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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Far too hot

    hey Ken: As Diane says it's just delayed success, BTW for footdrop there is new device which is called walkaide, check their site, I am planning to go on jan 19 for my evaluation, though its not covered by insurance and it costs a lot $4500, but I m still going to go and try it out and see whether I should spend that much money on it or not, I am sure you are going to walk independently soon Asha
  2. hey Bill: Happy New year to you, and yeah I believe you were watching UFC fighting, and not hot babes :bop: , your apartment looks very cozy and pretty. Asha
  3. hey Bonnie: As phyllis says not even size 2 model has all perfect days or good days so yesterday was one of those, now gone with the wind, glad you are feeling better, I am so hapy that once in a while we do get on that pity pod but how quickly we come off now isn't life wonderful again, and you got real sweetheart hubby, I bet finally when you did, you did find soulmate for keep. Asha
  4. HostAsha


    Annie: We also got new GPS and my joke with it, if you know where ou are goiing its awesome device but jokes aside I love GPS system and tell my hubby its best invention after mobile phone, though as a software engineer I can think of adding new features to it all the time or rather suggesting it to company. Asha
  5. Sue: I loved your picnic, I wish we lived close to beach and do that kind of picnic every summer, but dragging my hubby for that kind of picnic on the beach, I love to see sunset in Sea, but I am wrong side of planet for that, I really think you should do more of these kind of picnics. Asha
  6. heysktlwsk: wow you both are having fun in your fishing, and Thx for giving recipe of cheesecake, I m going to try making, I love cheesecakes. Asha
  7. hey Marden: congratulations, I always marvel parents doing so much, I just get scared to even put our kido in travelling soccer, though I think he is still improving, so any competative sport is out of question, we want to let him have fun, but I bet Disneyworls will be lot of fun, though t the same time it means lot of practices for your daughter, and parents to drive them around. Go Texas Asha
  8. Gary: That will more than do, your metaphor of submarine suits us so well to us stroke survivors , but I do question that sea of waves where you say normal people goes about doing their buiness who defines what is normal, those normal people too have ton of problms its just that mine is visible at the time. great blog entry, keep on coming we don't want it to be pruned out due to lack of participation Asha
  9. hi Blonde eyes: its so good that you are able to look ahead and even when you look past you are seeing how far you have come, congratulation on your 9 month. counting our blessings is big step in staying away from negativity. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Home Again

    hey Diane: one more time so happy for your progress, I love your attitude about your recovery, with these attitude things going to get easy, I don't think you need any encouragement from me, you are the one providing inspiration to us. Asha
  11. Dave: its awesome that you were able to go to church today, I am sure if you go few times with your Awesome Chick, you will find ride to go more often, I always think if there is a will there will always be the way. Since I can drive local, I found so many opportunity to volunteer has opened up for me, and I love it, though my calendar is not fully booked, but I am working towards it, I have never volunteered in my life before stroke, so I am loving my that personality post stroke wanting to give it back, As somebody told me before only cream of people likes to volunteer, and I am so happy you are one of them, youe Awesome Chick has found trophy husband. Asha
  12. hey Marden: thanks for quick turnaround, it sucks that you moved since I am in NJ too, and I stroked at 34 in 2004, I also don't have use of my left hand, have tried going thru driver's program 1 at kessler's, other at JFK, though at kessler hated that guy, and JFK was okay but I was still paying from my pocket, so after lot of pestering to my hubby, we got our car fitted with knob and cross turnover and I am driving local though not with restriction on my driver's license but oh well, I m driving local. BTW have you looked at the volunteer opportunities in your neoghbourhood, I get lot of happiness by making difference in my community, I have 9 yo child so for me volunteering is easy I can volunteer in his school, in his 4H club, around here. hey if you love reading then you can join our book club by reading our next book, book discussion is going to start on jan 15. Asha
  13. hey Cheermama: welcome to our blogworld, and as Jean says don't worry about blog being boring or entertaining, I find blogging very therupetic, and I have found great set of people and made great friendship with people in my own little community, now I already know you are cheerleader's mom that's why you got that name, your weekend sounds fun and busy for all of you. I would like to know more about you, you see I am active only in blogs, so if you can tell us more about you, that will be great, and I would love to know your first name too. Asha
  14. Zain: it is normal to feel depressed about all these, whyme, and all, but I like your attitude about making best out of eery day, that's what my hubby says, and I love his other pearl of wisdom, yes we have fallen but its time to get up and make best out of what we got, and I have my own theory it could have been worse, and never project on your future by looking at present, things would be way different than what you think. your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  15. hey AJ: I am disappointed in list my strokenetwork is not there who cares for other 50 sites then:D Asha
  16. Mel: wow, by sound of your blog, is this minor surgery? or major one? my hubby also got pain in neck and arm right now, and it turns out to be herniated disc or bulging disc as they say it, and only treatment is pain management by acupuncture and PT, Asha
  17. hey sktlwsk: I don't know much about fishing, so I get surprised by the fact that state fills up lake with fishes such that people can fish their own dinner, sounds like fun activity for family. Asha
  18. HostAsha


    hey Bill: welcome to our blogworld, I hope and wish to know you more through your blogs though I already know you are active in organising support group in your area. Asha
  19. Hey Zain: I almost sent you PM wondering about Farhaan, I am glad you updated us, I am so happy for you and your family for Farhaan's amazing recovery so far, it always seems like miracle if we look back on how far we have come, and I think keeping positive attitude is always good, we all deal with our losses differently, for me it was saying myself constantly I will be same as before, made me deal with what I was thrown into. eventually I dealt with accepting myself, though looking at all positives still left in my life helped me immensely. I don't know much about this new drug, I will ask my doctor about it,and if hear something will PM you. Asha
  20. Hey Amy: I hate it too that was our main reason not enrolling our kido in boys scout, he has joined 4H instead, and tell you the thruth I love 4H, I get very close community feeling in 4H, we always buy in all fundraising in 4H and in his school, for that matter I am getting involve with PTO of my son's school, its great feeling giving back to his school, my time and our money, I am sure you will enjoy all those girl scout things, they do lot of great things encourage great family settings. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    about Ray

    Sue: I loved your essay about Ray, I am glad you did it, now I know previous healthy, helping Ray who has married woman who has stuck by him for all those great qualities in him, and I bet he still has those qualities in him Asha
  22. hey Denny: keep up the exercises going, your blog has inspired me to walk everyday atleast 2 miles with any speed I want it to be, I will make that my new year resolution Asha
  23. Hi Lorraine: welcome to our blogworld, I have never met that young stroke survivor before, but I have heard chances of recovery is way too good versus when you are adult and something like this happens, I too loke Jean do better on online support than in support groups. we all go through our own acceptance journey, and I think kids r excellent in staying in a moment compare to adults who like to cry over spilled milk Asha
  24. Hey AJ: Happy New Year to you and your Awesome Chick, hey you know what from your this blog I can see so much improvement in you already, accepting and making best of your life today, and BTW I am on SSDI from age 35, but I see upside to it, I am getting chance to raise my child, and enjoy it too. Asha
  25. hey Ken: Happy New Year to you, may this yer bring all health and Happiness in your life Asha