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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Checking In

    hey Bonnnie: congrats on your still sticking with quit smoking program. and don't worry about things at shop or home things will be done in due time and it won't be huge disaster maybe little inconvience, but they will be fine Asha
  2. hey Donna: your list is getting better and better. I love your #61. this exercise does helps us look at the positives post stroke. thaks for sharing Asha
  3. hello Taylor's grandma: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you all have gone through a lot in recent years. but I am sure with your daughter's dedication and whole family's support Taylor will do great. there are so many therapies you mention here and I have no clue what they are. It's good to know Taylor is showing lot of improvements. I can see as a child her recovery wil be awesome and she will be able to reach it to her full potential. It's uphill challenge but I am sure with lots of prayers and support you all wii do fine. I will keep you all in my prayers. Asha
  4. Ruth: welcome back to blogging. I love reading all blogs they inspire me different ways. in your blog I can see love between couples. you both are lucky to have such a tender love between you. It's so sweet to see your hubby can still proclaim his love through love songs. Asha
  5. hey George: :laughbounce: why aren't you running for presidency. your plan is brilliant better than universal healthcare. Asha
  6. hey Jean: cooper's blogs are hilarious. you bring cooper to life in my mind. thanks for sharing hilarious entries. because of your blogs I spend too much time on computer and less time on my studies. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    I'm baack!

    Bob: I am always happy to read your update atleast I know you are doing good. it's good to know you are having fun building your business and your radio station. good does go hand in hand with some bad days too. sorry to hear your last bout with TIA lucky it did not create more deficits for you. hope to see you around often. Asha
  8. hey Ken: I was so looking forward to your hydrotherapy report and I am happy to know it is working, hopefully by next time your right foot will decide to walk instead of floating away. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Been so long

    hey Mary: after long time you came and updates us. you do test my memory. wow foster mom of 21 months old baby must be lot of work, no wonder you are not updating us. sorry to hear about your medical problems again in Jan. though you are using best strategy of getting through it day by day and enjoy all good things those are happening in between. I will keep you and yor husband in my prayers. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    mom's gone

    Deenie: I also send my condolonces and warm hugs on your loss to you and your xtended family. loosing our dear ones are hard, but atleast know that she is at peace and in good hands and must be dancing in your dad's arms right now. we all appreciate your support at strokenet. Asha
  11. hey sarah: your blog made me tired no wonder you are so busy in your life and have no time for your friends in central jersey. life does go on post stroke for all moms, we are still in midst of raising our kids. hope to see you more often here. Asha
  12. Beth: I was so happy to know that things are on positive side at home front. and your hubby going with ur son is big plus for both of them both were able to have great father-son time together. I agree with Maria about cutting your volunteering. with these blogs I am begining to know you better now. Asha
  13. Katrina: you amaze me so much with all your drive and will to succeed. I am taking one undergraduate level course and was going crazy that not able to handle with 1 hand. and I look at you and feel I am not going to quit either after all I am your auntie. & wow you already have BF. can you post his picture, and tell him to b careful and very nice to u or all disabled aunties will be whacking him with their bad arms. good luck for license. Asha
  14. hey Bonnie: first congratulations on good news about John's melonama and you being smokefree and determined to quit. It's great that you are getting all the support you can while trying to quit. On oprah's show right now people are posting video diaries of trying to quit and getting support there too. Sorry about your motherin-law's cancer its good that whole family is rallying for her and learning from disease and doing better cre for themselves. that's huge plus. Asha
  15. hey Kim: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I can see you are quite far ahead in your recovery biking for 15 miles wow. I used to bike a lot when I was child now I can bike only stationary bike and that is also big achievement, initially my left feet would not even sty on pedal. atleast now it stays. so I can still bike my stationary bike for 10 miles. Asha
  16. Donna: your list is making me think good exercise for my brain, and loved your #42. during my down days I wil remember you & that line. wonderful list. Asha
  17. hey Sue: another lovely blog. I too feel this life journey have made me stronger with mountain I had to climb with my stroke journey. you are very true by sharing our inner thoughts with our loved ones is important step too. I share my weakness here to get enough strength to carry on. Asha
  18. hey Beth: glad to see your blog. girls and boys are so different. I used to find raising my son was a challenge, but everyday is so different. now he is kind 10 year old boy whotells her mom mostly everything in his own time, not in my time. It's good to be involved in kid's activities in school and outside. you are great mom Asha
  19. hi Beth: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Ican relate so much with your situation. I too stroked at 34 and now 38. I have 10 year old son, he was 7 at the time of my stroke. being full time mom is work in itself. I try to do what I can with my limited mobility. I have been married for 16 years, and stroke made our marriage stronger. I wish and pray you get accepted into pain clinic. I know pain is no fun. I for sometimes dealing with pain in my good knee which sometimes takes fun out of living. For me blogging on this site was immensely helpful I could appreciate all my small happy moments with my son and get loads of support when I am down from others. Asha
  20. hey BilliJo : have wonderful valetine's day and night with your hubby and best of luck for your daughter dance team. they must be really good already reached to the state level that's big in itself. Asha
  21. hey Amie: Happy Valentine's day to both of you two. glad you are creating wonderful memories with Dave now. I as a survivor feel immensely lucky to be with my hubby and son. Asha
  22. Marden: I love your list. I might borrow few of your pointers in my on list. Asha
  23. hey Ken: every time I read your blog I am excited and looking forward to your next update and adventure on road to recovery. you have great spirit mate. Happy valentine's day to you too, mine came week early this year to coincide with my stroke anniversary. Asha
  24. Donna: great list. you are indeed amazing woman with great fighter spirit. I too feel greatful that I don't have dentist in the family who will have fit seeing me doing things one handedly. Asha
  25. hey Marden: glad to see your blog and liked idea if your 100 things I learnt after my stroke. maybe you can start that list & we will follow the suit. Asha