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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Kim(Alicia's mom) welcome to our blog world, and I can tell you from my own experience blogging is indeed very therupetic, but make sure to blog about positives too however small it is, what I realised from my own experience as soon as I put it on virtual paper, its importance increased tenfold in my mind, the simple hug, love you from my child made my day so much more worthwhile. I understand stroke does take awa ylot of important things from our life, but it also leaves baxck lot of small things, and those are the things to be grateful about. As a parent it hurts more to see your child suffer, I know this cause I see that hurt on my mom's face, but it also makes me very happy when she is proud of my accomplishments. Asha(Ashay's mom)
  2. HostAsha

    Long blog

    Mary: I always get very excited when I see your blog, it was great blog, my stroke taught me big lesson, do whatever you like, do it today, life has no guarantee, enjoy it while you can, so that's what I m doing post stroke. I love friends I made on this site and you are one of them, so keep blogging such that I still have that window open in your world. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Farhaan at home

    Zain: I am happy that Farhaan is back home, though you will realise there will be lot of other challenges that come out, but you deal with them as it pops its head, I just wanted to tell you that in our blog world you might not get very wide audience which you might get with message board, so sometime if you have very particular question try message board also, though I am not very actively involve in message board but I hear lot more people read posts than blogs. though not me I am so happy that Farhaan is creating his own therapy like dancing and stuff that brings so much joy in life, my 9 yr old created new physical games with me which he calls it as therapy hour, those were highlights of my day in my 1st year. Asha
  4. Val: Happy anniversary of 9 months to you both. do call him today and tell him all the stuff you wrote here. he is lucky to have you who is not afraid to go through this(which is equivalent to fire in my mind), though sometime we survivor have initial reaction that our caregivers can leave us and not stay with us out of pity, I know I have said this to my hubby of 15 years many tiimes, and he now says everytime I say that he feels insulted. but I think its normal reaction of survivor, we don't want our loved one to go through hell for us., but I know I will be lost without him. Asha
  5. Well bounce hello: I was so happy to see your blog and also happy that you had great time with your daughter' family, I bet this 20 days of Ray's respite will charge you up for rest of the year. life feels sometime hard, but we all have to trek through it till we finish our purpose on this earth. Asha
  6. HostAsha


    Mema: welcome to our blog world, sadly all hollywood movies I have watched were so forgetable that nothing is coming to mind except all children's movies, yes and I loved babe 2, Bambi was one of my favorite movie. I will rent notebook sounds inreresting movie Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Three Years

    hey sktlwsk: your blog warmed up my heart, It is so nice to see guy putting down his feelings in black& white. your Sam is one lucky woman, and you have gret kids. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    What a week!

    hey Sarah: wow reading your weekend plan and activity is making me titred, I am sure you guys are going to have lot of fun at marathon, our cousin has run in marathon for past few years, last year he wore t-shirt saying my wife survived cancer. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    I feel alive again...

    Robyn: I am happy you are doing so good, but at the same time don't close that window of ours in your world, we all love you around here and appreciate your support. so keep on blogging ups and downs both Asha
  10. Hey Mel: even though I am blog junkie I still missed your 100 things about u, I learnt lot about you, you are truely amazing woman can do so much. and went through lot of hardship in childhood and still came out good. wow Asha
  11. HostAsha


