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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Help Wanted

    hey Yin: my yang (hubby) is very organized person so me not being organized still works, though I am incharge of kid's activity,schoolwork and our mail,what works for me is calender book where I put entries for my son's activity, so that has been taken care of now, though another mail things which works for me, is we have all direct payments, so we never miss the payments nd 1 st rule I follow is csort out mail as soon as I get, and I used to file it before which was equivalent to just dropping in the right folder in office but now I kep it on daybed in office where hubby once a week reviews it and then files it. Now I am thinking about this new business venture which I want to pursue and for that I still need to set up my new office room with filing cabinet. 1. sort out mail same day and file them same day. hope this helps, Asha
  2. Mel: I agree completely with Jean, after all her mistaks and everything she is still your mother and hey say blood is thicker than water, so in my opinion between family members you should always be bigger person and frgive and forget, she migh have done what she had based on her valid reasons. Listen to Jean Asha
  3. hey Amy: maybe your depression pill dosage must be adjusted, I know once mine got adjusted, life became bearable one more time, and I am glad they have these happy pills out there. I don't have any other great ideas except start writing your gratidude list. Asha
  4. hey AJ: I am so happy for you, you are able to train on those wheels and able to do what you were passionate about. I am sure if you keep following awesome chick's rule, you will do fine cognatively too. Asha
  5. Hi Kelly: welcome to blogworld, writing down your thoughts doe sort out lot of conflicts. Asha
  6. Sherry: you are indeed survivor, I know you will do great, and as Yin says give yourself year of time is very good idea, and when you meet a new guy it will be for keeps, the guy who is no afraid of disability is treasure Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Hey Al: welcome to our blogworld, I ditto Dickons thoughts about anger, I too stroked at 34 though in 2002 I had TIA after miscarriage and that doctor would not listen to my complaints & told me I am imaging things, he was following MS path and doing all those tests, though I went to other neurologist who atleast thought it could be TIA but did not send me for right test, and I decided to become pregnant, and everything went wrong in my pregnancy, I was angry for a while, but I realize by doing tht I am not enjoying my present and my new me, I stil have lot to be thankful about, So I decide sometimea bad things just happens, and it wil be my attitude towards bad situation will define me as a person, so I have decided not to look behind but rather look ahead, and I am enjoying my life right now with my angel hubby and my kido I follow only few rules 1. it could have been worse 2. there are many people far worse off than me 3. this is my hand in life and I am going to play best I can and make myself and my family proud lots of love Asha
  8. Hey adchill: welcome to our blogworld, I would love to know your first name, we have lot of similarities except that I am able to accept and love newme and I am sure you will do, Blogging here was my biggest contributor in reaching that happy place. Ok I was software engineer before my stroke and I too lost baby just a day after delivering her, and day later boom I got stroke, what helped me most was to realize in dealing with death of my daughter is that at no point I would have been able to handle my child's disability by getting glimpse at my disability. Saying that what also helped me getting in rhythm of life and celebrating each and every thing I can do in my blog, I do have amazing hubby, and funny 9 yr old son who have made my journey back intersting. After 3 years today I am very involve in my child's school and also volunteering at redcross and our temple, which all gives me purpose and thing to look forward to. start making your gratitude list, or write a blog counting your blessings Asha
  9. oh wow AJ: your awesome chick will be so proud of you, and you are right that law was passed for people with physical disability so I am off the hook except cooking and dishes which I like since I m feeding my family with my cooking and my kido loves my cooking. BTW when are you coming to NJ, even our house needs cleaning Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Breath Deeply

    Ann: I love all blogs but I love reading all caregivers blogs, their handling of situation and in our blogworld we have 3 caregivers who blog and each of you have distinctive styl of handling problem, you got real down to earth handling of situation, and play the hands best way you can, remind me of my hubby's handling of situation. Asha
  11. Sue: wow you had busy week, and I wondered how come Sue hasn't blogged yet, now understood, I agree with everyone getting your son involve in household chores is very good idea. Hope Ray's strength and willingness to help in household chores comes back again. Asha
  12. Susan: you are so lucky to being working with such sweet tenagers crowd, man I am getting old when you are young you can laugh on anything, life is just about fun, lucky that you are surrounded in that environment day in and out. That's why I love to do those silly fights with my kido makes me still feel young at heart. Asha
  13. Hey George: the way I added pictures were goto member links pull down men and select my controls, on left side there is gallery, you can create your album there upload pictures there everything, though I have seen some people posting pictures in their blog, and I don't know how to do that, but if you want to do that, I can try digging around some more. BTW I love your philosophy about life, I have noticed myself hand does get better every time Asha
  14. HostAsha

    Pat me Back!

