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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    So happy!

    hey Suzie: I am so happy, and if I read between lines do I smell love blossoming here?I can keep the secret, so you can tell me all about this "special friend" Asha
  2. hey Ken: I have met couple of people from this site and it was really great, I wish you lived near us, we could have hang out together, but you know what through my blogs and your blogs, you all feel like part of my great friend circle, I have bonded with some of regulars here, and they were lifeline for me during my down days, that is the reason I like to spend lot of time on this site, things I have learned is so valuable. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you Asha
  3. hey Amy: slow down with your list of things can go wrong, why worry when you have absolute no control over it, start saying serenity prayer, and leave everything on God, whatever happens it will happen for best of your interest. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Social Security

    hey Bob: as soon as you can go back to work, you should and they will kick you off SSDI quickly so don't feel bad about it, those chocolate cookies sounds delicious, maybe send some my way. cheers, Asha
  5. hey Ann: such a great resolution, I am planning to keep the same resolution for new year, and also do best to the max of my ability Asha
  6. hey Heather: I tend to believe suffering makes you strong, compassionate and humble, good qualities to have. I feel I had stroke for reason, I was too busy in my life and too self centered around my needs, so stroke allowed me to see people less fortunate than me, and made me realise how much still I got, and I thank God for all that, I also strongly believe everyone has some kind of problem, mine is right now too visible, but hey no one knows future so why ruin my present be angry and sad, I am going to enjoy my every day with best of my ability, and do things for my family who I love dearly. Asha
  7. phyllis: you are so lucky to be able to see the liftoff, we specially visited cape canaveral to encounter liftoff, but I guess you should be living in florida to witness such a great event. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    New Neighbour

    Diane: I am so happy for you in your therapywise, I am sure in future you might have to change your picture where its lady on wheelchair, I am sure you are moving towards walking with cane, and all other great things in life we take for granted, isn't it odd when we see someone so far worse off than us, we thank our stars for still so much positives still left in our life., I hope and pray ur neigbhour also gets better. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Marty: That's such a great thing you guys did, I bet even when you are not able to see or hear their thanks, atleast you would get such a great soul satisfaction for doing such a great thin. happy holidays for you and your family Asha
  10. hey Kristen: thanks for updating us about patrick, I really hope and pray his seizures can be controlled through meds, but tell him, he is lucky roght now gets beautifam ul driver right now, I am happy for patrick's accomplishments so far, and as I say this though I might have to give Jean royalty "surviving stroke is not for sisses" Asha
  11. Sue: it is very touching blog, I know you love Ray dearly, and sometime blog about your frustration with caregiving, and I appreciate that, cause lot of times us survivor don't realise that we are getting too dependent on our caregivers. It is amazing that Ray wants to do so much for others, that's big heart in him and I don't think anything to do with his disability, I am very happy for both of you, could you please hug Ray from me, as I had told you my Dad suffered from Alzeimer, and our coping was way different than yours, I still feel guilty of not treating Dad's dementia as disease. lots of love Asha
  12. hey Kristen: I was wondering when are you going to blog, as you know I m blogjunkie of this site, and have made all of you my virtual friends, and since memory is still sharp, I like to hear all the stories, I like your work stories, hey I can tell my hubby that I drive better than that old lady who totaled 4 cars, so far I have just broke our garage BTW I also want to know about patrick,Brian and you. (you can do individual blog for each one of them Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Catching Up

    Bonnie: I am so glad you did not hit your head to concrete, its scary falling on black ice, I remembered that Atkins guy dying falling on side walk of NYC, be careful, and don't venture out in bad snow, I think someone was watching out for you. Asha
  14. Hi Lisa: what unusual way of entering in blog world by procastination, hope to learn more about you through your blogs,you do have unusual name though, hope to learn more about you. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    good times

    Sue: such a great blog, it made me teary hearing your daughter, and she spoke the truth for both of her parents, you must be one proud mother to have such a fine children. Asha
  16. Bob: great thught provoking blog, life is indeed adventure, you never know what you will find till you go and march on that journey, I also wondered a lot after my stroke what's my purpose to be around, even when I am disabled, though I have constant reminder of my purpose my kido hugging me, fighting me, but sometime even that does not satisfy me, so I keep trust in God and keep on doing things which will matter in people's lives. Asha
  17. Bob: I feel sometime blessed, that I never have issues falling asleep at any time of the day, I used to joke with my friends that my hobbies are reading and sleeping, and that's what I do most of the time when I am not volunteering at my kido's school. we generally sleep on floor since on bed 3 of us don't fit, but I keep on twist and turn on my sides, but since we sleep on floor doesn't bother anyone except sometime my baldy soulmate gets bothered by my hair, but when I sleep on my nonaffected side, my affected side shoulder and arm stays with me, and does not dangle., so I sleep peacefully. BTW where in CA r you in, I love CA, its our favorite vacation place. Asha
  18. Diane: I am sure getting more rehab at the hospital will b way better than doing at home, so I am hoping things will come to your liking after routine gets set. BTW I had read on this board post posted by steve for pushing for and wearing tongue brace which allows him to talk, I don't know whether it's suitable for you, but worth investigating more, I bet Ross will be happy having talking nagging wife back. as I told you before I love your sense of humor in all situation. I like that line of yours also, its sad people make judgements based on how well you talk, so having that line said puts things in persepective. Asha
  19. hey Rich: good luck for your new therapy, could you also put link to ruth's story, I had tried alternative treatment in India and my pain in leg is totally gone. I believe in all those medicines, lot of luck for your new therapy. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    Bob: you are lucky to have such a great guy who gives his cell phone#, that itself says he cares about his patients, and not in it for moneyall strokes are so different and we all go through our own pecular problems, I am glad you will get professional's feedback on your restlessness, hope you get good answers from ur wizard. Asha
  21. Amy: so happy for you, my stupid hand just wants to stay as fist, had big fight with hubby since he keeps on telling me to try things with that hand, and I get frustrated, you should go out and celebrating your potato soiup tonight, and sendit to me some, everyday keep on trying new things and vola you are using your hand again. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Bad Days...

    Juice: I had big smile on my face reading your blog, I love your attitude, I am so glad you decided to join us.BTW at the same token what took you so long. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Didja' miss me???!!!

    Robyn: I was so glad to see your blog yesterday, I am so glad you are enjoying your life and embracing changes after your breakup with Jane, I always believe there are always reasons for some things to happen, even it's painful things, but something good always comes out, we always don't know the reasons for painful things happening in our lives but trust in God, that he knows what is best for us, and he s perfecting our lives based on his grand plan, I feel if we learn from our painful episodes in life nothing is wasted than. you know I missed sharing my eastern beliefs with you, so here it goes again, do your karma(your duties) and leave result on God. I wish you great happiness in your new love life and with family. Enjoy your holidays, don't work too hard, enjoy kids they are priceless. hope to see you more around Asha
  24. Bob: i am so happy you are having great day today, it's good thing you know what your body tells you, always listen to it, but also have fun with friends and family, fishing sounds like fun, though I have never done it but heard lot of people have great fun doing it, and can spend countless hours Asha
  25. hey Suszie: I am getting more excited about your NYC trip than maybe you are, and things getting better and better, getting sneak peek of lovebirds sounds so exciting, giving me butterfflies in my heart, love is great thing. Asha