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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    hey Marty: glad you had fun in halloween parade & party, I love elementary school there is so much innocence & love is flowing there, and that Elmo showed you, for him you were his grandpa. Asha
  2. Sue: when Ray is in respite why you are not taking easy, those summer cleaning can wait. I think you need to come and live with us and get used to it's okay if wals r not washed or family room is not tiday, it's still ok Asha
  3. wow stu: I got exhausted just reading your shopping excursion. there should be saying shop like Asha, just go to shop when you really want something, buy that thing & getout. luckily hubby is like me 2, so we are okay just closet full of clothes Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Summer changes

    vicky: wow I am jealous and happy for you, its summer for you and looks like winter is starting here, so we will be freezing while you are going to have grand time in summer hey I am happy atleast one of us enjoying great weather. congratulations on your new accomplishments, able to wear sandles and shoes are big deal. you have come lon way, how is your accounting classes are going on Asha
  5. hey David: sorry to hear abour stroke, feeling depressed about "whyme" is natural after stroke but start looking at positives in your life, for me writing blogs on this site was major therupetic for me, I made great friends, and felt less alone, I stroked at 34(I was software engineer), & my stroke left me paralysed on my left side, after 3+ years I still can not use my left hand but I have found happiness one more time with my family and friends. I learnt what matters in life now, currently I love to spend quality time with my son Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Bad times

    Bill: sorry you have been going through rough times lately but those will pass too, and good times are just around corner keep on giving good fight, glad you have bud to share your triumph & ur grief Asha
  7. Marden: thanks for sharing your lovely weekend with us, I think it is important to brag about these things I too believe if you don't try new things how will you know whether you can do it or not, life is too short better not wait till it get better, do everything we can do today who knows tomo. I have never done massage here in US thinking too expensive but now I am ging to try it due to your blog. & we all like to fall in our familiar surroundings to remind us we are survivors. glad only your pride was hurt. Asha
  8. hey Donna: tell kristi to do lot of layers and scarf,hat & gloves r must in coming winter season. stay warm Asha
  9. hey BillieJo: I also love this network to give me company when I am all alone, glad you are having great day, tell your hubby Happy Birthday from all of us at strokenet Asha
  10. hey Janice : thanks for updating and letting us know you are still above ground. your home improvements sounds wonderful and how do you make room four season room sounds like 4 star room. Asha(still here kicking and screaming and getting older day by day)
  11. HostAsha

    black friday

    kimmie: I am sorry about your fall, bfore leaving rehab I wanted to master how to get up from floor, and I am glad I did, since I don't worry about it anymore. the way I try is position my bad foot in proper position and push from my good arm and get into standing position and once I am stable on my good foot I put weight on my bad foot and then ready to roll. though at rehab they first showed me get close to bed or sofa and then push yourself up. keep on practicing it for few times and you wil be fine, my hubby made a rule of sleeping on floor which forces me to get up from floor in the night, in the begining I did curse him, but I am glad he did that now. Asha
  12. hey Sue: I too wish you lot of luck and all the blessings of the world. I always get amazed by amount of things you do for yourself and Ray. Ray is fortunate to have you, I too hope that you able to take care of Ray till you can Asha
  13. HostAsha

    quiet and lonely

    hey kimmie: your animals do keep you entertained, this year halloween will be different for me, last 2 yrs I tagged kido around this year he wants to go with his friends, so I will be busy handing out candies, it sure will be fun doing everything singlehandedly. your Dog has typical male syndrome selective hearing Asha
  14. hey Stu: can I come along for fun ride, you are going to have great time in cruise have great weekend & share some of those candies with me. Asha
  15. hey suzie: thanks for reminding al of us, I still need constant eminder when I stsrt taking things for granted, hope yor friend rcovers quickly and its just begingn tumor thanks for good blog Asha
  16. Jean: one day I am showing up in Nichigan & you will have to start decoding my accent, I want to see how you 2 play that 21 ? game without loosing patience, life is pretty interesting in aphasia planet. Asha
  17. hey tascha: congrats on your small victory, its small step for maybe but will add up as giant step on being more independent. I too love being at home and enjoy life by doing things which makes a difference in people's lifes and mine 2. Asha
  18. Marty: you are one smart fellow to convince dealer to get you new tire, glad you are safely back home and hopefully get reimbursed for all your's funny now wherever we travel now we can meet our fellow stroke survivors. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Ram Dass

    phyllis: I had read his book & his chapter on stroke rest I thought does not apply to me, but he is pretty smart guy with humorous outlook on life, the way he looks at life sitting in wheelchair was awesome, he says he loves riding his wheelchair, who wants to walk when you can ride, he also has aphasia which he looks as blessing, chance to talk slowly and let his audience absorb his talk. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Fun place

    hey ctayor: your blog cracked me up not good comforting thoughts for youits just a freaking software how hard it could b has heard it so many times b4 in my SW developer's life Asha
  21. hey Donna: your crystal does have personality of human, now i know why you call her ur other dtr. congrats on your firsts, pretty soon I will hear your first time launfry alone, way cool. Asha
  22. hey Sue: I too enjoy your blogs, they make me feel I am right beside you experiencing your life, now I can say I have been shopping in Australia. glad you are having good and quiet weekend Asha
  23. hey Maria : welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. you had me on floor laughing so hard. I now don't feel stupid with my own blonde moments your operator toped it Asha
  24. hey John: wishing you wonderful weekend. my friends at work used to tease me that you have to pay to get out of NJ. I love NJ I am close to ocean, NYC,philadelphia & Indian hub & family. Asha
  25. Jean: you have busy & hectic life, though widhing your water therspist outweighing bad land therapist. hoping & wishing luck for Don's deer hunt, and would look forward to your sunday blog. Asha