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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Sue: great to see updates of Ray though not very encouraging but it's babysteps which will add up soon, and if Ray is taking active role in his physio and food praise him infront of his friends,such that positive reinforcements happen. BTW one acquitance of ours had started blogging or posting details of her husband's health and told everyone to read the report, shje was tired of reciting same story all over again. you and Ray are in my prayer and thoughts and hopeGod gives you enough strength and courage to go throug these lean phase in your life Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Baby Steps

    hey Cam1960: welcome to our blogworld, I think as my blogworld is best kept secret on the message board, I am highly active here, I too stroked at very young age at 34 with left side paralysed and loosing all controls of my life, before my stroke I was working busy mom raising my 7 year old, though it took me close to 2 years to accept my new normal, though I went through severe depression and kid acting up in the begining, and so on, but things did turn around once I accepted my new self, though it did take me year of blogging and keeping very positive attitude towards my situation, what helped me immensely, and I think which is must for all of us to start counting our blessings. I won't lie it was tough journey, but things I learnt from is priceless, I found for me blogging on these site and support I got from people here were lifesavers, if you follow my blog journey you will see how i have emerged from my rollercoaster ride. BTW I would love to know your name. hoping to learn more about you throu your blogs Asha
  3. Yin: I was brought up in 70s era in third world country(India) by parents where mom was dominant in raising all of her kids, mom made sure her children are all educated well got married in right family, and got great education that we all girls will be able to survive on our own and if need arises support our family, I did engineering in private college where fees were higher, and my uncles telling mom why you are spending so much after girl who is not going to earn any money for you, it will go to her family only, but my mom stood her ground in giving all of us great education and making sure we all reach to our potential, today I am proud daughter, mother and wife, I have married to great guy who is so liberal, so for me feminisim is not a big issue, I want to have great harmony in our home,though I will do things which I feel right for my family, Asha
  4. hey Ken: I also have foot drop but I think whilw walking I do hip hiking(not pretty sight) to clear my toe and not stumble while walking, but I have found out about walkaide(which is nerve stimulator which replaces AFO, and you can wear any kind of shoes with walkaide and since it's not plastic, it's perfect for hot weather, I went for my first eval and turns out to be candidate for it, so going for trial this coming wednesday, I am very excited about it, though it's cost;y device and not covered by insurance, I think if it's going to help than I will get it, and as Bonnie says your balance and walking will improve more as you keep at it, congrats to your daygther. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Surgery date is set

    hey Mel: I will pray for your surgery to go smoothly, will wait eagarly for your update on your surgery also tell him to blog about it, for people who does not visit message board. My 9 year old son also wants to have sleepover birthday party, if ot's in our house I get invited for movie though I am not invited in their rough games. Asha
  6. hey sktlwsk: I am envious of he street you live on, quite friendly and supportive crowd you have there, I am glad everything turn out to be okay with your neigbhour Asha
  7. Sue: I want to be added too in your lkist of friends who says Hi and bug hug to Ray and you, and since I can't come there to help you out, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and pray to God to give you enough strength to go through this low phase in your life. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Yin: congratulations on your great attitude and great acceptance, I am getting close to my 3rd year anniversary now, and I still remember getting offeded by that question by intern neurologist, I had to bit my lip in telling him, idiot can't you see my deficits. Asha
  9. hey juicylisa: I loved your blog could not have comeat better time that today, I was also talking about my downhill ride and uphill ride, though I really feel being in hospital dependent on all strangers were my real downhill, nothing could go down than that, anything beyond that for me is uphill ride only. Asha
  10. Bonnie: here in NJ when we woke up today there was 1 inch of snow, but since morning sun is out and everything has melted away, I kinda love first snow where it gets stucks on empty trees, it looks beautiful, but with this season I guess I need to wait little longer, since yesterday snow wasn't more enough to do those wonders, hey one more thing, I kind of see your positive attitude and seeing glass half full all the time. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Yin and Yang

    hey Yin: welcome to our blogworld, It will be fun knowing you through your blogs, tell you truthfully initially for your first 2 pragraphs I was confused and wonderingwhat's your point, but finally saw your punchline, so I m all ears to find out more about you and your yang Asha
  12. Sue: when you are in midst of it, it's hard to have patience, but in all these things you have to take one day at a time, and not project your future with worst case scenario and spoil your own health, making you miserable and you might end up snapping on others, which does not help in anyways, and it defeats the purpose people don't ike to help grumpy woman. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    It's a pass!!!

