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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Remember Me?

    Jean: I was checking your site regularly in the end in desparation I googled you in trying to find any other blog area where you might be blogging but instead you I found bigfoot on AC pretty funny guy. I am glad everything is going on well in your neck of woods. I wish and pray nothing less for you both. please update us around here, since some of us here do worry & wonder about you both. Asha
  2. Kathy: you will be in my thoghts and prayers today and tomorrow again new adventure chapter on your life begins. I agree with Donna change is hard but we need not be afraid of it it will be just different, so enjoy your road trip with your darling son, I have only one and I hope and pray he will turn out to be as caring and loving as yours. we look forward to your roadtrip report soon. tell your son to drive slowly and safely. cheers Asha
  3. Susan: thanks for updating us about your school year, my son is in 5th grade, and I have only one child but it keeps me busy when his school on, I am amazed how all this teachers do such a great job, I truely feel teaching is amazing job and you can make a difference in this children's lives as well as their parent's lives in my case. I know my son was excited being in new wing of the building where there is AC lockers r new, everything is wonderful Asha
  4. Sue: I always love to read your blog, I know you go through lot of soul searching, I learn a whole lot from you. I generally don't think much and just go with the flow, if I want something, then I just go after it though I need lot of help from hubby in that case, but he does not complain much. If you are getting invites for those sunday school and other activities, you should maybe suggest them I would love to do it, if I can find somebody to look after Ray at that time. we never know until we asked for help. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    25 things about me

    Angie: thank you for sharing 25 things about you, I had hard time coming up my 100 list, but once you do then you keep on remembering oh you could have put this or that in the list. I too enjoy watching my son's games, those games and those times are more valuable to memore than ever. we all are fortunate to be alive and having faith & great supporting family is big plus. Asha
  6. Fred: congratulations on your four year anniversary, I know you had rough last year in health department, I will pray more healthy anniversaries and your wisdom on this site is greatly appreciated. Asha
  7. Wendi: I myself am clueless on what advice to give, I know secondhand caregiving is really hard, and that too taking care of two people will be really hard while you working full time. So I will pray for your strength. Asha
  8. Doug : that bad news of your wheelchair apart might become good news of using your AFO more often, and will force you to walk more, who knows maybe blessing in disguise hope you are able to get loaner wheelchair in the meantime, till your AFO shows up Asha
  9. Sue: I was so glad to see your blog overflowing with joy of being with family and grandchidren. It's great to see you all are able to spend time together, and you are already planning your furute trips that's awesome. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Thank You

    Bonnie: thanks again, I realized atleast on this site you can tell what you are feeling, and it's okay to be not happy all the time. I am so glad you are sharing your wisdom with all of us which we all need from time to time. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Cold as ice

    Doug: winter is here I bet noone likes it to go outside in this weather. your blog made smile to my face thinking about person asking for money for drugs :laughbounce: Asha
  12. hey jet: welcome to wonderful world of blogging, you have great positive attitude, with that attitude you will quite go far and inspire many people who are in your circle of friends. I hope to become part of that group, though I would like to know your first name. Asha
  13. Donna: wow you have been busy, I too will agree with Lin, you should say NO to joey, he has been trouble for other family members, whats make you think he will behave in your house, you defintely don't need more stress in your life with unruly nephew. He can find rental apartments somewhere closer. I hope and pray your medical problems are taken care with drugs, and hopefully your ankle is just strained & will heal in few days. Congratulations in becoming mom of president, made me also proud Aunt. Asha
  14. HostAsha

    Random Thoughts

    Bonnie: thank you for wonderful blog, you described what I have been feeling lately so nicely, everytime I feel that way I cover up with crying feat, instead I should come and read this blog. I am going to copy this blog, and keep it in my survival guide. Asha
  15. Sue: It's always fun reading your blog. I am glad your normal routine started now, and next weekend will be filled with laughters of little ones. Asha
  16. Lorri: I am so happy for Joey, things are getting closer in feeling normal again. I too am amazed with your strength in dealing with all this, and being pillar of support for yur own children. I guess for Katy you could be her great rolemodel. soberity could be achieved and is valuable. Asha
  17. Kathy : your blog is such a breath of fresh air, always cheers me up, hey atleast once you move your husband's excuse for being grumpy will be gone, though I think being closer to kids and grandkids adds lot of charm in life. we all grieve differently for our loss, my husband never gets upset about anything upsets me though I love him for being steadfast rock in my life. Asha
  18. Doug: I agree with Maria, I don't know what to say about your brother, you do have us and Teddy who don't want anything in return. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Things About Me

    hey Bonnie: great list are you still going to work on your other 50 set. Asha
  20. Gary: Happy New Year to you, we would also like to hear about your personal life, yesterday we needed to go and look for TV and were pleasantly surprised. our bulky TV feels like century old and it's just 10 yrs old. hope to see you more in our blogforum in this new year. Asha
  21. Katrina:I can't tell you how happy and proud this blog of yours makes me. Getting GPA 4.0 & on chancellor's list, you rock, you are quite an inspiration to lot of yong kids and adults, nowonder you are coming on TV. very proud AshaAuntie
  22. hey Sue: happy to see you will be chatting soon, I look forward to your blogs and chats. I have told you before also I learn whole lot from your blog, they are always full of wisdom. I never make any resolutions for new year, never did before also, I always like to go with the flow, if I can do right things during that time, then it's well and good or else life will still go on. I always get amazed by things you still want to do in your busy schedule like sewing, cleaning, that's just commandable. Asha
  23. Kathy: congratulations on the house sold in ths market and wow on your upcoming move to north in the middle of winter.people drive down south during winter, you guys are doing opposite. have you already bought house in north or moving in with children? your 2008 is begining with ton of activities. I remember you just fretting over wheher house wil be sold and now it's time for packing. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    100 Things

    Doug: thanks for updating your 100 list, feels like now I know little better. Asha
  25. Carol: I was so happy to see your blog,resolutions, do you mind if I borrow some of those, they all seem like great ones to follow to have happy fulfilling life, take that dream cruise with your hubby, we did last year to Alaska & had great time. I love your serenity prayer too. Asha