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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Tracy  :


    my stroke was in middle cerebral artery my whole left side was paralyzed left hand was worst I hated OT during her therapy hour she just focused on how to compensate & do things with my right hand total waste of hour & depressing, PT was best cause I could see results right away I was walking doing stairs, I don't think I needed speech therapy so that hour I spent on crying & telling her my inner thoughts & fears so it was basically emotional therapy. while she tried to find out what can I still cognitively do & making me more depressed in the process. Though life really begins when you come home & start living with other normal humans & try to function to best of your ability in normal world. I think having routine support groups good books all helped me get to my new normal & enjoy life one more time. post stroke life is just different not good or bad its just different. some days good, some days not so but its still satisfying & fun filled life & I feel grateful to have this second shot at life. I feel my life is more meaningful due to stroke. So no regrets its my journey.



  2. Nancy :


    thanks for update, good to know not all days were gloom & doom there are some great things happening around you too. I am so gld your daughter   & her family is all fine & its just material things they lost. congrats to your other daughter fir her promotion. can't believe westin is so grown up now



  3. Tracy :


    I know post stroke we are riddled with all the whatifs, but as I am learning in my post stroke journey is that *beep* just happens sometimes. nothing you could have changed about. I feel bringing this drastic change in your life is God's way of bringing new blessings in your life.  & waking us from our sleepwalking through life.Sometimes in life these kind of wildfires are necessary in life to burn all the dead weeds inside so that spring of regrowth can occur.That's how I feel about my stroke.  hope you can find & see new blessings & beginnings in your bad situation. Nothing lasts forever good time or bad time. So just live each day to best of your ability.



  4. Its so much fun to know tidbits of your life through your blogs. I am intrigued to know how story of your life will unfold now. hope & pray you make right choices for yourself & your family so that you guys can create better destiny for your life. In life we all get second chances but so much time we waste looking  & knocking old closed doors.  someone once told me in life there are always seasons in life, how long each season lasts is based on choices we make



  5. Sarah :


    I am so glad you did this long trip  I am glad you all had great funeral planned for Dan, I feel having these kind of sendoffs brings so much peace to people left behind. you gave him fitting sendoff. I m sure it was not easy feat to achieve. you are strong woman  I am glad you were able to meet all your high-school friends after 50 years, must be interesting to see how life has treated every one.



  6. hi Tracy :


    welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I called it jewel of stroke network support group. I have found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. I love to blog about positives I keep on finding even after stroke. & I so remember feelings right after my stroke that I would never find joy in living again.



  7. Pearl :


    for me my stroke taught me what is true meaning of love, is it just flowery wordsor  love you see person's actions. I learnt my husbands love language which was way different than mine, I learnt whats more important in relationship.Also in life you take so many small wonderful things for granted who knew going to bathroom without audience was my only wish when I was in rehab,  & I am forever grateful to still have those simple joys in life. those r my positive growths in life I feel my stroke was just like wildfire which burnt what was dead inside & weeds so that something wonderful can be reborn there. I feel my stroke made me more present & better wife & mother. So those are positives my stroke brought in my life.



  8. Pearl :


    post stroke we can do everything just little differently & need little adaption or some support from our friends & family. Don't listen to your son. kids just say anything sometimes just to hurt. you can prove him wrong by doing it & he will know never underestimate MOM you are woman hear you roar.



  9. George :


    I feel same way about my treadmill the first one died on me. I tell hubby i lasted longer because of that treadmill & it took my hit lol. hubby is no fixer so we dumped that treadmill in garbage & got new one. It has lot of bells & whistle where as I use my simple speed & inclination feature & enjoy walking on it all day long.



  10. Hi Strokewife :


    I am so glad your husband has you a very loving wife in his corner, I am 100% confident together you both will be able to get through this hiccup. leaving your worries on God will allow you to focus on things you can do & control. I am firm believer in doing our karma or part & then not worrying about results  I know this for sure amazing survivor spouse who is still here for a reason


    you both are in my prayers for better & fun days ahead.



  11. Kelli :


    I have no memory issue but I hear from my son all the time u already told me this & sometimes I do repeat things to him to get him to do certain things by annoying hm. but do I care no. anything I am doing for him are done with good intentions behind it so I don't mind getting insulted by him million times. I just let it roll.  I am so glad u r realizing living in the moment such a great gift & harder to do, so enjoy every day to fullest.



  12. Jay

    You will learn to adapt to your deficits and new normal now that u are aware of this deficits you will find way to compensate for it and find your new normal I have lower qudeant vision loss so if I don't scan things on left I don't see people there first few months I used to keep on looking for things pretty annoying at first but slowly found way around it and life is great again


  13. Katrina :


    you persisted  & found right people who helped u achieve ur dreams & got your left hand open. I feel  should follow ur footsteps & not give up on my left hand & try to find OT & doctor who can do magic like yours. I blame myself for finding happiness & contentment in life again with my disability.



  14. Carol :


    I am so happy that you are able to read books again. I know reading books has helped me big time in my stroke recovery. I even shudder to think what would have happened to me if I had to deal with it.Enjoy your books.



  15. Sarah :


    that's such a thoughtful cop whose kindness & thoughtfulness does not get talked about in evening news but action of some bad cops get s all the rap in media  &  reputation of cops goes down the drain. we cant generalize everybody by action of few bad apples which are there in all race & field. I hope you get to meet both cops & thank them personally. love the poem you wrote, its very comforting


