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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Hi Madonna: wecome to our blog community, I love blogging on these site and hopefully know whole lot about your feelings, your sister and everything trough your blogs, un fortunately I don't visit message board that often so not familiar with your story, but now due to this blogwindow will learn tidbits of your life. BTW is Madonna your real name? Asha
  2. hey Dave: anything you can do and not sulk in bed feeling bad about our life is therapy in itself. I am glad you found recorder, I bet you will give my son run for his money with your dedication and practice. Asha
  3. hey Robyn: another great wisdom I learnt last weekend from our spiritual teacher, we live life according to our destiny, but we all have freewill of choices which will move our life in different direction, and I am sure Jane took wrong decision to steer her life in different direction, but at the same token look at bright side in every situation. I am so happy for you. Asha
  4. Robyn: I am so happy that you updated us about your life, I knew it you will be fine, if you would give yourself chance to move on with life, I still feel it was Jane's big loss, why worry about why it happened, just be sure whatever happens it happens for best of you and your family's interest. I am glad you met loving partner who is involved in your child's team. kids do pretty well when parents are coaches or involved in their life, my son loves soccer, no activity should conflict with his soccer and ski Asha
  5. HostAsha

    I'm being herded!

    Yin: I don't have pets, but I was thinking maybe you want to move her food tray to the right side of your house such that she does not trip you. Asha
  6. hey Susan: Happy Anniversary for tomorrow, as years goes by, it becomes easier and easier to enjoy life and fulfill our purpose on these planeet earth with best of our ability. have great day tomorrow, I m sure next year you will be partying out "Thank God I am alive Party" best wishes and love Asha
  7. Amy: It was so great to see your blog and your outing with your daugter seeing concert together, I just think of great memory buildings for your daugter and get chills, reading your blog made me realize how lucky we are to have this second chance with our loved ones. Thanks Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Just thinking today

    hey Amy: I am so glad you started blogging your internal thoughts, you are on right track. I remember me initially blogging to make just one person get courage and humor from my blog, and next thing I found out how immensely it helped in my own acceptance journey, coming in terms to love newme and start living and enjoying life to the best of yourability, and that is the true nature of us human being Asha
  9. Sherry: It's natural to grieve for what you lost, I bet talking with him set off those feelings for you, BTW I just want to tell you these things things do change and it will become better, I am confident in your future blogs I will be reading stories of loving man who completes you and is your soulmate. Anyway you have to give gift of HOPEE to yourself and that is the meaning of innerstrength. things will be better, you can get through these ups and downs. Asha
  10. HostAsha


    Donna: could not agree more, just for that itself I can go on enjoying my life Asha
  11. Leslie: I am so glad you joined our blog community, I always learn so much from caregivers, we all urvivors feel quite independent, but I am sure lot of added responsibilities have been added on caregivers shoulders. once again Welcome Asha
  12. HostAsha

    This far

    hey Kristina: can I suggest topic for your speech, how would you handle when roles are reversed in household after stroke, I know you did not dwell on it, just did your part to get household goin, but it has to be tough job, and you are one tough girl just like yor mom, BTW you also look like your mom. I like your chat idea can I be fly on wall to listen in, I told yor mom AshaAunty would love to know all the gossip. I think I need to grow up. Asha
  13. hey Susan: I just heard the news they found biy, and he is weak, small world, so happy for parents. Asha
  14. George: I am sucker for positive thoughts philosophy, so loved your blog, I love your wife's saying hiding behind disability, I know I sometime like to do that shame on me. Thanks for uplifting message Asha
  15. HostAsha


    hey Susan: Belated Happy Birthday, I don't have Bessy's creativity to come out with wonderful give me S for sassy, and on and on it goes, but friends and family do make Birthday special. glad you had great weekend woohoo for you. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    phyllis: It was so hard t understand your entry about why you are beeping at every sentence, till I read Jeans comment, and laughing since then Asha
  17. HostAsha

    A down day

    AJ: you are indeed blessed to have such a wonderful wife no wonder you call her awesome chick, amd still have physical ability, that's awesome one more time God never gives anyone more than they can handle. Asha
  18. hey George: I am not sure how I missed wonderful passage about positive thoughts, I believe in whole heartedly, it's like Like attracts like yu are indeed inspirational in your thoughts, I would look forward to your more profound blogs than just gizmo and gadget updates. Asha
  19. HostAsha


    Hey Mel: congratulations on successful Health Fair, you indeed have qualities of leader to do these kind of event all alone, I agree life just gets better with older we get, and wisdom we get from maturity, I am loving my late thirties. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    1st blog!!

    Hi : I am so glad you joined our blogworld, now we will get perspective of our stroke effects on our lovely children, I have 9 yr old boy, he was 7 when I stroked at 34, as from mom point of view, I would want my son to enjoy every day of his life and not get bothered by me or my need or my stroke,and I bet your mom wants the same for you, I have done same melodrama infront of my kido that I want to die, but generally he hugging me and comforting me, brings me back to my senses that my purpose on these planet earth is not done yet, so tell your mom you need her here, on all your accomplishments and on your wedding day. Good luck for your talent show. BTW you did great fo the 1st time in publishing your blog Asha
  21. Kelly: great plan, and good luck to both of you, enciurage your father to do everything for himself, it's great esteem booster and reality checker for him Asha
  22. Sue: I agree with everyone about book suggestion, I bet all the caregivers in the world can identify with your thoughts and won't feel lonely Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Still stepping

    Amy: keep repeating that Rocky song all day long, and everytime you do something which you couldn't do before congratulate yourself about that accomplishment, feel proud of that newme, and say you will do achieve something more tomorrow. even if it is less depndent on someone, take a note of it, be proud of that new Amy, love her, it's still you in there with just less ability. Asha
  24. Ellen: your party looks like fun and I am gonna take my next vacation in Arizona where I can join the party. Can you plan our NJ party too. Asha
  25. Hi Lesley: I loved your blog and your part of the story, feel like I know George better now through Leslie's eyes, yes you have married a giant gizmo guy who will push hard for his recovery and along the way motivate others too, As Jean says you can get account here, and start blogging too, it will be fun to read your side of a story. I like your viewpoints about happy pill, for a year or so I thought of ridiculing them, but after taking them and seeing great attitude change in me, makes it worth every penny. Asha