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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. hi ruth :

    click on'> enter your user name & select flash  & then click on connect button a chat window will show u & in ledt side of window you will see room click any rrom you want to enter

    & you wil have option to select join room or refresh select join room  & you wil be in that room to chat with other chatters. hope this instructions help & we will see you soon in our chatroom.



  2. strokewife :


    you write so well, are you writer ? I love & enjoy reading your blogs very thought provoking & fun to read blogs. I knew Cinderella story & now love it more thanks to your backstory about how attitude matters in  our every day life. Being survivor is not easy but thanks to caregivers & spouses like you we survivor thrive in our post stroke journey. I hope to meet you one day in our chatroom



  3. Debbie :


    seven years wow happy seven year anniversary hope none of you have any itch lol. I still remember your comment to my post when you were so overwhelmed by so much happening around you & wondering when will be bruce independent like me, & now I already see that. you both have paid your due in this post stroke journey, now its just time to enjoy ride.



  4. Strokewife :


    I really appreciate the amount of work caregiver has put it in getting home to little bit of normalcy to all us survivors. I still think & say God knew what he was doing when I suffered stroke & not my hubby, I don't think I would have that inner strength to hold the fort till he recovered his bearing like he did. As a caregiver you have to step out of your comfort zone so many times & accomplish things. I sometime feel I got easy deal in this our stroke saga. I seriously feel all caregivers who decided to stay by their survivor are our guardian angel. u r so right had we known troubles of teenagers  no one in right mind would have gone on having kids lol. seasoned caregiver on this site had her signature caregiving is not for sissies & I can fully agree with her while raising our only teenager child & he is saint most of the days lol.




  5. hi strokewife :


    I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling right now. but things will not be same like it today & it will improve. though I will also suggest one thing for you to do as a caregiver which will help your survivor & yourself. please get your survivor to help you in any household chores which he can do safely like laundry, paying bills, anything he can help you out. It has two fold benefits, one is it will help one less item from your overflowing to-do list.  and it builds survivors broken self esteem. So it is win win situation for every one involved. post stroke is all about life being different  though its not good or bad it will be just different. I am sure once you do that you will love the laundry day.



  6. Jay :


    I am so happy  you are doing this voluntary work & I can so relate with that patients commet how he wish to never see you again lol. thats was so truthful emotions we all had when we released from hospital after long time, but I am sure will remember & bless you after finding their new normal at home. you are truly blessings wherever you decide to go in your life's journey.



  7. Hey carol I can so relate and understand what u r saying I went through similar trouble accepting my new normal hell I was perfectly happy with my old life loved my job friends had great family I did not ask for this abrupt change in life used to hate psychologist who once told me life wil be different after stroke she forgot to say not good or bad it will b just are thrown this curveball in life and only choice u have is how will u respond to it I strongly feel happiness is a choice and just because how u accomplish certain things in life does not diminish its worth. So for me I feel life is more meaningful and won't take a single thing for granted anymore. You have to make best lemonade possible out of lemons life gave u Asha

  8. strokewife :


    wow you are gifted story teller & love love your analogy of broken angels. you had great caregiver your mom in your life so your husband is so fortunate to have u in his life. with caregivers like that very soon your broken angel will b fixed & you guys will b able to create & enjoy your new normal.




  9. Sandy :


    wow what you created is so beautiful. I was never artistic person & after stroke with no left hand not even incline to learn it though tried hand at water color painting & felt aggravated  that I was spoiling nice white paper so I  sticking with getting joy out of learning analytical things like accounting, economics, I guess once a herd is always nerd even after stroke lol.



  10. congratulations Pam. life is journey with period of good & bad time. we just have to hang in till tide changes. I believe in something better is going to come out of this dark period I just can't seem to find it right now, but God has been always kind to me has shown me through out my journey everything happens in your life for your good only, its just that with my limited knowledge not able to see best is yet to come



  11. Such a beautifully written blog. It should be required reading to all doctors & future generation of kids who wants to become doctor. I am going to make my son & his friends read this blog since they all are in premed track. reading your blog I can imagine what my husband must have endured when I was going through my ER drama.



  12. Strokewife :


    so so loved your blog. I know first year is the hardest of all for every one involved, & it does test limits of every one & their relationship. no wonder so many marriages break apart or become stronger due to adversity in life. or survivors wanting to give up & commit suicide. I know I was there I never thought I could endure that first year, I truly hanged on my caregiver's strength during that first year till I found my own. I remember hubby telling me to hold on  tight & don't get drown in this sea of despair. things will change, nothing lasts forever good time or bad times, I am so thankful I believed in him & his words. & held on tight by his collar lol.  & now today after 12 years on this post stroke journey I feel stroke as just speed bump in our life's journey it slowed me down to enjoy scenery along the way.  I am grateful to be around my family & friends,  & life is more meaningful today than it ever was before.  enjoy this extra day to build special memory with your loved ones. I felt stroke was lowest point of Ferris wheel in our life's journey now ride is going up. so enjoy it together,things r going to become better. you can still enjoy life after stroke just little differently than before.  As a caregiver make sure to make your husband as independent as possible more he does for himself & family its better for him & you. you can get your well deserved break & he will feel great about being still around.



  13. hi carol :


    you write so well, and you are so well on your journey of acceptance. I feel you already know what I learnt  in my stroke journey. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved. I never knew so much of my self worth was attached to what I did  and how much money I made prestroke. I never thought I would find joy in living again, wanted to strangle any one who would tell me it will get better life will be good again just little different. man used to drive me to wall with anger. Today after 12 years on this post stroke journey I myself feel stroke was just a speed bump in our life's journey. It slowed me down to enjoy scenery along the way. life is just different today not good or bad who would have thought just doing those ordinary things with your family along with able to go to bathroom on your own without audience is so extra-ordinary.


    I found blogging, chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. Also having routine is must to find happiness again. Also being impatient nature also helped me become as independent as I could. I feel having stroke made me better mom & wife. t made my marriage stronger. hope to see you around more since I m official blog junkie they have saved me many times. they provided strength to fight on when sometime you feel weak to go on.


    Asha(46 year old survivor)

  14. hi strokewife :


    welcome to best online stroke support group, & blogging is best therapeutic hidden jewel of this site. reading your blog brought so many of memories of my initial stroke years when hubby & family spent time on that recliner chair  & watching herd of nurses & doctors coming  & going from our room. I agree with Sue I won't call stroke survivor victim yes I felt like victim when I was sitting &  crying in sidelines. I think real  journey begins of stroke survivor when they come home & reclaim their life back with best of their ability. life after stroke is just different not good or bad its just different. I know in the begining months I depended heavily on my husband's & family strength & support till I found my footing back. I found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for y soul. would love to meet you more in those venues.


    Asha (now 46 year old & 12 year old stroke survivor who ofcourse on some days feel like warrior)

  15. Pam :


    I am glad you found great friend in your roomie even though some of your tastes r different you are both bringing joy in each others lives. I pray you find right medications for your pain then life will be on even keel again

    keeping you in my prayers.