    Heather: congratulations on your improvements. I was thinking about you mentioning control other day, and thought of something very wise thought share with u. In life only control we have is how we are going to react to situation, there are lot of outside forces can make us happy or unhappy, but we make decision on how to react to certain situation in life, by believing in higher power, and leaving all our worries to him, gives us lot of peace of mind. Asha
  12. Phyllis: I agree with sue, I was wondering was it me or what, but I have always seen confusion happening when we are writing comments, since if you are passing funny comment in person, other person realises that it was funny one, but on the computer funny ones always get misunderstood. I hope whoever or whatever is it, you will forgive person and maybe if you are still hurt straighten person thru PM. Asha
  13. Amy: I am sorry your show got cancelled, maybe you guys can go some other time. I have never went to bar before, so my friday nights are same as my other nights staying with family and having fun with family, I think its much better offthan anything else in my mind. Asha
  14. Ken: I am sure with your attitude you are going to have great time on the road and in party. you mentioning HSC reminded me my 12th grae exam which was very important for me cause that decided my fate of becoming engineer. I am also glad that your AFO is working out good for you, I wore my AFO while going long distance and inside home venture without it, now I have stopped wearing AFO and my foot does not turn so much inwards. Asha
  15. oh man Doctor Sherry congratulations!!!!!, I am so happy and proud of you, we can do anything even afer our stroke, you are my hero now. I used to be surrounded by all phd at my previous workplace,I used to teas them saying you all phd are poor hungry doctors, those other medical doctors are rich one. jokes aside way to go sherry, and who is Bob? Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Hey Heather: yes your doctor is right, and as soon as you also realise that we don't have lot of control on our life though we would like to believe otherwise. Just thank every moment in your life with fact that you survived stroke for a purpose, and God will get you through all bad and good days. Asha
  17. hey Denny: after having so many coffees with you, never knew you had heart problem, man you are real survivor never cribs about your problems at all. feel better and as you know by now lot of people love and care about you, so get fit again and join friday chat one more time. friday won't feel like friday withut you. lots of luck and my prayers for you. Asha
  18. Zain: I was in rehab hospital for 3 weeks and I dreaded going back home, i had same notion that I will be just like before, before I get discharged. Going home has its upside and downsides, reality is stark naked when you come home and how will you deal with it, your normal daily living, Here in US they give lot of adaptive devices before you are released, like shower chair, commodde, but once you are home, you figure out what's work best for you. I guess since I was adult, wife,mom, I tried doing what I can do in our household chores, rest hubby picked up the slack. Farhaan is still small, so you will be helping lot more, but encourage him to do lot of his stuff, such that he can live independently. I can't think of anything soothing to say, I am as lost as you for my words. I will keep you in my prayers, and lot of luck to your whole family. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    OK - This blew me away....

    Mel: wonderfl blog entry I can totally relate to it, i guess I was grieving for my half body. its amazing that somebody thought of writing my precise thoughts. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    a "good day"

    Heather: making list and taking control over small things boost up the confidence, Also not worrying about things which are not in your control will get you in good place quicker. I am glad you have great set of friends to support you. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Who would have thought?

    vicky: I was so happy to see your blog and reading contents of it, made me realise you are now at real better place, but blogging about our daily routine life also helps other survivors to see life can be good once again. with disability. hows ur hubby doing Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Heather: have faith on upper power, or whoever controls our strings and believe in that worst is over, now its tranquility time enjoying your kids and hubby. once you start believing in it, you will atart believing in yourself. Asha
  23. Hi oregondream: welcome to our blog world, as everyone said, writing does wonder for grieving. also in the begining of our strokerecovery we all go through lot of selfcentered emotions, and sometime snap, well surviving stroke is not easy, you will have to show lot of compassion, love and support to your boyfriends, now he needs you more than anything in life, yup it might feel like nurse more than lover, but its going to change, hang in there, don't look at today and project your future like that. I had shed lot of tears thinking I will never be able to wear my regular clothes, all those worries were useless. I bet your boyfriend is in oregon. as jean said we r tight community here, know each other by name Asha
  24. Robyn, &Jean: Thanks for gr8 compliments to my hubby. Now we are tight for next 7 lifetimes, I have taken promise from him, next 7 lifetime he has to be my partner. so Robyn you will have to wait loonng before I even think of giving him up. Mom I would love to be audience when you two are having discussion, will learn a lot from you both. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    pt work

    Rich: I am so happy about your great PT, your outdoor adventures and not to mention, now I will see more of you in stroke connection magazine, maybe you should write similar article for our newsletter too. life is never dull around here with your uplifting blogs Asha