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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    FIRST BLOG OF 2008

    Marty: I am so happy that you are back, we missed you around here, her can your son get a disney deal for his dad's girlfriend? everytime we go to disneyworld I promise after ton of alking next time we are not going there but within few years I forget and we end up there. Asha
  2. Elondie: congratulations. with grandparent like you & mom like your daughter not only tootie will benefit but lot of other kids in her class will benefit too. tooties's teacher and school is very good. as they say together teacher and parent can make a world of difference in child's life. way to go so proud of you. you are inspiring me to be better mom too thanks. Asha
  3. Sue: such a wellsaid blog, you deseve big thank you for reminding us to thank people who are helping in every way without anything in return. My mom at her age 62 still wants to help all her children in whatever way she can though I sometimes find her bossy nature annoying, but I still need to thank her without her help in chopping all vegetables this house wouldn't run the way it runs now. cooking has become so easy since I know vegies are ready to be cooked. thank you for reminding me to vhange my behaviour while I still have chance. she does so many things without any expectation for all her children. you are very kindered spirit and I thnk you for being here and writing such a honest blogs which helps me in so many ways. Asha
  4. BillyJO: you have great attitude, it took me almost 3 years before I decided to celebrate my stroke anniversary. you are doing great in your post stroke journey. wih you happy anniversary I know you will be having blast with your friends and hubby. Asha
  5. edee: I just read your intro out of curiosity, and I have to tell you my respect for you and your family went one notch higher. I am so happy that you are treasuring this each day with your mom as treasure and able to get her home from nursing home. I will tell you as survivor having great family support who really cares & loves us unconditionally means lot to our recovery. never give up on us. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Update of sorts

    Donna: I am sorry to hear your family drama,I agree with sue and say start living independently as if its only you two are living alone and start developing other friendships where you can get help from others if you want anytime. sometimes when God closes door he opens window someplace. I know you are fighter and you will get through this too. your Lili sounds like lot of fun. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Thirty Days

    hey Bonnie: as they say in post stroke journey first year is hardest rest is easy, similarly in your post puffing days first 30 days are hardest, and you were able to pull it through even without John and added stress, so rest should be easy now. keep up the great work, and you all will be in my prayers for your MIL Asha
  8. hey Edee: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Happy Belated Birthday. I have to say your mother is blessed with real great daughter and grandson. you have great attitude towards life. Asha
  9. hey Ken: that's why we all are bestowed with survivor *beep* warrior title. I am so happy for you with your continued improvements. I don't notice any in mine, but I was never very focused on looking at minor improvements. I just feel lucky and happy to be able to do lot more in our household even being disabled. I always felt if I am able to walk half war is won. and slow and steady you are gtting there. you go Ken. Asha
  10. Janice: I was so glad that you popped in to say hello. I still remember your comfort words to me in my troubled times, and wish more oldtimers stick around & support all these newbies who are still in their whyme phase. do drop us a line from time to time. cheers, Asha
  11. Jean: I am so happy for new improvement in Don and hope it continues and you guys are able to capatlize on it. I am sure that can give break to your aphasia decoder break sometimes. I enjoy cooper's blogs too a lot, coopers blogs makes you more human than angel in my eyes. Asha
  12. elondie: your tootie's antics are fun and pleasure to read, way to go tootie. Asha
  13. Sue: life happens when we are making other plans, so living in a moment and flowing with flow is great peace of mind for me. and I too are not george cloony but I love you and you are very beautiful Asha
  14. HostAsha

    Spring Break

    Katrina: I can't tell you how proud I am of you. you are amazing girl the way you are acconplishing things. you are indeed hero. congrats on your A's and making on Dean's list. it is tough thing to achieve. your srength just amazes me, I used to think I am great survivor but my hats off to you young lady. good luck for your drivers evaluation. you will do great there too, just be yourself and you will be fine. hugs Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Family photo

    hey Kristen: your family looks wonderful and you look so pretty. BTW we have one more thing in common my hubby is baldy too. Asha
  16. kimmie: chin up and you will see things will work out. hope you find reliable transporter, BTW have you looked at redcross medical transportation. for mimum fees they do take you to doctor's appointments, though you have to give them 1 week's notice. check out with your local redcross chapter. not all recross chapters have that service. I had used redcross transportation, and now I am volunteering at our redcross chapter. Asha
  17. Kristen: I was so elated reading your blog. seems like everything is going on wonderfully in all of your lifes, that needs to be celebrated cherished. I am so happy that Patrick is going to get all cool stuff for his car, and start driving. being able to drive is such a great boost in confidence. happy for you both too. controlling freak boss does make going to work chore. I am so happy to see brandon is doing good in school & is good kid. can't wait to hear ur vacation updats Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Testing of limits

    hey Donna: I agree with Sue & bonnie. don't get bogged down by these things. things will change. spring is just around the corner. Asha
  19. hey Molly: welcome to blogworld. I stroked at 34 and my son was only 7 at that time, but fortunately I had hubby and due to age and severit of stroke I was able to come home after 2 months in hospital. I know it was big change for whole family but slowly we have adjusted. we have member here on board who was single mom of 12 when she stroked, it is amazing to see how we all humans step up to the plate. I hope & pray your mom recovers well enough to return home. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    The Cruise

    hey Stu: god and bad both goes hand in hand. I am sure your good time at cruise will help you mask in t and fro to cruise difficulty. Asha
  21. Sue: it depends how good your mum is. I love and adore my mom but not all of her qualities. I do wish I have her best mom streak in me in raising my son. I am happy that you had great time with your visitors. Asha
  22. hey Jet: I too think my life post stroke as second chance and try to do things in my budget and limitation. I feel you should do whatever rocks your boat. hope you have great time in concert whichever way you can catch it. Asha
  23. Elondie: I bet you will be looking forward to going to her ballet class and seeing her having fun. we all want to see her picture too to visualise our youngest survivor giving fight of her lifetime. Asha
  24. hey Maria : you are so funny. I bet teacher did not figure out your desperation of clinging to apron for a while. Asha
  25. Maria: I agree with all other ladies. you have raised your son well and yup he is growing up but you are still his mom, and that fact will remain till we meet up again in heaven. Asha