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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Ann: Thanks for sharing your caregiver meeting minutes with us, I learnt that I should implement similar techniques with my son who always protest if I sign him up for anything new though later on he admits he liked it, but his initial response always pushes me to corner and I swear I will never enroll him in anything new. let him learn life's lessons hard way. Asha
  2. hey Butch: welcome back, I am still around and wonder about you guys from time to time, but do think we are all moving forward in living our life with best of our ability with what we got, and making best out of our lemonade. glad your kids are doing great, Lisa is one gutsy lady moving with mother -in-law, I will not move in with my mom even if situation are bad though my mother-in-law was great, & I loved my time with her, my mom is different story. hope to see you more often around here. Asha
  3. susan: my son is still in elementary school, I am so looking forward to his middle school & high school years, hopefully will get to be involved in his school like elemantary school. you are amazing woman, after stroke able to deal with teenagers. I pull my hair with my 10 yr old who is giving me his tweeny attitude. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Living day to day

    hey Natasha: welcome to our blog community, Since I don't visit message board don't know much about you, so willappreciate if you tell me little about yourself in your next blog, your blogs will be my window in your world. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Prom report

    Marden: your blog made me wish I had girl, but I guess I will be proud parent of handsome dream date. I can picture your lovely Barbara in her lovely gown, carrying mom made purse. I bet it must be very proud moment for you. Asha
  6. Ellen: It's so great to see Denny is finding his passion for environment and now going to start bloging, tell him I will love to have him blog here too, it will be great for everyone. Asha
  7. hey Susan: glad your gatsby doing good, I will pray for your students, loosing parent at tender age is heartbreaking, but hopefully eventually everything will turn out to be good, okay. keep pestering your mom about TIAs, not to be taken lightly, yes we should not stop living, but atleast try to get bottom of it to avoid future sufferings. Asha
  8. Marden: congratulations on your 3rd stroke anniversary, & for your daugter's scholarship, about Northstar, something beter will come along Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Susan: for us summer vacation is still 50 days away, but for me not working, everyday is summer day if sun is shining. As I told you I love this site far too much to quit coming here Asha
  10. hey Janice : sorry about your loss, at any age loosing loved ones is sad, you will be in my thoughts and prayers, but up there we all goig to meet our loved on again. Asha
  11. Fred: that was beautiful, I am planning to leave blogworld but not you guys, I love this site and people associated with way too much to leave the site. it's just blogging I am going to stop, but you guys can't get rid of me that easily Asha
  12. Katrina: welcome to blogworld, since I know you, it would be helpful to others if you give little intro of you, your poems are wonderful, I am sure happy one will be something to look for. my 10 year old son wrote poem on me, not as good as yours but he is trying. lots of love Asha
  13. Bonnie: you finally found your blog, congratulations on your 4th anniversary, you are setting suc h a great example for all of us to follow. Asha
  14. hey Susan: once again great blog, great attitude, loved that line, we all get to get busy living again, once we do that pain of loss is not that great Asha
  15. HostAsha

    so close

    Marden: I like your attitude it sounds very similar to indian philiosophy, do your best anmd leave rest to God Asha
  16. MaryJO: I am so glad that you had great thursday, from your blog I can see just 4 hours by yourself does everybody such a great deal, I never before knew value of support system till I had my stroke, though during intense weeks my family rallied for me, afterwards I am lucky to have amazing hubby and this support site. keep on blogging, I have noticed writing it down has done me whole great deal Asha
  17. Anne: your mammogram was too much information for me, but at the same token I am looking forward to getting older gracefully, I am not worried about hanging breasts anymore, after my stroke, i guess these are some of the positives of the stroke. Asha
  18. Kelly: I am big pusher of getting your PFO closed, it's easiest operation in the world, Ifeel so angry sometime that I did not find b4 or else we would have done that procedure first than rather having another stroke, you get discharg from hospital within a day, and will only have bruise mark on your thigh from where catherization is done for few days, that's t, go for it, I am not even going to pray for you, it's simplest procedure of all time. I did mine after 4 months of my stroke(I waited that long to be mobile). you can PM me anytime if you have any concerns, though I will insist to you don't have any concerns about it. Asha
  19. HostAsha


    BettyJean: loved your blog, I keep on telling my kido about how we grew up with so much limited resources and still had fun while growing up, now fortuinately he has lot more due to his parents but still happiness is within us, those toys don't bring happiness, I think it's too big of lecture for him to understand now at 10 Asha
  20. Mary Jo: In our Hindu religion we believe in cremation, and I feel it's so much better approach than funeral, rather than wasting that much space, and anyways soul lives on even after body is gone, so I will root for cremation, and anyway that person will be always in our thoughts, I don't need tombstone to visit love Asha
  21. Susan: I am so happy you get to attend all these things, I know for me now just attending my kid's concert brings so much joy in my life, I am so content that day. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Susan: I agree with Donna, it's family background can impact cholestrol, I am vegatarian, don't eat whole lot fried stuff, don't smoke, don't drin coffee or tea still had high choloestrol, I exercise 4 days in a week, so I don't know any other way to lower my cholestrol except to kep eye on it. Asha
  23. BettyJean: your story indeed freaked me out, but your thoughts about him/her being guardian angel calmed me down Asha
  24. cute name, my son has ben after us with all emotional blackmail about he wanting dog.I am trying to do deaf ear but it has been hard Asha
  25. Ann: I respect your outlook on life, it's neither taking things lightly nor seriously just right way, that's why I love this website, I see all kinds of people, and their dealin with life. Asha