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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Sue: As a non christian didn't know good meaning of easter, your poem (essay) makes easter really special to me also, Happy Easter to you and your family. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    good week

    hey Kimmie: It's good to know your walking is improving due to AFO, and your son's life is starting in great gear, that's so wonderful, I sure hope those 2 god news will outweigh your malpractice news. Asha
  3. phyllis: I don't have to watch charlie chaplin just read your blogs and stunts at the store gives me enough laugh. I know now which job I should not apply for, I don't consider myself short but with left side paralysed reaching things from tall shelf has become harder, but luckily have tall hubby. Asha
  4. hey Bob: have you considered closing your PFO with catherization procedure, it's most noninvasive and riskfree operation, and you get so much out of it, no more worries for TIAs or stroke again. mine we closed 6 months after my stroke, and since then I have no need to worry about anything, I am going to play with my grandkids. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    My World

    Kelly: I am so glad you joined our blogworld, you will see the great benefits of blogging, it not only helps yourself also others, I think of blogging is gift you give it to others but in turn it helps you immensely. When I stroked just after my pregnancy at age 34, they would not give me tpa worrying I would bleed to death, tell you I resented that action for years, but now I have made peace with it, it was my destiny, I got lot due to my stroke, I realized greatness of my family, my marriage became very strong, I am glad to be home with my son, and enjoying activities with my family, though I enjoyed my work too, but hey they can replace me, but atleast as mom and wife I am still needed, I lost my left hand due to stroke but guess what I wasn't using much anyways. these days I am happy, content, and doing what I will love to do, I am doing all kind of courses I would love to take before but never had time. my blogging helped me deal with my depression, anxiety. BTW I have 10 year old son too. Asha
  6. MaryJo: welcome to our blogworld, sympathy to your whole family for loss of your stepdad. now since you know, you will become pro in posting, would love to know more about you through your blogs. Asha
  7. hey Ken: happy 3rd anniversary, I also passed my 3 year mark 2 months ago, life is different now but nonethless fun. glad you are doing great in your walking, I came from rehab using cane, but was determined not to use cane, so I never used it, and now officially not using AFO for more than 6-8 downside is people still bump into me, and down I go. happy easter. Asha
  8. hey Dave: repetion is key I hear in learning anything, that's why leg comes first, since we walk on our 2 legs all day long, if I walked like animal, my hand would have come back too, but I am very for you, you are learning all the notes, my kido will loose for sure, he is not doing any practices. yor awesome chick is very kind and awesome. Asha
  9. Susan: that's wonderful, I also believe in seizing every oppotunity you get, life is too short to have any regrets, hope you get the opportunity your heart is desiring, give your best shot to it, but if it does not work out think whatever happens happens for good. Asha
  10. Yin: I had missed Annie's blog, but after reading hers and yours my belief has reinforces, that it does not matter that I am not 100 % busy at all times, but I am spending and doing things which are making huge difference in quality of our life, I feel lucky for having stroke, I am having cake and eating it too. I bet you will be very busy next week entertaining your guests, hopefully your son comes too, it will be great easter vacation for you all. cheers, Asha
  11. Marden: good luck with your new frontier, due to great folks like you, lot of others will benefit too, keep us updated on your recovery. Asha
  12. HostAsha


    Betty Jean: congratulations, keep your tough love going, and make Jim walk inside house, if he is unsure let him use cane but get him moving, once confidence builds up, add outside walks too. tell him by walking he will be sparing your back, and you guys will have more wonderful years together. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Just another day

    hey Amy: this is wonderful news, it took me close to 2 years before venturing into watching movis though my taste have changed, no longer I like chickflicks, I like dramas now. congratulations on your steady progress in accepting new you. Asha
  14. HostAsha


    hey Dave: I am sorry for you onstant companion, but everytime it hts you, think that you can take this, but think about somebody far worse off than you, and this is cross fit for you only. like mine is "looka ma no left hand" Asha
  15. HostAsha

    John Doole

    hey John: I too stroked at 34 in feb 2004, and had PFO which I got it closed in june 2004, I was angry,sad for a year or two, due to this site and blogging on these site my acceptance journey has become tad bit easier. I feel I am back in the game of life though I am not working anymore, but I am creating new identity for myself which is not defined by what I do for living, I am proud mom,wife, and just Asha Asha
  16. hey Mema: I almost flipped looking at the title of your blog, and reading contents of your blog reinforced my feelings about worrying, as a parent I too worry about my son, but I think all I can give him is stable home, love and education, rest will be his destiny. Asha
  17. hey George: loved your blog, going to implement that 93% in our life thanks for great life lessons you give us. love u(hope lesley won't mind it)(love reading your blogs) Asha
  18. HostAsha

    He's so strong

    Cindy: I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, it's great to see caregiver blown away by survivor perservence, feels good, I bet he is also blown away with your desire to be by his side. Asha
  19. phyllis: I am happy that message board wasn't working, and we got beautiful piece from you. Asha
  20. hey Bill: Happy 2nd anniversary, yes you lost a lot, but look how far you have come and that to by your own strength, your own apartment, your own car, managing your health and appointments. I truely admire your strength, I know I would have not been able to handle it all by myself, the day I started setting up my doctor's appointments were the proud day for me, and I don't have speech problems. you are truly inspiration to all nnewbies and oldies alike Asha
  21. Kristen: I know the frustration of not able to drive, for years I was not llowed to drive, ven today I am not supposed to drive but finally hubby relented me driving local, it felt so great driving again, his argument to me was it's weapon, you can hurt someone, or you getting seriously hurt, and if you want to go anywhere I will come, and he did for 2 years, even going to kido's school for volunteering, he would come early and take me, that's why I think I have married angel. tell Pareick it's going to happen when he is seizure free till then you ar his chauffer. Asha
  22. Amy: I agree with phyllis, sometime bad things just happens, you need to accept those and not ruin your present by thinking and sulking on what we lost, but grab today that's what we have, enjoy it today bcause tomorrow even this day will be gone. as I said in my blog, we all have destiny, and only control we have is how we react to situation. I have seen that element growing in you since you started blogging here. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    A Couple of Sundries...

    Lucy: congratulations on your unaided walk, keep it up, and it will become easier and easier, I am sure you will achieve your goal of walking to gym unaided. glad you had great talk with your son, your both sons sounds like great guy, hopefully even my only kido will turn out like that. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Yin: I agree with you completly, I will stop calling troke strok demon even in jokes, I indeed feel it was my stroke of luck, I would have gone through life without taking time to enjoy my family and friends, and return on investments is huge. hey our prenials are coming out, spring is here. BTW do you have yahoo id where sometime I can pick your brain Asha
  25. HostAsha

    Great Day!

    hey Susan: glad you had wonderful 2nd anniversary, just reading your blog made me relaxed. Asha