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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Another Year

    hi Kathy: Happy New Year to you 2, Somehow I am meeting lot of old timers today. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Still Here

    Susan: I was glad to see your blog, hey you have reached big milestone of 11 year anniversary hopefully without another stroke, that in itself is big achievement. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    2 year mark

    Hi Azella: welcome to our blog world,lot of people fmble in publishing their first blog and you did that just right, so start jounaling your thoughts, for me writing it down and getting support from other members were my lifeline in my first year post stroke. Things are never easy after stroke, but you have to make best out of what you got, rather than crying about past and ruining your present. antidepression medicines cn help great deal too. Asha (36 yo survivor)
  4. HostAsha

    Now I've done it!

    hey Sarah: your happy family is complete now with dog now and everything, I am not animal lover, but I hear only dog is capable of unconditional love, though I am worried now with dog how will you manage those spontaneous meetings with me, which I truely enjoyed. Asha
  5. Sherri: through your blogs andcomments I feel I have known you, I am sa that you decided to spend less time on here, I love friendships I have made here, and ofcourse I am blog junkie. I treat stroke as one of the phase in my life which made me look inside me and stop worrying about material stuff. Asha
  6. Diane: I love reading your updates, you have your biggest cheerleader in US, I get so inspired by your blogs and your attitude towards your recovery. I am so glad for all gains, they all add up and make life easy for you and Ross. so now with speech improving Ross will have to arguments with you, and not your speech board anymore. Asha
  7. Hi Blonde eyes: it's nice to hear from you again, I figured you must be busy in holiday and wedding, but now that you have caught up on that, hopefully will c u blog more Asha
  8. HostAsha

    New Year 2007

    Fred: you put your thoughts so wonderfully, such a simple defination of happy new year and still sometime we focus on not so good points in our life and enjoy the happy moment we got it. I hope and wish you great new year, and I am glad that due to this site I found great people like you on these site. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    My Friend Linda

    Bob: you are lucky to have people who still care about you, so have to make sure you keep communication lines open, and have emergency situation planned out, I always wonder about people living alone as real threat if something happens, nobody finds out for days. in the begining months after my stroke I used to keep cell phone on my neck at all times, so in case I fall or something I can call someone right away. Asha
  10. hey Bob: When I read all these blogs what comes out popping in my head, I never pay attention to details in life including my body there is good and bad effects of that, bad effect is I never appreciate small gains I had over the years, and good thing is I am able to live life as nothing has cganged in me post stroke, I think I like my that tendency to be blessing in disguise. Asha
  11. hey slmstrokeangel: I myself think I suit perfectly well to handle stroke survivor title, I can carry that title with grace but role of caregiver I think I might not be very suitable for, so I like to believe God knows what he was doing. you are great survivor, I have had more pity parties than you ever had on this board. Asha
  12. Amy: I am taking paxil, but right now I am on my way to get off them, I take actually one pill for whole week. but I have heard lot of side effects with paxil weight gain, more suicidal, I think I survived thru all due to amazing hubby and since I m not very detail oriented person, I don't notice small things in me and fret over it Asha
  13. Hi Mary: welcome to our tight knit family of blog world. for me blogging and great friend on this site helped me see light thru tunnel, I find blogging very therupetic. I can't wait to come on his site and share my ups and downs Asha
  14. hey Robyn: this kripalu name sounds Indian, where do you find such retreats, pretty interesting, I neever understood before marriage how can married people keep 2 accounts separately, in my mind that said they don't trust each other completely yet, I feel blessed that I was raised in India, where once you are together, you are in for life till death break us apart Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Time Flies...

    hey Robin: Merry Christmas to you 2, and one more thing I am happy that you are able to pull through your ordeal but its time to give it back to same community where lot of new survivors and caregivers just start on their journey Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Just For Today

    Julie: Even though I have never heard of 12 step or AA program, I think I would like to know more about it, your just for today sounds such simple thing to do in life but hard to achieve it. thanks for sharing with us Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Silent Night

    Diane: Merry Christmas and healthy New year to you too, hope this new year brings lot of happiness in your life Asha
  18. Hi Julie: since i haven't officially welcomed you, so here is my welcome, I am glad you decided to be part of this unique groyp where we all have become good friends in sharing our ups and downs, its pretty therupetic, it helps in its own way in stroke recovery, so start blogging as part of your therapy. hope to learn more about you through your blogs Asha
  19. Bob: such a wonderful thought, that's what I have been thinking and today went and applied one day a week to volunteer at red cross, I defintely want to make a difference and I don't know any other way than volunteer in my community in my country US which has given me so much. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Asha
  20. hey Sarah: such a cute story, ur kido is pretty smart, so be careful, ours knows already but has been instructed to play along if he wants gifts. Asha
  21. Mellisa: great pictures, is this your wedding pictures? Asha
  22. HostAsha

    It was wonderful

    Mary: I am glad you had great time at dad's award ceremony, and ofcourse dad has to bow infront of queen, I also checked website , royal history is quite interesting and with all normal day melodrama its quite entertaining, in India after independenceand no more kings, lot of kings have converted their palaces into five star hotels, so its always fun visiting those palaces Asha
  23. Hey Ken: Merry Christmas to you too, you are good man with goal setting and achieving it, whoo needs new year resolution, though I need my chistmas gifts Asha
  24. hey bonnie: you are one cool mother-in-law to have, I won't mind inviting you to our house for xmas even we don't do anything festive for holidays. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    One week to go

    hi vicky: I was wondering where have you been, I am glad you are getting back in the rhythm of life, but hey there should be still scoop to share with us. Merry Xmas and happy new year to you 2. Asha