    Hey AZrabbit: your yard sounds so beautiful, maybe you should post picture in gallery, I don't know why but I have that pull to meet you and first opportunity I will get to meet you and Denny, I am going to grab it, you have that kind heart personality. I agree with Denny's verdict , you should pat our back many times from my side too . Asha
  15. Sherry: I will agree with Jean's suggestion, redorate your house the way you like it, it is your house, and you are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom who is so supportive of you, start making small goals, and start fulfilling thm, and when you do those pat your back, we all have God within us and that inner strength in us to get through any adversity thrown at us. BTW I used to feel same way about medications that what have I become nutcase, but at one point I realized that depression was way worse than my stroke, and if there is help availabe why not take it, and as soon as I got adjusted to right dosage, it felt so much better, I felt normal again, no more broken one feeling, now I am working on my goal to get rid of them completely. I am happy that I took depression pill for a while made my life easy, I feel I am making real great post stroke life for me Asha
  16. Lucy: I am sorry you are feelig hurt so lots of hugs, you should defintely ask for your down payment and wonder aloud the money you contributed in mortgage payment was that rent for letting you stay with them. As Jean says have faith, you will realize once you have your own place, you feel much better, and I bet your confidence wil zoom up, you can find rental to your son's place and decorate your on apt the way you want it, I see these smakk tiffs about not liking your style in every household including my mom's tiffs with my brother's family, my mom is one strong lady at age 62 she works harder than any of us combined, she does babysitting in my brother's house in the walkout basement. She wants to be occupied every moment of our life, Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Sad day

    George: My prayers are with you and your family, you are s right about there is no guarantee on life, just cherish each moment you got with your loved ones Asha
  18. Mel: I am glad you are writing here even if it is ti let out anger, I realizeI still have lot of good qulities to gather, which will be so benefacial for my family, and I love the other viewpoint you get from others who can think calmly, so don't feel bad for blowing up Asha
  19. Mel: I am really sorry on the behalf of my blogworld that we did not PM you, but until you posted blog from hospital I wasn't even aware of you being in hospital, and to my defence you are not one of the regular blogger, such that I start missing and wondering, people come and blog when they please so it is hard for me to distinguish what has stopped them from blogging, but anyways I will apoloize to you, and do better next time hopefully not with you, but some other members. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Small seizures

    hey Mel: hey silver lining in your clod is atleast your seizures are small and controllabke through mdicines and finally you are coming home. Hoping for your speedy recovery and hope to catch you in chat someday. Asha
  21. hey : I know you are hurting but remember this you are stronger and you will be able to get through this too, I wondered for long after stroke what would I do if my hubby leaves me, but now I don't worry about it anymore, I think it will be his loss not mine, I strogly believ God never gives you more than what you can handle, and out of every adversity something good will come out, On these site I have met couple of woman whose hubby left after their stroke, and they are still doing wonderfully. when one door closes, God alays open up some small window, but we keep on looking at closed door and miss to recognie and see small window Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Showing Off!

    Hip Hip Hooray Diane, very happy for you Asha
  23. Kristen: It's so great to see you take out time to spend with your customers, I think I will go to those restaurents more pften. i bet it's fulfilling to both of you, he gets someone to talk to, and you are getting pearl of wisdom which is in mind better learnt from others life than your own life Asha
  24. Wow Ann: I am glad you published this entry, we do have gas fireplace but due to safety hazard never turned on, but now learnt another hazard, so it's going to be decoration in our house too.. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    Just things

    Yin: I am so happy for you, even our spring has also arrived here in NJ its gorgeous 60 degrees with sun outside, we checked outside our dafodils have started to come ot of the ground, and few which we planted last fall r oming out too. you are going to have great time with your son in easter. isn't technology great, we talk with our family members in India on IM and it's great. Asha