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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Robyn: I have hurt my hubby badly and after my stroke i am surprised he still chose to stay by me, I think I would not have forgiven him, if situation would be opposite, but anyhow what he sa, and I love him dearly for it, is forgiveness brings happiness. we both are very spiritual and believe in life whatever happens it happens for reason, and reason is always good. he says that sometime things happen, and someone has to play that negative part, for positive to come out. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    May28. Stroke

    Barbara: I never welcomed you to our blog world, so welcome to our blog world, and hope to learn lot about you and eddie through your blogs. Asha
  3. Amy: happy 3rd anniversary. I want to be where you are where stroke anniversary day feels like just another day. you are doing great buddy. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Improvement stopped

    Zain: 3 months out of stroke is too early to tell is this all the improvements you are going to get, stroke recovery is long process, its marathon, recovery keeps on coming slowly but steadily, don't give up any hope at all, keep faith and be strong for your family and Farhaan. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Better Every Day

    dalene: It feels good to read about people's success story of going back to work and making it at work, I am happy that students are accepting you, I feel wonderful when my son accepts me as I m and proud of me. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    A Little better every day

    Mel: I am so happy you are feeling better, helping out for a cause make you feel so good, I know it does it to me, anytime I am involved in my kido' activity. life is all worth living again. Asha
  7. Fred: great blog, I know I inspire myself when I do normal things with cheery mood, but it took long time to get there, and push away poor me attitude. I realised hey I am way more stronger than lot of people out there. due to grace of God and my insistence I have always gone to movies, shoppng malls and refused to use any assisted devices. in our home only railing on stairs is reminder that I stroked, but hey life goes on, and its great. Asha
  8. Sherry: I get sore on one side too nonaffected side, my theory is that I don't use right musclegroup in my affected side so overstraining my nonaffected side more, and I am very proud pf your phd diss.... or w/e is called, I know it is lot of hard work went in there, so cheering for you in our virtual world, go get them Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Just feeling Blah

    hey: i am expert on depression, and what you got is not depression, its lot of things to do and not exciting enough to get you out of the bed and get going. try making those small routine things like getting kids to bath and bed exciting chore to look gorward to, maybe time to blow bubbles in bath or go silly in bathroom Asha
  10. phyllis: that's great, more you will do it, it will become second nature. hey BTW Jean told me how to get rid of that ugly halloween skin. Asha
  11. Fred: your blog was hilarious, looks like you are never going to take a sick day from your work, so much entertainment and flesh you see, who needs hollywood. BTW just correction, stroke can happen to anyone, I am vegatarian, never drank alcohol and not fat still got stroke, it was due to hole in my heart which allowed clot to go to brain. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    my 9/11 experience

    Mel: I agree with Jean totally. my hubby's lot of previous collegues were there in WTC, and I atleast know handful of them who died that day. that's why they call life as gift, never know when its going to end, so live each day to its fullest. Asha
  13. Heather: I agree with Robyns idea of doing gratitude list, it changed my mindset, and I realised how lucky I was and how great God is in my life. Asha
  14. Ken: I am happy that AFO is working out for you, I wear mine if I am going out, for my safety and such that people don't push me around, though at home, I walk without AFO now, and slowly my foot drop i improving. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Farhaan - straw sipper

    Zain: I was wondering about u and Farhaan, so I was very glad to see your blog, and very happy for Farhan's improvements. kids are so accepting of what life throws at them, its we adult who resist it and slip into depression. congratulation on your new house. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    new pt!

    Rich: I am happy for your continued improvements. i had done chemical stresstest last year, and it was pretty easy, you feel uncomfort tightness in chest maybe less than minute, taking deepbreath out helps relieve that pressure, and before you know it, test is over, so don't fret over it. BTW you reciprocating on staircase is very good thing, I for longest time felt strong going up, but coming down used to feel weak in ankel, but even that now is improving. Asha
  17. Sue: I am happy that you are finding local support group, and peace an balance in your life at this point in time. we value your support on this site immensely. yourviewpoints from he caregiver sie has been invaluable to me, cause I never hear hubby saying anything to me, so I learn lot from this site, though I think i m perfect wife pre and post stroke both Asha
  18. Karen: at our house we have family hamper which has 2 compartments, one for color and one for whites, it works great for us, no more I have to separate laundry even a caveman can do our laundry, that's y nowadays I m doing it :big_grin: Asha
  19. HostAsha

    IT'S A BOY!!!

    hey Aunty: congratulations to everyone in the family, glad your sister andbaby doing fine, post some pics of baby or show me when you come back from your trip. you sound such funloving aunt that I bet your nephew will be very lucky to have you as his aunt. enjoy bubbles Asha
  20. Amy: I also dream with my deficits, but now it does not bother me that much, since I know even with all these defots I m still wanted and loved by people who matter most in my life Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Up, Up & Away!!!

    sarah: how selfish of your sister :big_grin: , didn't wait a day, but it will be greatfun for your sister, new bundle of joy and lovely sister is there to take care of both of them, hve great time and post some pics of baby though initially all look like little chimp. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Shandy's Lump

    Cindy: that's so great, now kidos can hug you for good news, since if anything goes wrong its mom's fault. Asha
  23. Sharon: that sounds beautiful, now you are tempting me to plan that vacation too, I am thinking of planning Alaska cruise. do you have pictures of your trip you can post it in gallery Welcome back Asha
  24. HostAsha

    just for today

    Heather: taking antidepression medicine can help immensely for anxiety, initially I thought those anxiety was more excrucinating than actual troke. though after on it for 2 years, now I am working on weaning myself off. I also read lot of spiritual books and concentrate on ton of positive things in my life Asha
  25. HostAsha

    marking time

    Sue: post stroke I find lot of enjoyment and happiness in small things which I would have missed prestroke. like my son loving the activity I used to be crazy about, brings lot of joy in my life. I for one find that contendment in my life better place to be in than that constant anxiety what, why loved your blog, made me think. Asha