    hey Vicky: that's wonderful congratulations, I recenyly passesd my real estate state exam and was so pleased with myself, that my kido remarked you are big showoff. he does not get it when in rehab they check everything you feel like retarted so all these passing tests is big boost in your capability. Asha
  14. hey Kim: Thanks for updating us about your life in general, I am sorry for your loss, though be sure he is in better place and I am sure your dad must have felt great relief hearing you will take good care of mom, I strongly believe God never gives us more than you can handle, and he will give you strength to take good care of chris and mom. Asha
  15. Hey Mary: Happy New Year, your son's birthday party sounds like lot of fun, I still have 9 more years to plan that party, though I can't wait. Asha
  16. hey blonde eyes: I like your style, of writing positives and nehatives things happened in a day, and it clearly shows positive outweighs negatives but we concentrate on negatives and feel bad about it. I am planning to follow that suit. your work arrangements sounds wonderful. Asha
  17. Sherri: I had big laugh thinking about mothers telling their kids in moinths, I used to hate that, why can't they say in years, gave me big chuckle that you are counting your stroke in months not in years. you are amazing to try rollerblading, my hubby finally started learning in our garage, I am too scared to even try it. I don't like things moving under my feet, but maybe I will try it now that I heard you trying, though you are much more mobile than me, but I am also courageous. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    First Try

    Hey BettyJean: welcome to our blogworld, you did pretty good in publishing your blog, lot of newbies stumble in publishing their blogs including myself, the reason they are called blog is because of web log, it's like your online diary, but I find it very therupetic in writing my journal online cause I get feedback from all like minded people who have gone through same emotions I had gone thru, so I don't feel alone at all. hope to know you better thru your blogs. Asha
  19. Ann: great truth you wrote, but I feel bad sometime that we realise these great wisdom when things have been taken away from us,I feel strongly I should make my blessings list everyday. Asha
  20. Kristen: I was staying away from giving advice even though I am Stroke survivor, though I kind of agree with Doctors decisions on these, think about it, Patrick was young and even with all the support he got how difficult the journey back is was , I know life do becomes wonderful again, but at the same time you need great family support to get survivor back, I know for me even after coming back home, keeping doctors appointment and all those things were daunting task, for your great grandma she aleready lived great life till 87, now how long she will live and who in her family is willing to sacrifice their life to look after her needs, I strongly feel if family is planning to put in nursing home then it's not life worth living for, but that's my opinion. Lot of survivors who think they are figting spirit, but you have to realise without caregiver they would have been nothing. I am trying to become less dependent on my hubby, though I still need him to drive me to doctor's appt. I have shed lot of tears and tried doing everything for my son to have good memory of his mom, not the one who is so dependent on everybody. Asha
  21. Diane: also with baby steps you will start walking, and I know you will be able to do it with your attitude and perservance. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Hi Dawn: you sure are your daddy's girl and so proud of him, I hope and wish my son who is just 9 will be so proud of his mom's struggles when he grows up, I already think due to my son, all my recovery struggle is worth it, BTW I love your miracle baby she is so cute, I guess wait was worth waiting for. Cheers, Asha
  23. HostAsha

    The blank space

    Hey Fred: Wow what great essay, I was begging jean to write sunday sermon or meditation, but today I can let her off the hook, yours is awesome, and so true no matter which religion we are from, Faith in God will get us through this river of life. Thank you so much, I need this kind of lift once a week. Asha
  24. Sue: I am really sorry for this setback in your life and you both will be in my prayers for quick recovery. Asha
  25. hey Ellen: I loved reading your blog and with Denny's sweetness and willingness to work any job, I am sure life will be great one more time for both of you, When I found my old post I was shocked to see what I was going through back then, so felt complelled to let everyone know life is one more time beautiful again, I know i am not making that big fat paycheck, but still I am having blast in my life truthfully I am having cake and eating too, maybe not with both hands but that does not stop me from stuffing it all up I am so happy that my post helped you see light at the end of the tunnel, that's why I love this site, we all provide support to each other. Sometime you all caregivers are inspiration to us and sometime we survivors provide inspiration to everybody else. Asha