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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Sleep Apnea

    hey Bill: good to hear from you, but now I m more intrigued, I want details about new gal, how and when, everything buddy.inquisite minds want to know Asha
  2. Ted: I was so glad to see your blog about Keith, I know we all want stemcell therapy to be magic pill which brings us back to how we were, but it looks like, you do get those subtle improvements and with lot of Therapy you can build great recovery on those small improvements. Keith is lucky to have you as partner who is his advocate, wellwisher. you guys will be in my prayers. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    How I got my name

    hey Juice: quite interesting story, so we were right when we called you juicylucy, but what's your real name, say when we are not in bar. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    on being me

    Sue: I like your blogs they come out very honest and sometime eye openers for survivor who sometime too much depend on their caregiver, though I don't feel I am 24X7 job to look after, but I need partner to run the household and to raise our child, Its real good thing you have decided for you as Jean says, make sure you follow through and don't loose in other prirority, you ccan be better caregiver while also living your life, I don't know how all the caregivers does it, I sure am glad to be survivor and not caregiver. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    My First Time

    Hey JuicyLucy: I would love to know your name, and big welcome to our blog world, my boss called me to tell you how to publish your draft in the middle of night, she said, she is too good of blogger to stay in draft mode, first and foremost you fit so well with our community, I truely admire you in your life journey, I have been thinking about volunteering but most I can think of is my kido's school, I know it must have felt so great by loving those kids, I see all those things and what I am going through feels pale in comparison. BTW you must have raised your kids so well to have such a dutiful son who wants to help out anyway he can, you know that speaks volume of you as human being. you have great sense of humor. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    A long time...

    Suzie: I am glad you blogged about, you don't have to have something going on in life to blog about, you can blog about nothing, your thoughts anything, BTW where is this play playing, I love NYC and plays, I am thinking of going to broadway show Annie in coming weeks Asha
  7. Hey Mary: That's quite an honor for your dad and whole family,congratulations, do take pictures of ceremony and queen and post it on site, in our last visit to London we saw buckingham palace from outside, BTW I found London hard to manage with my limited walking, it became very tiring after walking for so long, I got tired of appreciating london and its museums, I guess we will have to go to London again sometime in few years. Asha
  8. Karen: guest at our house wanted to go for shopping so hubby took him on black friday at 4:30, and store opens at 5, he didn't even get parking at the store's parking lot and it took him 1/2 hour to just get out, BTW I slept at the house while he was trying to get deal on black friday BTW your Rob has great sense of humor I guess must for all stroke survivors Asha
  9. Bob: I will say it again, I love your attitude towards your stroke rehab, never a dull moment in reading your blogs, I am so glad you decided to join us in our virtual world. Asha
  10. hey Dr. Sherri: I saw happy feet with my kido and loved it, it touched chord with me about me being different now after stroke, and i am sure you will dance again, maybe not as graceful as before but hey who cares dance like no one is watching. I am even afraid to ask you how bob warmed you up (and No I don't want to know ) Asha
  11. Diane: i am so proud of you, not because you are very courageous woman but because you can still nag your hubby without even talking, you go girl. love your attitude towards life, hope you have best recovery in your rehab hospital, BTW will you get access to computer in rehab?, hope to hear your progress from your rehab. Asha
  12. hey Bob: welcome to our blog community, it will be fun knowing you from your blogs, from the first sound of your blog, you will be nice guy to know more about, love your attitude you know we should make a rule here, you can call yourself survivor only if you have positive attitude towards life or else you are victim to stroke, and you are survivor. Asha
  13. hey: I am glad you are having fun on your thanxgiving day, and you must be hot looking guy that they keep on buying beers for you. get back home safe. Asha
  14. Amy: I am so happy for you that you are challenging your hand to do work again, that's wonderful, wow I better start my left hand before it forget it exist. Asha
  15. Diane: I lov you attitude and your personality after what you have gone through, you are really tough cookie to crack. with that attitude pretty soon you will be reaching your goals. good luck Asha
  16. Tina: those improvements are great, and build lot of selfesteem, let him do more for himself, and then make him start contributing in household chores, like sorting out mail, folding clothes. its great cycle more you do, more you feel better about your selfworth. Asha
  17. hey : I don't know German, but just wanted to let you know you will missed and remembered at thankgiving dinner table by your friends and family. you have good one in germany but do call in to wish us 2. Asha
  18. Ken: given magnitude of effects of stroke, it is alright to go through ups and downs in rollercoaster, but I am happy you realise what you need to work on to feel better, I think more you will do at home in controlled environment, you will feel better about yourself. BTW try to walk nassisted inside home, and outside you can use cane. Asha
  19. Sue: am so happy you had great weekend with family. I will have to wait so many years to rip off te benefits of grandma. love Asha
  20. HostAsha

    I have a cold :(

    hey Mary: it was fun reading your blog though I realise I am not your live friend , I guess its my ghost who is typing and thinking about you. will love to see your picture once you tell us which gallery its in. love Asha
  21. cindy: I always love reading blogs so I was glad to see yours, I know initial adjusting time is hardest, and hard to believe you will get used to new normal, but it does happen. cheers, Asha
  22. Karen: when you see people surviving this kind of accidents and at the same time people like me suffering the stroke with no apparant health problems makes me believe there is God out there somewhere, and he has control over your life, and he knows what you can handle and how much you can handle, that thought itself gives me confidence to march on in my life journey happy one more time. In my earlier down days I had read one great lines, which you mentioned here, attitude is everything to any situation in your life. Thanks for reminding me again. Asha
  23. hey TEd: you made it in our blog world, glad to see you blogging about Keith's recovery journey, blogging is also helpful to put out your own concerns on black and white. wishing you best toboth of you, how come you guys went to mexico and not Kiev? Asha
  24. hi smiley baby: welcome to our blog world, first and foremost I am very proud of you for your accomplishments, you are great kid, and I strongly feel you should talk to your dad even while he is in coma, what you got to loose, if he heard you then he will atleast know that somebody out there loves him and care for him to rurn around, maybe he is hanging there just for his kids, so tell him how much you love and miss him, and I feel sorry for your mum, but I think you can take leadership role at home for your brother and for ur dad. you are capable of it. and since I have never met you before I am just wondering how old r u, also take Jean's advice, talk to social worker in the hospital about your dad's conditions. love Asha