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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Lorrie: I myself struggled with that question, though bad things do happen to good people book answers some of those questions pretyt well, in my initial months I believed the I survived for a reason & I still have a purose to fulfill. Asha
  2. Sue: Wish you and Ray wonderful 2008, I do miss your hones blogs about cargiving, it gives me ton of insights on how can I help life better for my marriage by doing something more. I can tell you one thing all we can do is to do our karma our duties best and rest will be taken care of. I really wish & pray that ur computer problems gets sorted soon, and you are back with us full fledge. Asha
  3. Donna: I was thinking about you on New year day about you, glad you had great family time with your girls. I bet things will become easier as more years passes. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Sad start to 2008

    vicky: sorry to hear the sad news, I myself has gone through miscarriages and I know no words at this time can provide comfort, just know that God has better plans for you, and you will get that bundle of joy in his time. lots of hugs Asha
  5. Doug: wishing you and Teddy great New year, and I like that advice anther one also I like is you got to love yourself before you can love others. Asha
  6. Kathy: just remembered some wise comment I got during my acceptance journey, all this stroke became bearable once I accepted that newAsha is still oldAsha with added more good qualities in it. stroke did not change you, just your outer appearance but in there you are still there, still lot to offer to the world. so here wishing you new year where you fall in love with newyou. Asha
  7. hey Anne & Baz: wishing you and your family healthy, happy and properous New Year. good to know you two are busy and getting on with life, but updating us once in a while gives us reassurance everything is well with our friends. Asha
  8. George: Amazing list, " you joined our site and provides us ton of inspiration Asha
  9. hey Doug: I was happy to hear your christmas went well, and also you reconciled with your brother for moment, now forgive and moveon, yo will give gift of peace to yourself. I am waiting eagarly to read you 100 things, will get to know you better. Asha
  10. Kathy: after reading Donna's, Bonnie's comments I don't need to say anymore, just wanted to tell you, I can understand how you feel, but we are survivors and not going to get bogged down by difficulties in life. we will rather makes best out of each day with all we got. lots f hugs, and best wishes for new year Asha
  11. hello Liesel: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging, it will be fun knowing you, I found blogging on this site very therupetic for myself. I call my blogworld as my chicken soup for my soul. Asha
  12. Leah: I am gad you had nice chritmas dinner, don't fret over it could have been better, you did best with ur limited capabilities that in itself is pretty commendable job.pat your back and don't be hard on yourself. Happy New year to you too, things are going to become better in coming years. Asha
  13. Lorrie: after reading your first blog, I too like Donna believed Joey's accident has the good reason behind it, and it will bring whole family together. past can not be undone, but we can learn from our past mistakes and if we earn from it, then in my mind all experiences turns out to be just experiences and makes us wise. your new year resolution sounds like doable and virtue not to give up is the best to keep. Asha
  14. hey Stu: wonderful list but you need to make it to 100. Asha
  15. Donna: your Christmas sounds wonderful, and I was so hap nd teary reading you blog. you know someho I feel God is directing your life to getting moving you back up here in PA. things are just going to get better sweet lady. lots of love Asha
  16. hey Kakii: so glad to see you back with your cyber family, hope you are having joyous Holidays and with baby on way will be busy 2008. Asha
  17. Rich: Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you, it's great to see you still see ton of improvements in your affected side. your blogs always gives out lot of hopes and you are on the frontier of new rehab. Asha
  18. Jean: I was so happy to see you blog, everybody here at strokenet was worried and was praying for Don's surgery. I am so happy everything went well and in no time he will he home with you again. I truely feel you both have touched so many lives and I am so thrilled to hear Don is doing better. Asha
  19. Sue: I was so happy to see your blog on christmas day here, got my christmas gift. that masage gift sounds very thoughtful. glad you had wonderful day with grand kids. ours was filled with family and friends Asha
  20. HostAsha

    happy again

    hey Kimmie: your happiness is contageious. Have a wonderful Christmas from our family to your family. Asha
  21. Bonnie: I thought you are not a bossy lady at all, but I guess that side is only for John to see ( :laughbounce: , have a wonderful christmas with friends and family Asha
  22. Lorrie: great list, and great friend who suggested to you, I too initially when feeling low about my life post stroke and realized I still have lot to be thankful for, sometimes when we are midst of it we don't realize how some great things still exist in our life. It's wonderful to see you are surrounded by great family and friends you can still count on. Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New year Asha
  23. Ann: I am glad by faking it you were able to get into happy holidays mood, sorry about Bill's condition deteriorating, but you are blessed with stength & practicality to deal with all the issues Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your whole family Asha
  24. HostAsha

    so long for a while

    Marty: wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you both, can we crash in your disneyworld vacation, sounds like you both are goin to have grand time in winter. we all will miss you here, so come back soon. Asha
  25. Mrs Santa: Merry Christmas to you and your very own santa, moments like these are so priceless, now Noah might think he lives on northpole. Asha