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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Mel: I can identify with your situation, it's not your hubby's fault that you don't have people to interact with. e all humans need interaction with people, have you looked at the volunteer opportunity at hospital, you should get involve in your church where you meet people and interact. I think your hubby is foe keeps if he stuck by you even after stroke he is great guy, appreciate that. Asha
  2. Kim: My hats off to you all caregivers, I know sometimes things does become rocky but because of great caregivers like you, we survivors r having meaningful life. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    Rich: I can see you are very upset with your Tinajin experience, when I went to India for alternative treatment they had reviewed my case & said yes they can help (bunch of crap. if someone is giving money y say no), though what I see in eastern medicines that they don't have negative effects, though I did get rid of my pain in leg which was big plus. so I viewd my India trip as vacation. I am glad you are giving your honest opinion about the faciity such that rest of us who will think before spending that kind of money.BTW I did not know you were doctor prestroke, maybe you should give your intro your story in next blog. Asha
  4. hey Doug: glad you weren't hurt, did you punish Teddy such that he knows that behaviour is not accepted. Asha
  5. Donna: so glad you are settling in so nicely and have great family support here in pittsburgh, I bet Kristi would love it here once school starts & she makes friends, she will have fun in winter too. Asha
  6. Amy: that's so amazing you can snorkle, your vacation sounds beautiful, I love to travel too, & I am glad I can manage it too, you have to plan east coast trip too. Asha
  7. Natasha: I just had to laugh at your blog, you are worrying about what your mother said about your MRA first of all she is not doctor or TEch, so stop worrying. I bet it will be nothing & when u get good results yell at ur mom who tried to act smart. Asha
  8. hey Linnie: as I can see from your life experiences or any one of us, we all have period of good and bad periods they all come and go, but I strongly believe since we are still here to stay does mean our purpose is not done here, so pick ourself up and concentrate on still good things in life and march on, I feel lucky due to this site that I m not alone going through rough patch in my life, there are many people going through it, and how each one of us handle our pain, it gives me strength. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    As My World Turns

    hey Vi: I love family updates and your attitude, that shows life does not revolve around our stroke, we can all be still very happy. Asha
  10. hey George: I bet that first loaf of bread will be awesome, can't wait to see pictures of oven & does your open invitation extends to all other strokenet members too. Asha
  11. Sue: I know to give advice to you feels like giving advice to wise lady who has seen it all, but I think I need to get off this my chest everytime I read your blog I get the impression you worry about everything a lot by thinking about how do I control my situation, why not just trust God and flow with life, trying to control situation brings struggle in life, instead whatever will happen to us in our life, we will handle it with best of my ability kind of mentality brings peace. I m kind of person who never sweat the small stuff and things alway have worked out for me. Sorry if I have offended you in any way. you should ask for help whenever you need. and I think I will be first one to remind you next time if I see in your blog. Asha
  12. hey Mystery: if you are following l_klakring's blog and her calcified anurysm one thing you can learn from that blog is doctors don't know everything and by listening to their negativisim, you are ruining your today, who says things are going to be the way they r today it got to change and tomorrow is just another new great day. Asha
  13. hey Mystery: though I can not use your suggestions today but gopefully will be able to use some point later in my life. Thanks, Asha
  14. hey Doug: wow what a coincidence to have stroke and Birthday on the same day, it does reinforce my belief that stroke is our second chance at life so we better celebrate and enjoy each moment in it. Happy Birthday & Anniversary. Asha
  15. Lisa: congratulations on this new chapter of Rachel's life, its really mystery how life unfolds, maybe one day Rachel will opn up her own restarent with family. tell her to learn as much she can ropes of the business. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Katrina: I will tell you one thing disability does suck mine happened when I was at peak of my career, & stroke happened, yes I lost my left hand to it, and ability to run,dance and be mother of my 10 yr old child, just yesterday I was in dumps thinking I should have died that day, but one of my friend told me hey you still have choice of life, so many people die at young age leaving their kids behind, I still have a choice to live my life and I have to decide how would we all live it just by crying or accepting our fate and making best out of our situation. agreed not able to drive stinks but u r fortunate that you have family members who r taking you everywhere, and think about if you get into accident & hurt some other person will that b worth the driving. Right now you have whole life ahead of you, tell yourself you can get through this, & start counting your blessings I feel so blesed that I can walk atleast have my dignity.
  17. hey Sue: Glad to hear Ray is home again, can you delegate some of your workload to Ray of calling people, such that he also feels good. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    the dull gray fog

    hey Linnie: you could always PM me if you have any blog questions, though keeping notes handy is also another good way. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Me and my Teddy

    Preluki: I will be looking forward to next episode of Teddy, hope it's not weekly show. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Angry Today

    hey Susan: wish her Happy Birthday from all of us, maybe you can ask her to come to your town & both of you can go out for dinner. Asha
  21. hey Kakii: I just remembered important piece of kitchen gadget you must buy is 1 touch can opener it's readily available in wallmart,bed bath&beyond, its for $20 & if you use $5 coupon for bedbath&beyond it will come out as $15 bucks pretty reasonable & worthwhile gadget for kitchen. It will make cooking & leaving alone so much easier. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    eye dr.

    hey Icebengals: I agree with Phyllis, we all go through angry stage, grief stage, but best thing you can do for yourself is accept and know it will get better given time and working on it. we all need that peace of mind and acceptance will bring that back in your life, also startlooking at still some positives remained in your life. by being angry,sad& confused about your state you are ruining the perfect day where you could have enjoyed just being alive. start counting your blessings. Asha
  23. Rich: Thank you so much for giving honest opinions about your chinese hospital & treatment, though with that kind of bad experience how come youdcided to go to another hospital in china do you think things will be different there? Asha
  24. HostAsha

    On the road again :)

    Stu: doesn't it feel great to go even grocery shopping with newfound freedom, though be extra careful. Asha
  25. Kakii: it's so great to see you appreciating and settling in these new place of wonder surrounded by token of love and kindness people has shown you, you do have great appreciation & attitude, I need to keep that attitude for longer time. mostly after my stroke I too feel truely blessed. Asha