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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Sherri: I liked your compass somparisn, makes full sense to me. I am also trying to find my true north which is good mix of both east & west. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    I am Canadian

    hey Dickons: congratulations, your ceremony will defintely make you proud canadian citizen, In US when I became citizen there was nothing like that we all said our oath, given certificate and byebye. no personalized handshake or ake or anything. Asha
  3. Susan: so sory to hear loss of your young student, accidents do happen, for all the student's sake you have to be strong and comfort them. It hurts but sometimes what can we do but accept as fate and learn from these tragedy. Asha
  4. HostAsha


    hey Kimmie: congratulations, have you looked into investing in treadmill, best investment for us, all these small steps will add up into significant gains. keep on walking, first with cane then wean yourself off the cane. Asha
  5. Lisa: lovely poem, lots of hugs as a mother I can understand what you are going through, my mom used to cry every time she sees me, and ready to give all her inheritance to me :bouncing_off_wall: not a bad deal considering she is quite wealthy, when I used to cry and throw tantrum, she said many times I wish God had chosen her to have stroke instead of her daughter. Now 3 years post stroke I just want my mom to be very proud of me, and supportive of me. I love you and all the moms. as always s*** happens but I would want people to remembr me or any other survivor oh she gave such a great fight, and not as a poor soul. who suffered adversity at such a young age. Asha
  6. Riccardo: you have great attitude and with attitude like that you will be fine. Asha
  7. Katrina: in life 90% your attitude will define how that experience or situation is. I strongly feel you should give yourself credit for trying, so what it took 4 rounds to get things, but hey you got it done. life is struggle sometime, give a good fight. always look at somepositives that will you get you very far, who wants to be friends with depressed person. life is short enjoy every minute of it. Asha
  8. Slowe: sometime you do feel down about how life have turned around for you guys, but look at the blessings, hw far you both have come together, for me love and respect for my partner has increased 100 folds for me. I couldn't have come so far without him being on my side. celebrate each moment you got with each other. Asha
  9. hey stu: what a lovely surprise and I am so happy for you about you getting your driving back wow way to go buddy, sky is limit now. Asha
  10. HostAsha


    Susan: I missed your blogs too, and I am glad my blogging again made you happy, last week I was beeped off at the world too finally took out on my soulmate. Asha
  11. Donna: the weeks ahead are going to be real mixed, looking forward for new chapter in life and closing the one you led for past few years, I pray & wish you well for your next journey in the east coast. remember wherever you go, you still have your kristi & ur critters for you. nd now additional family members who will be ready to help out. your brother sounds like real Gem. Asha
  12. Shirley: you are lucky to have therapist who thinks you can do it and achieve that goal, so keep faith in him and you, you can do that, goal is to walk unaided, think about one free hand you get when you reach your destination. I stroked at 34, and would not use cane even though they sent me home with it, I never use it Asha
  13. HostAsha

    I loved your wonderful day on the beach and planning to make it one of mine this sunday. you both really had lovely day made me envy you guys, all that food is making me hungry. Asha
  14. Gary: as long as my blogs works I am okay and they work woohoo, much simpler for me now, but hey atleast you can blog so do that often. Asha
  15. Donna: I am so happy that you are moving to PA for the fact that I will be able to meet you and kristi now that you are little closer than AZ, I am sure Kristi will be fine and make great new friends, all will work out to your satisfaction, so what date exactly u are moving. now all be logistics of getting everybody here. al things will start to fall together, tell Kristi we all love her very much and things will be all fine. important thing is here in PA she still has you and critters and other benefits are added family members. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    I have returned

    Donna: great song, but why would you delete all your blog entries, I hope you kept copy for yourself to go back and look how far you have come and how you have handled things. I am kinda getting used to newme who is not that bad at all, rather she is better equipped in life now than previous immature Asha Asha
  17. hey Katrina: congrats for passing the test, ?& good luck for your next step, it is so good to see you happy about life, I am sure you are going to have lot of fun in your seminar, update us when u come back, and can't wait to see your picture in cap and gown. Asha
  18. HostAsha


    hey Mel: welcome back to world of blogging one more time. Asha
  19. hey RLT : I can identify with what you are saying, but I am also proud of the fact that even in tough situation like these, you are still making lemonade out of lemon, so make best out of every situation. & keep patting yourself that due to your strength things are still rolling, big feat to achieve. Asha
  20. Katrina: first and foremost do you know how great your smile is, keep on smiling even when things are not so good, cause you never know when they will turn around and you might have missed that happy moment by going into blue funk mood. I am sure you are going to do good in your test, study hard and leave rest in God's hands, You have so much to look forward to begining of college and getting degree, becoming independent, choices are unlimited, make best out of your situation. I told you there is one girl who even with being quadraplegic graduated from Harvard, and finished her phd. read her book "miracles happen" inspired me so much. Asha
  21. HostAsha


    BettyJean: thanks for update on your life, BTW water therapy is best for stregnthening of legs, maybe its time to get Jim in pool and walk in the pool. Asha
  22. Katrina: I can not add anything better than what Bonnie said, work on those things first and foremost forgive your mom and find happiness within you, forgiveness is gift you give to yourself not others. 2. I know for small fee redcross does transport people with medical needs to places, check them out, though they do require week's notice but I have found out they have reat volunteer drivers who does treat you good. 3. excelling in college and school is your ticket to freedom & great selfesteem. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Kimmie: I am glad you blogged again, it is better to put our thoughts on paper, I want to cry too, due to Diane's untimely death and what she endured during her last 2.5 years atleast now she is at peace and whole again on that rainbow bridge. hugs Asha
  24. George: I find all blogs very interesting to read not because they suggest some therapy & gizmos, I love to read them becauaw In each one of them I see resilience of human spirit, power to succeed even when things are not perfect, if you are healthy and going to fishing is one thing and u r struck with stroke and still trying to go for fishing is whole different story, that's the strength of not giving up to any adversity. so even if you write your life story, I know lot of people on this board will get motivated, I know I did. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    We're Still Here

    sktlwsk: great to see your update I was wondering about you, maybe you should go in fishing business with Sam, lady has some blessings in catching thise fishes. happy for her arm recovery, It is inspiring me to do more for my hand and arm. Asha