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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Donna: so glad to see your blog & happy that everything went alright & settling in new house, I live in colonial house so lot of staurs in the house, but we installed railing on the right side & it has been great therapy for me, I go up & down atleast 20 times in a day. BTW in the begining do baby step climbing stairs one step at a time, later when confidence builds up do reciprocate, and always hold on to railing Asha
  2. HostAsha

    home again

    Sue: Welcome back we missed you around here, though knew you r having blast. & gathered all your resources for getting back in gear when Ray comes home again. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    new pictures

    hey Katrina: great pictures, gret smile, keep on positive attitude and enjoy every minute of your life, only today & this moment is guranteed, so have fun at laser tag, I have always dropped my son to lasertag parties, never been to 1, I guess too old now Asha
  4. HostAsha

    july update!!!!

    Rich: good luck to all your therapy adventures. & keep us updated with your recovery. Asha
  5. Gary: wow you are going to be one busy guy next few months, happy for you, you are getting back in groove of life, which is goal for every one of us. I liked your courses send me PM about that wealth & health course where you are taking, I might take it too. good luck with your speech. Asha
  6. Ken: Thanks for update I was wondering about you, I echo shirley's sentiments, keep that positive attitude and keep on trying you will overcome it, I know lot of us did sooner or later you will be off that thing & walking. Asha
  7. hey Preluki: perservence does pay off, thanks for hope to all left hands. Asha
  8. Kristen: It's good to know you are busy in living life with all the bumps that come in, your boulder turn sounds scary. Hope Patrick is feeling okay after his ankle thingy. I am sure you are going to have great vacation. Asha
  9. hey BettyJean: thanks for updating us, watertherapy is the best therapy they say after stroke, and I am happy Jim is doing that in his own bacyard. congratlations on your son's wedding, and I am sure his marriage will be as successful as yours, your son has seen best example of what marriage vows means from his parent' Asha
  10. hey BettyJean: thanks for updating us, watertherapy is the best therapy they say after stroke, and I am happy Jim is doing that in his own bacyard. congratlations on your son's wedding, and I am sure his marriage will be as successful as yours, your son has seen best example of what marriage vows means from his parent' Asha
  11. HostAsha

    I finally out ssi

    hey Natasha: we are all friends here, we cheer for you to succed and feel proud when you do, and in the down ride we are here to give each other support, I m very happy that you got SSDI and now on the path of returning to school. in my stroke journey I felt first few years were difficult later on you start building new life for new you, albeit it's little differentbut it's much better than the alternative. Asha
  12. Kim: I read your blog yesterday & felt sameway what Lucy felt, it is hard being caregiver but I m sure it is hard beig survivor too, and I was so pleased to see your today's blog that maybe chris really lost control of his bladder & is not out there to punish you or get attention. I am so happy you are going to get medical help. till then hang in there for both ofyou Asha
  13. HostAsha

    4 more days

    Donna: leave all your worries to God and you will c how peaceful you will feel. I know as mother you are feeling guilty about moving Kristi, but she will flourish, so don't worry about her. while you are away from strokenet we will get donna withdrawlers, hope you get on quickly & update us quickly. Asha Welcome Home
  14. HostAsha


    Katrina: have you looked into redcross providing medical transportation to disabled people, they do charge some money for it, but its worth program and they do need 1 week advance notice & your township might provide transport system to gricery store, bank,mall& stuff. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    A new tattoo

    susan: good for you, I liked courage tattoo idea and at this point in my life I don't give damn about what people think about me, and if getting tattoo gives you happiness y all means go for it Asha
  16. HostAsha

    ~gOoDbYe aZ~

    Kristi: finally you are able to blog woohoo, I am happy you guys are moving to east coast, hey you will be in my timezone now, I m sure with your personality you will just do fine and make lot of friends, & if worst come to worst you got this aunty to hang out with I think of myself as desirable friend alright so don't bust my bubble. AshaAunty.
  17. Donna: it's coming close soon you will be in my timezone. Kristi will be more happier don't worry about that, things are moving in right direction for you, and it will move that way for a while. goodluck with everything. You do have loving relatives here in east coast who are very caring. so I can understand fully why you wanted to move so badly. Asha
  18. Anne: maybe your blog is still in draft form, you should check your blogs, sometime if you don't publish it then it stays in draft form which is in the shade of pink, though with new color, I m not able to see pink shady color. BTW have u looked into getting those medicines from internet at cheaper price, I used to get my expensive anti depression medicine from India. Asha
  19. hi icebeangel: give yourself some time to heal it will come back while you are waiting on healing, start learning yourself, get grade 1 or kintergarten math book workbooks, once you know the problem working on it wil solve the problem Asha
  20. Sue: I don't have wisdom to give it to wise lady, then hugs, & only 1 line this days will pass too, I am sure you are going to have great vacation. Asha
  21. Carol: congratulations on your first year mark,future years will bring out loving new you and creating new life for new you. Diane's untimely death was hard on lot of people, but we don't know grand plan of God, so have to accept it, though I defintely think Diane must be at peace & wwill be watching over her family. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    more pictures

    Katrina: you make us all so proud of you achievements, go get them tiger with that smile and that smartness. As Donna says those medals are for honors, then you deserve my salute captain, God has given you smartness and courage o make best out of your life. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    hey Kelly: I had my PFO closed 6 months after my stroke and procedure was piece of cake compared to my stroke and disability i went through, I was in the hospital just overnight, its 10 min procedure in my awake timeframe, i woke up & dr. told me it's done only black blue i had on my groin area which faded in a week, so don't worry at all, it's simplest operation. I had big peace of mind after my operation & it was 3 yrs ago, & I m doing great now recapturing my life one more time. Asha Asha
  24. Donna: I am so looking forward to your move to pittsburgh though it will be long before I am able to meet with you, but atleast you are in my timezone, good luck with your move, hope everything works out for u. Asha
  25. phyllis: I completly agree with you, but also making sure you live healthy lifestyle is good choice, I never smoked, drank, no BP or diabetes still stroked, so I will say it was fate and make best out of my remaining life with my great hubby and son. Asha