranteed so make best use of it, and I am glad God is incharge, and not this politicians Asha
  23. hey Ann: it was nice to hear from you. congrats on your new house that 4 year old boy seved his purpose well and made you build this new house. it's good thing that Bill is taking interest in it. you all caregivers are wonderful keeping emergency kit wow, Bill ia one fortunate guy to have you. Asha
  24. Kristen: I enjoy these kind of spontaneous day trips and even enjoy not getting ticket. It's so cool you met mosaic man, his story was quite inspiring and to be able to meet him im person, how nice is that. Asha
  25. hey Donna: Avery is so cute I am sure that must have made your kittens little insecure. glad you are off your pitypot. the way Kristi is helping out animals she is going to b vet someday even after flipfloping profession Asha