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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    hey hotone(Kristina) you look so beautiful) if i were u mom, wouldn't have allowed to go alone anywhere(hehehe), beautiful dress. Asha
  2. George: people will say both ways, I have seen some, so do what you think is right for your family, do these because you want to, cause this could be turn out to be as thankless job. Asha
  3. Lucy: I agree with yin completely, live life to best of yur ability, by worryng about how you are going to die, you will be wasting your present which is still yours, do what you love to do today, laugh more often, volunteering right in your neigbhourhood will also bring same joy you might get by going to Africa. Asha
  4. Ken: are you sure your wife keeps her hand on your hips for supporting you incase you fall, oris she checking you out :big_grin: I know you will walk unassisted pretty soon, if I was gambler I would have loved to bet on that one. Asha
  5. Mary Jo: I don't know too much about you, but I will tell you one thing we all sre responsible for our actions, I am glad you recognized that and stayed sober, one more thing people are great but they also have opinion about others, you should do what is right for you and Bill, rest of the comments just roll off your back, don't let it get to you, recognize that youknow ehat is best for Bill, and doing best of your capability, people like to pass judgements on others, it is most easy thing to do, the best thing is to ignore ognorans. Asha
  6. Dave: I was choked up reading your blog, reading your journey and experiencing my own journey I know for sure God does know how much we can take it, for you riding that bike is your life and I am so glad God didn't take away that from you, having wonderful family by side is the greatest hope and joy above all, everytime I look at my family, feel so proud and lucky to be in their life, kudos to your Michele and my Mahesh. love Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Kristina: congratulations for being selected in talent show, you are one talented girl. and Aunty Asha who is from India is so happy that you find all guys immature, wish you were my daughter, so don't do any hanky panky till you get married okay? right now is time to excel in school and studies, rest will all follow, what are your future plans? my son is 10 yr old, so I am trying to get train with you on dealing with teenager issues, so educate me okay. sorry haven't read that book, but will put hold on it now that you want reviews from us. yours Ashaaunty .
  8. HostAsha

    It works!

    so happy for u and sympathetic for Ross now cause you will be telling him to shutup all the time, I am going to try your lastic trick on our son sincee he loves to say b*tt all the time. so happy for you. Asha
  9. hey Dave: that awesome chick of yours has ton of patience with you too, I better not give manual of our product, you will go nuts with assumption we take about users but hey I hope atleast your brain learnt lesson today to not follow directions to the core and use your own ideas too. Asha
  10. Diane: I will wish and pray this device to give back your speech. I can understand having problems in communicating must be so frustrating, when you know what needs to be said, is this device is similar to what Steve has been using? Good luck, and will be eagar to hear your updates on how it has been helped. Asha
  11. Fred: so sorry for your loss, you will be in my thoughts and prayers, but looks like these couple was bonded for life and death. Asha
  12. Ellen: It's so wonderful to see Denny take on to his passion again, this will bring out something good for whole community, back him up, I read stories like these and Christopher Reeves, my heart fills up with pride, I no longer feel inadequate being disabled, if these is what is called disabled, then I would call all able bodied people disabled. quote by Robyn williams. Asha
  13. HostAsha


    Marty: glad to have you back, your dilemma is pretty real, but I think I will agree with Donna, keep the both. so glad our James bond is back. Asha
  14. Sherri: it feels so great to see your blog, belated Happy Birthday, I feel same way with my hubby, such a great soul, we are lucky to have great partners like our husband, that does lesson the impact of stroke though. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Don't Quit

    Hey David aka Josh: welcome to our blog community, stick around and enjoy all the blogs through which we see the personalty emerging, I alrady know you have gtrat never give up attitude, Itoo stroked at 34, but stroke made my marriage way stronger. Asha
  16. phyllis: e-mail it to me too. Asha
  17. Dave: I love that quote, it makes m regroup my resolve to not back down from the path I want to follow, be it in volunteering or learning something new. hey you are way too articulate and intelligent for me to comment any smart comments. I just love your hougts and your attitude. Asha
  18. Susan: that's wonderful, pat yourself everytime you can do something new post stroke, I also sometime have incontinency problem, not whole lot, but I sometime use sanitary pad to feel secured, over the time it has become better, but now I go as soo as I have first urge don't wait for the last minute cause I know it takes me time to reach it to bathroom, and handle everything with 1 hand Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Easter Weekend

    Vicky: that so great you are still venturing out into new fun things even after your stroke I get inspired to do more reading your blogs Asha
  20. George: I feel so happy that you posted this article today, I was planning on having pity party, but changed my mind after reading your blog. thanks, Asha
  21. Bob: Happy first anniversary, you are great survivor, loved your way of looking at your first year post stroke, it took me 3 years to look at my stroke that way. I am sure your coming years will keep getting better. I sometime feel so hored to be on these wonderful site and opportunity to meet great people like you. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    you are strong

    Kerry: I used to feel the same way when anybody said that to me, and I think did blog about it, I am going to give Jean's answer which had comforted me for long time, sometimes in situations like ours people don't know what to say, so they say those things, instead of taking negatively think of what they are saying is they sure can't do what you are able to do, I feel all of us have been thrown with some burden in life, it's our attitude which will make tht burden look hard or easy, I sure hope Jean gives you great word of wisdom. Asha
  23. Annie: I hope you are feeling better, hope you are able to line up someone for Bill's care, it's indeed scary, so caregiver should never fall sick Asha
  24. hey Shadow: welcome to blogworld, it's our tight knot family we would love to know your first name, I stroked at 34, and felt I was peak of my career, but at the same token I was ignoring my family life, after stroke I realised hard way that at work they can replace me, but in my family, i will be very hard to replace mom and wife, so I know my purpose, we all are spared for reason, in these whole cosmos we matter, I am glad you don't have too many defiets from job, maybe you would like to consider different job like in health care or in nonprofit organization, where our actions matter in the big picture, I have started volunteering at redcross, and I know for sure that if I pursue it further I might get a job in it, but I like being stay at home mom. Asha
  25. Sherry: you are indeed a SURVIVOR, I still remembred your first blog when you were at your wits end about him leaving you, and look at you now, you passed that hurdle so wonderfully, and doing so much better, and you are so right from every adversity something good does come out, it's just we don't look at that good thing, since we r still nursing ur wounds, I am glad you are doing so god. gift of life is precious thing, and you are here on earth for some purpose so march on. Asha