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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Bessy: I can understand your questions I had some of them. Every stroke is so different & so is recovery. I know how bad I felt when they sent me home, I was afraid of how will I be able to live home alone, but with support from family I was able to create my new normal & started enjoying my life again. I feel when you reach acceptance in life, its quite serene place to be in. Though I understand living with constant pain is no joke, and you are one strong personality to be able to handle all this in your life. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers to find relief soon & accetable solution to your new normal life. Asha
  2. Kelli so happy for you you found great doctor who can fix your bouncing eyes troubles will keep you in my prayers asha
  3. strokewife: I will sound like broken record, but I will still say it, I love your blogs & you write wonderfully. your hat comparison is spot on. I strongly feel having supportive caregiver like you by our side, survivors journey does become smooth & we can all have wonderful new normal together & can find that happiness again. Asha
  4. Tracy : I will pray with you, I bet with your guidance she will soar in the outside world. I know it feels like we are pushing our kids off the cliff when we are allowing them to fly away from home & soar in outside world. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    feel so blessed

    Sue : I met wonderful people here on strokenetwork which brought more meaning & wisdom in life than real friends. So even though I have not met many here, but I value their life experiences & friendship much more. Asha
  6. Some days I feel so blessed & now that I have come so far out from my stroke event. I can see God's master stroke in my life. Today I feel even stroke was at perfect time in my life, it was at the time when I was forgetting my values & moving away from my designated path. With God's master stroke I woke up from my sleepwalking through life & started enjoying ordinary moments of life which brings in lasting & deep happiness. Its still so hard to believe even after so much of mess I m still so lucky in getting this beautiful second shot at life. I am so happy I preserve & didn't give up to see this ray of sunshine. love my family & friends who chose to come in my life even after disaster, instead of disappearing like lot of others. So today life is great & best is yet to come Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Autumn blues

    Sue : I enjoy reading your blogs. you should think about writing book on your caregivers experiences, they will be priceless for any one who is starting out on their caregiver journey. Asha
  8. Pam : therapy is all depended on what insurance benefits covers & demands your care accordingly. you are thrown off in outside world to live on your own whether you can or not. It adds lot of stress on family members, but real recovery of new normal begins when you come home, that's for sure, even when you feel so scared to come home. Asha
  9. Kelli you shoul keep jug filled in your room & mke sure you drink atleast 8 glasses of water every day whether u r thirsty or not Asha
  10. Tracy : this is so beautiful, nicely written. thats how I feel once you look at life as a blessings, post atroke life also becomes beautiful & fun. love it. Asha
  11. Tracy : I know its hard for us moms to let our children fly off from nest, but I guess as a parent our job is to nudge them right direction, & be there for them if they need any help or falters without any judgement. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Bring it

    kelli: feeling scared of unknowns is scary for every one, But you are fighter, survivor & you can get through this. I know its hard sometimes to love oneself the way we are, & believing we are enough. you are great person & anybody who chose to be friend or by your side, is one lucky person. believe that, because that's the truth. good luck with your surgery on tuesday will be thinking & praying for you. Asha
  13. Sue : I am so happy you are acting on those choices available to you now. We should do whatever we like to do till our health permits. who knows tomorrow enjoy your now, since as we all know only change is constant so enjoy every minute we have been given cause there are no guarantee in n life. Asha
  14. Kelli : falling is so easy with stroke deficits & healing takes longest time being blood circulation in affected body being messed up, makes healing extra slow. So take it easy, glad nothing is broken, & u will b back to your old self soon glad you saved those hot dogs still lol Asha
  15. Fred : I am glad your wife is home & feeling better now, you both need this break enjoy your casino trip Asha
  16. wow amazing pictures, seems like every one had lot of fun Asha
  17. Tracy : once again beautiful gratitude list, once you start doing this things you realize you don't need much to be happy in life, & happiness is a choice. Being grateful for everything in life does make life fun. Asha
  18. Heather : that sounds so much fun day, I mglad you can still surf enjoy life to fullest Asha
  19. Today marks my 13th years as a stroke survivor & like for past 5 years we are celebrating as our valentine date. I am going to follow Tracy's suit & do my things I am grateful for. 1. I am grateful I can walk, talk & take care of my family single handedly. (its fact) 2. I am grateful I don't have any cognative difficulties, & grateful still got my sense of humor intact. Can laugh on myself & others. 3. I am grateful for my family, friends who decided to stand by me & all the friends I have made post stroke. & also who decided to run away from my life they taught me valuable lesson of life, I guess it was good riddance. 4. I am grateful for my family who stood by my side & has made this post stroke journey so much fun & meaningful. 5. I am grateful for everything in my life including my stroke which made me wake up & enjoy every moment to fullest, It made my life more meaningful & I m happy to b still here & enjoying life to fullest with love of my life. Asha
  20. Sue : I am so happy & excited you had great visit with Sarah in Hawaii one of the most beautiful & happy place on the earth. we had gone last year on cruise with my famly & had beautiful time up there. all island in hawaii has their own unique beauty & worth visiting. USA is so big & beautiful & every state has its own unique & charm. we in NJ have New York & philadelphia in one and half hour time. Asha
  21. Tracy : I am so thankful still being around & having fun every day I might do my own gratitude list today Thanks, Asha
  22. Tracy : that's great list. I also figured out after my stroke when we focus on gratitude in our life it attracts more positivity in our life & by product is always free happiness. That's the sole reason I choose to focus on whats still good in my life than worry about things which r not so great. Asha
  23. Fred : good to see you back blogging again. Ofcourse we all remember you. I guess we both are buddies in surviving stroke during same time frame me in feb 2004 & u not too far behind from me. old or young surviving stroke is not for sissies. I m also so grateful this site was around for me, when I needed one. Asha
  24. Jay : how about on weekend go with your wife to all furniture store & see if you guys can find a deal Asha
  25. jay : you are angel to so many people you meet or wherever u go in life. be well. have a blessed day & life. Asha