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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Susan: I applaude you as teacher, but where are the parents of these redneck kids. I for one believe in raising good kids there has to be partnership between teachers, school and parents. School needs to have assembly with parent's present talking about tolerance,love for other human being regardless of race, class and religion. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Still remember

    hey Clark: even with all these outer changes you are still you, what makes you tick as human being is still there even with stroke. I find myself post stroke much better person. as we grow old we learn and grow into spirituality due to our life experiences. Asha
  3. hey Ken: great job buddy, every time I walk on uneven terrain I remember my first walking attempt on it where PT was side by me hubby was other side incase I falter, and now it has become so easier. Keep on working on it, your wife will b happy too with your independence. Asha
  4. hey Anne: I love your name and I will keep you in my prayers for your medical benefits to get it approved, though I strongly believe if something did not go my way its because something better is going to come along. It's such a great characterstics of you to be able to laugh at oneself, you both are lucky to have each other in your life. Dave must feel immensely blessed to have you in his life. your sense of humor will take you long way. I love reading your blog. Asha
  5. hey Rich: welcome home, I am sorry that your trip left you bad taste in mouth due to their greedyness, though we all appreciate your honesty. I am sure you helped lot of people on this site including me who will think before spending money for these kind of mediocre treatments. When I had gone to India for alternative medicine I viewed my trip as sightseeing and family meeting adventure, & when it helped reducing my pain that was added bonus. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    paperwork... :)

    hey Amie: you are so funny, and sound like my husband who used to tell me same thing about my damaged brain cells boy that had made me feel so good, anytime Dave accomplishes something praiase him that will build so much selfesteem, he is so lucky to have you by his side and if he does not tell thanks enough, I will telll you on behalf of all survivors. I know paperwork is daunting, but keep at it. Asha
  7. hey Doug: I see my son having so much fun in summer, though I look forward to fall, new school year new begining, fall colors. I guess every decade in life brings different meaning of life. I know you are truly survivor and look towards all joys in your life, and i am happy that Teddy brings that joy in your life. I look at stroke also as one time assault. it will only get better. Asha ;
  8. hey Amie: Welcome to our wonderful world of blogging, if you blog constantly you will reap therpetic benefits of it. first and foremost don't feel guilt about the way you feel, but I remember in the begining of my stroke stage I was in very selfish stage, even I m sometimes now, my problems are bigger than everybody else was my regular tune if somebody whines to me abt their problem. tell your hubby to write down gratitude journal every day, just tell him to find five blessings in his life each day and record it, that helped me greatly.
  9. hey Doug: congratulations to proud dad and Happy Birthday to Teddy from all his virtual Aunts. Asha
  10. Donna: I agree 100% with Lin, and hopefully writing down your own fears and getting affirmation from your own child must have given you peace of mind. don't be quick to judge your mom's actions. not everybody is textbook parents or children, we all try to do our best with the amount of wisdom we have. hopefully as we grow older & have these life experiences under our belt, it makes us more equipped, wiser & better. love Asha
  11. hey ctaylor: after long time you updated your blog and it does indeed looks like depression has lifted and you are looking at life the way it is. congratulations on your 4th anniversary post stroke, I can vouch depression does make life little more tougher than it really is. BTW for me blogging on these board about positives in my life helped me immensely to deal with my life the best way I can Asha
  12. hey DeAnn: after long time you came and updated us, I still think your mother is lucky to have you, and I am sure baclofen pump will help her, sometimes due to tone(or tightness) you can even bend your knee, and if these pump can help relax the tone, there could be some functional returns. Don't give up on her, things will change, keep the faith. Asha
  13. hey buddy: sorry for your loss, but you will always have Lily in your heart, her memory will be there with you always. Asha
  14. hey Wendie: Thanks for update on George, those small improvements does add up and mean world of difference, if George is willing to help out in kitchen let him help you and praise him, how much it helps in your workload, I know my selfesteem boosted when I was able to contribute in small things at home. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    A New Start

    hey Kristi: so happy to see your update though you crashed my hopes about juicy story but hey I m willing to wait for 5-6 yrs to hear abt ur prince charming, I think you better wait for right one to come along and don't kiss any frogs b4 that. hey forget Todd(I think)it's his big loss, BTW can't u put few of ur books in locker such that u don't have to carry that all day long. I agree with mom abt ur walking, it will b ur forced exercise, which wil keep u slim & trim. blog more often atleast v know how u r doing, u know how nosyashaauntie gets, if she doesn't hear from u then ur mom gets in trouble. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Just Tooling Around

    Lucy: congratulations on your driving trips, I know it must feel so great to b able to go somplace finish the eraand and come back home unharmed feels like bird, now that I drive local I even now appreciate taking mom to garage sale, which I used to hate b4, I m back to my younger years where you want to drive everywhere. you have come so far and it's going to get better. Asha
  17. Doug: your Teddy's antics reminds me of my kid's childhood friend who was 4 at the time and would challenge big kids in the park, luckily we were there to make sure nothing bad would happen. ur Teddy thinking he is big dog even though he is small brought smile to my face. Teddy does keep your life quite entertained. Asha
  18. Donna: happy to c your update, kristi will b mad at you for telling us about her special friend. happy for both of u settling in so well in chilly eastcoast. Asha
  19. Bonnie: glad you are doing better now, better stay away from that medicine. your whole experience sounds scary, I m going to buy & keep benedryl st our home. Asha
  20. hey George: your oven looks like professional oven, pretty soon you will be selling those loafs and making money off that oven, lucky you, BTW wheree in michigan u live, I can smell that yummy bread smell here in NJ. Ashsa
  21. hey Kristen: I got through your whole blog and got wonderful blessings :big_grin: . first thing about your exercise, get it checked and pursue it with doctor, it could be u got dehydrated, mayb it will b nothing but get it checked. about Brandon I know it is stressing you over it, but best we all parents can do is guide them in right direction, rest is all their own destiny.maybe introduce him to people who r still struggling with basic necessities since they did not get proper education. I tell my son education is your opportunity, ticket to make life better than what we were able to achieve. I am sorry about your money crunches, but know that you wil manage thru this crummy & challeging time of your life, though believe me this time will pass too. Asha
  22. Awwwww: that was such a romantic date, you both r very lucky lovebirds. here wishing you many many lovely anniversaries to come. Asha'
  23. hey Sue: have a great trip and create wonderful time with family and friends. try takingdeep breath, and just say to yourself, you have done best to your ability, rest is all in higher power's hand, and I will pray for your strength to be able to work on things which if should not go your planned way. Asha
  24. hey BillyJo: if changing eating habits can reduce risk of stroke go for it. I am glad atleast you have found resons for your previous strokes. Asha
  25. Jean: I was so glad to see your update even though it was on yahoo360 , so happy for Don's rollover on bed, I sure have used it to crush hubby, I bet water therapy will b great for both of u. Asha