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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Rehab Revisited

    Ross: My deepest sympathy and condolences for your family, Diane was huge inspiration& great survivor on this site. she will be truely missed, she had such a great sense of humor and great love for her boys and you, oh man Ross I need a hug. Thank you so much for updating us and being great husband. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Rehab Revisited

    Diane: sorry for your trobles with NHC, work hard on yur physio, there will be huge difference in your quality of life with all small improvents added up together. Asha
  3. hey oregondreamer: sorry about your loss, but I am sure he is at better place today. Asha
  4. hey ricardo: wecome to blogworld, I am so happy you joined our blogworld, with attitude like that you will make so much difference in people's lives who r on their stroke recovery journey. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Closed Doors

    Fred: wow great blog, can you please blog more often, I 100% agree with you. I read lisa's blog first & then urs made my day, confirmed my beliefs in goodness of God. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Weepy Wednesday!!

    Lisa : it's okay to have these pity party once in while but allocate yourself timelimit for that pitypod , otherwise u will get big red ring on your behind, not a pretty sight. For me whenever I get onto my pitypod I just start counting my blessings in my head, and start thinking it could have been worst. Bad thing does happen to Good people. things might look hopeless today but who knows future, so don't destroy your now by thinking about future, do things in best of your ability and everything will turn out fine. lots of hugs, Asha
  7. HostAsha

    growing up

    hey Katrina: I 100% agree with phyllis, it is hard to learn this but it's fact happiness comes from within us, no outside forces can make you happy or sad, it's our attitude that defines each experience as bad or good. I used to sulk before that my hubby does not bring flowers on sspecial days, after my stroke I realized that it's not important at all, what is important that he is still by my side when I need him the most, point is now I go & buy flowers for myself cause that's what makes me happy. so if going to places like games ?& stuff makes u happy do it yourself rather than waiting for it to happen. life happens when you are doing something else. Asha
  8. hey mcsaul: I can not top what clag's wife told you, take it to heart and run with it, you still have lot to be thankful about, you still have loving husband, yes you have fallen right now but make lemonade out of your situation, for me stroke happened at age 34, but after 3 years I view it as blessings to strengthen my marriage, raise my only child well, and also I am now spending time in learning new field, still sometime struggle to find my passion, but as long as I am alive I know I will do good in raising my family. Asha
  9. hey Ruth: so happy for you having these great moments which I bet does give needed break from stress of caregiving, I loved arm wresling idea, I will sign up for left hand, I think I will ask my 10 yo to train me first. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    not good at the mo

    hi sinead: welcome to blog community, I am sorry you are in not a good place right now, we all go through good and not so good feelings in or stroke recovery, though for me looking at what I can do and how far I have come was big factor in coming out of not feeling so good phase. I know when we are in that selfpity mode we feel we are far worse off than so many others. but stick around here and you will find you still have so much. my husband tells me one thing which I try to repeat every day, yes we are fallen, but instead of crying about it, we have to make best out of our situation, and luckily he is still here with me to help me out from muck of self pity. lots of hugs, Asha (survivor at age of 34 now 37)
  11. hey kakii: you have done great, it does help realizing how far you have come, I looked at those days as bottom of my rollercoaster ride and all days from ther on will be up ride only.t's great to be alive Asha
  12. hey icebe: every entry is worth reading, I learn from each & every blog of people, how we all deal with togh situations in life. Asha
  13. hi RLT: I am so glad blogging helped you, I think ithelps every one differently, for me writing down all these things even fun with my son gave me so much happiness and knowledge of purpose I was filling, I think it's now time to buy your hubby cell phone such that you can talk more often . Asha
  14. HostAsha

    My day in ER

    hi Vi: so glad everything is okay with you, I hope you get your motorized scootor and start walking more to get out of that wheelchair. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Our Trip to St. Louis

    Lisa: tell Rachel to keep hope alive medical doctors don't know everything, there are so many alternative medicines which can help her 2, mayb we both can go to china for alternative medicine. Asha
  16. hey Gary: now you are going to be radio star personality, cool dude. cheers, Asha
  17. Susan: I agree with phyllis & Donna, yu will be making difference in these kid's life and earning some cash at the same time, & lucky it's not whole day so u still get ur laketime. Asha
  18. Kristina: first and foremost loved your verse, wow where did you get so much wisdon, you are way ahead of your peers. one more thing it is okay to be little jittery about move, but one important thing to learn in life which I learnt at 37 after stroke, don't let other push your buttons, find that happiness with inyou, you are the best daugter one can ask for, best person& very beautiful person it does not matter what size you are, what matters is inside which u got, I wish my son was little older I would love to have u as my daugter-in-law. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    quiet day

    Sue: I am glad you had great day on your birthday, I agree with you giving brings more happiness than receiving, you had great idea of sharing your birthday at dementia lodge. Ashs
  20. HostAsha

    Erin Hogan

    Hi Erin: your story hit the chord with me, I stroked at 34 felt very young at that time, I too is blessed to have amazing hubby & lovely son, it has been 3 years since my stroke, I am thankful of every day to be around my son & make a difference in his life. blogging n these site helped me a lot to fight over my pity partirs. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    That wasn't so bad!!!

    Lisa: I just have to say this Rachel is very lucky to have you guys as her parents, please update all of us about your findings. is Rachel in school or college yet? BTW I got very inspired when I read about quadraplegic women finishing her undergrad from Harvard and phD from stonybrook with supportive family. she wrote book "miracles happen" . Rachel has age on her side so don't let her disability stop her from achieving her dreams. Asha
  22. Hi Kakii: lots of hugs, sorry about you not feeling so good, though also in your next blog start counting your blessings, and see how good it will make you feel, we all have good days and bad days in life, not every day will be good day, even those size 2 models also have bad days, but it is important to realize you are not alone in your stroke journey, there are lot of us travelling with you, for me trying to look at the positive side in my stroke has made me quite strong and I feel great to be around others, and look at my disability as an inconvienance. Asha
  23. Lisa: I am so glad to welcome you wonderful addictive world of blogging, I have read your posts so know Rachel a whole lot, though I am blog junkie, I find blogging lot of fun and therupetic when you do it regularly, you can work out all your emotions, encourage Rachel to join us, there is Katrina who is also very young on this site. when stroke happens we all constantly ask ourselves why, but when we look back how far we have come and find blessings in our every day life, life feels lke full of miracles, I am sure Rachel is one of them, in my initial phase I was blaming God, but now I look back and thank God for giving me strength to come out from my dark days & appreciate life full of blessings. Asha
  24. Gary: I am in hihgly awe of Steve, and all the people who supported me through my initial days, I was so happy to find strokenet online where I no longer felt outcast or different from society, I felt part of the group, I know lot of people I have met here been able to move on, but at the same token I feel your presence and updates once in while gives all newbies hope of light at the end of tunnel, today I feel I am at better place but I would like to give that comfort to newbies who r still struggling to find end of the tunnel, and without this great site and lot of volunteers on here that would not be possible. nobody wants hardship in their life but once it happened this site is lighthouse of hope. Thanks for still being friend of ours. Asha
  25. Sue: Happy Birthday to you, I think you should celebrate your birthday at your home with family and friends and maybe you can assign one person to be incharge of Ray if he needs anything during celebration, you can get food delivered and cake ordered, I feel at home it will be easier for Ray too and he is part of big celebration. I too believe in now present, celebrate now than worrying about whatifs chances r things u r worrying abou won't even come true. Asha