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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. George: congratulations on your first anniversary. first year is the hardest and yo dealt with lot of maturity and grace. you indeed have great worker in lesley. I might take you up for your warm bread offer. Asha
  2. Sue: it became apparant to me now why to have kids, grandkids, they do teach us how to have fun when we forget simple things in daily grind of life Asha
  3. Doug: it's so great to know that Teddy is doing better any pain sucks, hopefully he will heal soon & you bothare ready for your outing again, though now winter is approaching fast, so don't know is it good idea. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    What would you do?

    Fred: amazing story brought tears to my eyes. Asha
  5. Katrina: Thanks for updating us, wow you sre one busy overachiever girl and I am so proud of you. Katrina I agree with others, trust me you will be able to drive in future, but do you want so much overload just now. If you are able to go without vehicle then don't push yourself, you wll be driving for sure. Asha
  6. Butch: I agree with Sue 1and 100%, initially all family members does rally around but later on they get busy with their life and you have to deal with daily challenges, that's why find that metime for yourself to get yourself charged up again with your current situation. I think all of us caregivers,survivors have to walk on path of that acceptance road, my husband's way of dealing with situation is make best out of what he got and appreciate every little things, that's how I too am able to cope this stupid stroke, life is different post stroke but still satisfying for me. hope you have great holidays this season. Asha
  7. Doug: for few days tell Teddy to take a chill pill & no walking Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Hi Jamie: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging, lot of people including me struggle in publishing their blog, you did pretty good, we will love to know more about you through your blogs. It is always inspirational to me how we all make lemonade out of our lemons. Asha
  9. Donna: I am so happy for you and Kristi. for all 14 years Kristi just had you now she has the whole big family, I wish I could be fly on the wall for your family party. your family is worth moving 2000 miles. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    New York City

    hey dalene: sounds like you had amazing time in NYC. I live in NJ and every chance I get I want to go to NYC though hubby hates to drive in city, but amount of shows you watched are defintely more than I have watched in my 10 yrs of living in NJ. life does go on beautifully post stroke 2. Asha
  11. Sue: I am glad you had great christmas party and had great time. I too love to dance but post stroke think that I don't dance well enough, but past few times gave myself lecture in my mind, why does it matter to me how somebody else thinks how I dance, if I get pleasure dancing then I should go ahead and go dancing, who knows tomorrow today atleast half of the limbs still moving so make most out of it. Asha
  12. Bonnie: I second Sue's thoughts, loosing child is hard but I like to think they are at the better place right now and not in pain, and watching over us as angels. I too don't understand why these things happen, but I am thankful that God gave us great strength to get throug it and enjoy all of our other blessings. It's so cool Bill loves your cooking, my kido stil thinks I am the best cook. an praying bysiness will pick up to relieve both of you from unnecessary stress. I like to believe do your best and rest leave it on God. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Sick of feeling sick :-(

    hey vicky: morning sickness is nothing compared to all other fun stuff with raising child, but I have been told it's all worth it while playing with yur grndchildren. seriosly vicky nausea will go away & there is no price tag on having child. it's all worth it. Asha
  14. hey kimmie: glad you had great thanksgiving day with friends and family. & good luck with your winter cleaning,garage sale Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Learning Curve

    Clark: loved your blog, you got indeed wise friend. couple of days ago I had blogged about change in life, nothing is ever permanant, only thing is certain in life is change, and whatever that change in our life is not going to be there forever so we better enjoy whatever is happening to us today. I agree sometime we don't like things happening in our life but it is better to embrace it than fight it, it definitely brings peace to life. Asha
  16. Sue: wow hang in there, I am glad Ray is now okay. getting dead weight from floor is pretty straining. I remember when in rehab I wanted to try and gt up fom floor, it was so hard and scary for me finaly male aid came in and he picked me up from my armpit,stil it was hard for him. reading your blog makes me question God isn't it enough already? I know we should not question and make best out of every situation and enjoy each day as it comes along. wish a belated happy Birthday to your baby from all his mom's cyber friends. Asha
  17. hey Donna sis: even though I knew the whole story, reading in the blog again made me so happy for your wonderful thanksgiving, power of spending & having fun with friends and family is a big boost to my morale. I am sure your dy..... acted up cause it was way too excited abt eating at fancy restaurent. it's great to see positives outweighing negatives in our life. I too am looking forward to your first scooter trips without permit. Asha
  18. hey Leah: from your blog and gratitude list, you have come so far after your stroke, I am sure you will be able to go visit NYC for xmas lighing, though NYC is zoo during that time. do come here often. it's good for newbies to see there is life after stroke. Asha
  19. Fred: Merry Christmas to you too and Happy NEW YEAR. Asha
  20. Kim: I am so sorry to hear about Chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. you and Chris as a couple both are inspiration to me and many on this site, all caregivers are angels to me and now Chris got chance to be your angel it's payback time. you showed me power of love and faith in your partner. I know this time must be difficult for you, but your faith in God will get you though this period. lots of hugs. Asha
  21. hey Marty: glad you had great time with butchered turkey, side dishes and family. i's wonderful that u r looking forward to next thanksgiving than xhristmas, implys u had great time even though bird deserved better Asha
  22. hey Kathy: I so look forward to your blogs, it always brings smile on my face reading your adventures, you are pretty brave girl going through so many needles. I wish you well in your house selling. I think as long as you are not desperate in selling, you will do fine. I too am very thankful of finding this great stroke support site Asha
  23. Sue: I am happy you are able to relax at camp breakway should do it more often, since when Ray goes to break you don't give yourself break anyways. so camp breakaway is ideal for both of you, it breaks monotony that sets in everybody's lives. listen to your own advice & if that's not possible thn listen to ur cyber friend's dvice & take lot of breaks to camp breakaway. Asha
  24. hey George: it's always pleasure to read your what not every one gets inspired but some do, all strokes are so different, I find each & every individual who comes on this board and try to get on with their life with best of their capability. your breads sounds yum yum. I wish you wonderful thanksgiving and holiday seaso. Asha
  25. hey Bonnie: great blog and great adaption tricks. I always get inspire by your love for your family and friends and love for cooking. post stroke one handed cooking is difficult but its still manageble and more rewarding. I feel great love growing amon us when kido announces my mom makes best daal in the world and brags to his friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you, its great that ur dtr is going to come home and Bill is going to be with you guys. love Asha