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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Maria: great list know you little bit more, I too find you very confident woman,for me you are my goal want to be that confident one day. Asha
  2. HostAsha


    Lorrie: I will agree with all the other women here, I find you most courageous woman. I too do this quite often, and reading selfhelp books made me realizes some of the good things about me, when I am always hard on myself not being better mom or better wife, I tell myself, I am enough for all these people still in my life, you are there for a reason, and all those five kids are in your care for a reason, you just need to do your best which you are doing, and rest God will take care. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    Marty: It's going to be great opportunity, with your outlook and attitude I wished I had met you in the hospital where I was treated. Have a great trip and Merry Christmas Asha
  4. HostAsha

    The end of my list

    violet: once list is done then u get itch of so many things you fotgot to write in your list, great list, know you better now Asha
  5. hey Lorri: I hope it does get better with time, It has to be more hard imaging your child goes trough that trauma, but thank God he survived and doing better. tell Joey he survived for reason and it is good reason, I already see strong relationship bond is getting built after years of insecurity. Asha
  6. hey Ken: Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you. wonderful new on your therapy, I am sure all of our dreams will come true in new year. Good luck Met Asha
  7. Lorrie: I agree with Donna, having child is huge step, are they financially independent, you want to bring child to stable household and before even attempting for baby shouldn't they get married, such that child grows up in healthy environment and parents don't just come and go whenver they please. are they ready to give best to their child on their own and not depend on others including mom. I think they both are still young and need to have a job making steady income, get married then think about kid. yes you did mistakes in past but if we learn from those mistakes then evrything becomes worthwhile experience. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Marty: It's wonderful that water therapy has helped you so much. I still resist water therapy thinking water will be cold. did you bribe instructor half f the award money to get nominated. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    New Picture

    Lorrie: thanks for sharing this wonderful pictures of Joey, shivers went through my spine seeing joey all tubed up and then smiling with his girlfriend, thanks to all those doctors and you Joey has another shot at life, recovery road will be hard and full of questions but just tell Joey he survived for a reason and there is wonderful life post stroke too, he is still young so still have to get lot of out of life. Asha
  10. hostkathy: I agree with Lin,as I have seen in our area houses stay on market longer but does sell, and it is giid that yu guys are not in hurry, so don't do any desparate moves. good luck in your tooth department. love your picture. Asha
  11. rolly & slowe: happy Anniversary to you both, no wonder you are together for 39 years, so romantic. all these little hings in life does bring so much joy in life Asha
  12. HostAsha

    100 Things

    Lorrie: do you live in Lasvegas right now, you have had some adventures in life. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    my 100

    Kathy: that's the spirit, you didn't give up, I also never bath only shower, you are funny. Asha
  14. Katrina: I symphesize withyour driving situation, I know I was down in dumpsters till got my driving back. BTW botox is good it does relaxes your hand, but it's temporary fix not permanant, but no harm in trying. Asha
  15. Donna: great list, my sister wore bellbottoms and I wore it too for few times before mom stiched it as skirt. Asha
  16. hey Babz: I am always in awe of people who can drive RVs and drive so much. I love national parks. it's god to see people moving on with their life post stroke. but defintely update us also cause we tend to wonder about our friends well being. Asha
  17. Marden: It was awesome list, swim naked huh, didn't know you were ballerina dancer before, I love dancing, it's quite graceful. you have wonderful kids. thanks for updting us, I should do mine too. Asha
  18. Lorrie: I can understand your feelings, though I will tell you firsthand your protectiveness for him make him very dependent on you. whichis also not good for his selfesteem, my husband did the same thing with me, making me feel maybe I am not capable enough to fight my own war, those were initial months reactions, slowly things started changing, and my confidence came back too. praise him and encourage him to take control of his life back again, like taking care of his own medicines, all those things add up and it's one less worry for him, we all have strength within us to come out of the life as a survivor. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    The end of my list

    hey Violet such a lovely name, you all are encouraging me to dig up my own 100 things. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    100 things

    Marden: those 100 things are hard to finsh it at first go, but you did great, now I know you little better. Asha
  21. hey Ken: I will keep fingers crossed for u & ur computer, it's awesome that you are doing treadmill training, you have come quite far in your recovery. rooting for you Asha
  22. HostAsha


    hey Lorrie: your Joey is lucky to have you as his mom, post stroke I realized one thing there are no bad events in life, from all events in life there is lesson to be learnt and grow spiritually. we don't have control of our life, all we can do is do the best in that situation, bad things do happen, but that comes with great opportunity, I know my stroke brought out lot of good things in my life, it made my marriage rock solid, and made me better mom. It is good that you have loving partner after what you have gone through in life, tell Joey to make best out of his situation. nothing remains same permanant, my new mantra is everything changes, good and bad times they all go. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Hey Everyone!

    hey Billi Joe: great to know you are doing well and moving on with the life, hope you have wonderful holidays and new year. Asha
  24. hey Lorrie: welcome to our wonderful blog community, I learnt a lot about you today from small window of your blog, till now from your messahge board posts I knew you were mother of Joey who got injured in car accident. Parenting is most difficult job out there is, all we could do is take care of those angels put in our hands by God with best of our ability. you are great mom yup you did initial mistakes with your children but you are still their mom who wants very best for their children, hope your dtr gets help and support for her addiction. Asha Asha
  25. Fred: I second Sue's thoughts, and let's hope and pray you get answers to your physical conditions. you will be in my prayers. Asha