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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. ouch George: sorry about your fall, lucky it bruised only your ego, falling is part of growing up, so we all can now claim we are grown up Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Happy Day

    hey Jane: Happy Anniversary to lovely couple with lovely kids and grandkids Asha
  3. Karen: love your attitude and kindness to be able to recognize these small things and not make big deal about it, we had same issues at our home, I do close the door, but I forget to lock it though it's same deal with me trying to close the door with one hand while holding mail in my mouthso locking becomes least of my problem at that time, though I try to come back to it to lock it, it is hassle. did I tell u I hate being disabled, but I also want to enjoy life at the same token. Asha
  4. Sue: such a lovely blogs, ir is great to see those golden moments in your life even when are sifting through sand, like Donna I also teared up with Ray's gesture what a lovely couple. you both are lucky to have each other in their life. we all should blog good , bad & ugly times. Asha
  5. hey Gary: nice article, and you look very handsome, now I know what you are busy in, wooing all the ladies in the neighbourhood. Thanks for giving life back to your blog, we do need bloggers like you who have paved the way for all newbies Asha
  6. Katrina: first and foremost I am proud of you attempting to go to state fair and enjoy like any other teenagers. I am sure it's difficult to enjoy when sometime you feel so inadequate, but focus on things you can do, you were able to get on those kiddie rides so what you were the last one to get in and out but you fact is you went is big deal, mom making big deal about waiting, I am sure she was frustrated at your friends for not showing up on time and not at you. It's easy to stay inside and give up, but God has given wonderful life for a reason, and whil e we are in his journey make it fun for everyone including yourself. Asha
  7. Karen: first and foremost I like and love your attitude, and I know fir sure, you by side of Rob, Rob will do wonderfully, your attitude sound just like my hubby, he likes to deal with problem at hand first rather worrying about future, with him by my side I can truthfully say I am able to enjoy my life one more time, my stroke was just little setback in life which allowed me to appreciate good times even more. so this new setback is just another curveball of life, and both of you together can conquer this. I am counting on seeing you both next time when I come to Alasksa lots of love & hugs Asha
  8. kristen: If Patrick does not have any vision defect then allowing him to drive will do so much for his self esteem, I drive only local ( less than 5 miles), and for for first 6 months drove with hubby, as soon as I started driving I saw world of difference in my attitude, now I have can do attitude for everything, once again I started participating in life. Asha
  9. Kristi: you are very good kid, your mom & you both r fortunate to have each other in their life Asha
  10. Sue: very interesting blog, I still give lot of credit to my family support for me to be able to survive and thrive., looks like I also have survivor instnicts. Asha
  11. Susan: way to go, it feels great to get some of the old things you used to love and now can do, makes everyone so proud of us. very proud of you Asha
  12. Hey Susan: Sorry to hear about your friends's loss, that's why I sometime feel life is so precious, enjoy each moment with your loved ones, we never know when it will be our last day, and while we are here, make the world little better place then you found it. God does act mysterious way isn't it, if we take a time to look at the ositives in every bad situation. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Pretty Good Week

    Bonnie: go and get that ride again & take a picture I want to see grandma getting pulled by 4 yr old with cast on his hand. having family is fun, & having loving family is fun with blessings. Asha
  14. Hi MadisonJane: erlcome to our tight knit blogging world, I ditto Donna's sentiments, I am survivor, but I can feel your pain of seeing your husband different, but I can tell you truthfully, he is still there,it's just little different now. I am sure in time you will create lot of new memories with new Wes, I look at my stroke as second chance to make best out of my life. Blogging I have found very therupetic. Asha
  15. Hey Sue: I agree with Ann about taking mini drives(vacations) rights in your neighbourhood, quick lunch out, going on beach for boardwalk, all heses small vacations willl also refresh you, can you get respite care to come with you on these mini vacation to help you in pushing wheelchair. hope you find peace and joy in your life journey, like it or not this is how it's going to be for a while. Asha
  16. Rich: I was getting worried not seeing your blog, so happy for you that acupuncture is working for you, my hopes for my own recovery is restored. great job. Asha
  17. Karen: I hope you get your answers from vascular surgeon, it saddens me sometime about why sh*t happens, but I think if it doesn't then we all b so constipated. I am sure since Rob is so hard working he will be back to his old self in no time. thanks or your tip about Alaska trip. hope to see you both in our next Alaska trip Asha
  18. Karen: so sorry to hear about Rob's stroke, lucky that it was in same area and not somewhere else. what does occulded artery means? and how do they fix it, Asha
  19. Ken: keep on working on your walk, it will happen, if AFO helps then do with AFO, just not been in wheelchair is big relief for every one, easy to go places, travelling everything becomes so easy without wheelchair Asha'
  20. HostAsha

    Mothers Day

    Natasha: kids like you make us mothers proud, Happy mother's day to you too. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Bud's Surgery

    Bill: glad to know your bud is doing great, no wonder ie is too one tough cookie just like his master. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Bad News...

    Susan: I will be lying if I say stroke does not scare me, but next good point to look at is isn't it great blessings that she does not have major problems after stroke, it's good doctors now try to get her health under control with different medicines. Hope you get all your problems sorted out. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    about me

    Natasha: thanks for your info, I am happy that you are recovering so well, practice makes it perfect, I know every little disability hurts, but let me tell you, you are very lucky girl, you will overcome this. having loving family is added bonus. keep working on your speech and your arm. I had stroked when I was 34 right after my pregnancy which left me paralysed on my left side, my left leg is doing okay such that I am able to walk not pretty though, hey but it's better than wheelchair, my left hand is still ov vacation. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    hey Diane: sounds like magic to me, but whatever works for your body is worth trying. Asha
  25. Susan: This is why America is still one of the best country to live in where we do have considerate people like you, I see another activist getting born right here on strokenet, decent healthcare for everyone. Asha