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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Been A While

    heysktlswk: reading your blog makes me drag my hubby for camping out in woods, it sounds like heaven I am glad you both are enjoying your time together. all these simple activity makes life worthwhile again. glad to see your update Asha
  2. HostAsha

    No Luck?

    Bill: as I m learning ropes of real estate, anytime buyer has that kind of condition, its big red flag of deal having problem, I m sorry yu have to go through this, but hey you may never know something better might come out of all these nonsense Asha
  3. Sarah: there are no hard set rules in blogging atleast in my mind write what you feel comfortable in writing, though here in blog world I can get even with you, since I have lot of powers (aha ha ha- evil laugh) since we have now window in your world, will want all details from your UK trip. Im sure it will be lot of fun, catching up with whole family back home will bring lot of chilhood memories BTW welcome to blog world, you finally did it. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Hi - I am still here

    Mel: defintely see your doctor, if meds re not adjusted properly that might cause forfeeling anxiety. For me those meds plus faith on God help me through my dark days. I have come long way once again enjoying life and having so muxh to offer back to society. From my small window in your world, I can see you are very loving mother, sister, and great friend, so just hang in there, you know how tides are good tide will come 2, so when low tide comes just take deep breath, look at picture of your daugther and also keep that in mind that you survived your car crash for reason, and you are suppose to grow spiritually from this ordeal I m sorry I m being preach here, but I m telling you what worked for me honestly. good spiritual books, great friends on this site and loving family, and I know you have all of that. so chin up and keep on marching Asha
  5. Sue: I loved your blog, I never thought I had wisdom to provide any kind of support, but my stroke gave me beautiful outlook on life and understand their problems, and give out support in whatever way i can. that's the reason I love this site, I think I do much better on keyboard than in person while offering support. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    pool tidbits

    teal: wow, some improvements in water, I m sure you will walk on land pretty soon Asha
  7. Jean: you are right, not Heather, its Sherri, my mistake, can't rely on my memory that much Asha
  8. HostAsha

    378 days

    hi Kerry: welcome to our blog world, here you will meet lot of survivors who are trying to piece their life together. if I read your blog correctly, I m sorry about loosing your mother to stroke. Asha
  9. hey Heather: that's great idea, it will be fun to know vibrant you, not that I mind knowing your bad days either. Asha
  10. Heather: in every marriages couple fight, make up whole nine yard, just put stroke out of the picture and think what he would have said, would matter to you before or upset you. just because of 1 tiff don't discount his good qualities I know my hubby drives me crazy sometime, but when I think of hos other good qualities, I decide to forgive him Asha
  11. Bill: I m doing real estate classes right now to become real estate agent in NJ, nothing could be sure of till closing is done and money is in bank. good luck for your house closing. Asha
  12. teal: I had been wondering about you, since last you blogged about some offender in your class and then disappeared completely from our blog world, so first and foremost welcome back , and come back more often there are lot of things happening at strokenetwork Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Is this a life?

    Heather: it is okay to cry. I just had my pity party at my mom's house not too long ago, but at the same time you have to look at the blessings which you still have in your life, and also remembering there are lot of people far worse off than you, what helped me during my down days realising everyone has some problems in their life, and maybe this is mine, but I m surrounded by such a wonderful people to carry out my share of agony. I m sorry not able to give any wise advice, just telling what worked for me, oh yes and antidepression pills also worked, and now I m in the process of weaning myself off them asha
  14. Ken: you just have to preserve,I saw in stroke association magazine ad about walkaid which helps footdrop, google footdrop and you might find something helpful Asha
  15. Tina: stroke anniversary are hard, but I m glad you are realizing positive side of it, that he is still here, and how far he has come I also love Fall and spring a lot Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Loose Lips

    Mel: I agree with Jean about guidelines of strokenetwork. If you feel your brother's e-mail does not constitute any personal stuff which might benefit enemies or affext his safety., I don't think any one of us will have any concerns. so you can go ahead and write what you please in your blog. Asha
  17. Heather: I m glad things are going on great for you, and I m sorry for your sister's divorce, be there for her, she must be going through real rough patch in her life, I also always bless my stars for having very supportive hubby. Asha
  18. Karen: After my stroke now I get placed in lucky wives club regularly, and I know I m, before my stroke in my mind he was in lucky husband's club, now table is turned though:) Asha
  19. Ruth: let me be first person to welcome you in our blog world. first and formost I like your positive attitude, you sound so much like my hubby. your blog came on very timely manner. I m one of those lucky member who lost use of 1 side, and was still crying yesterday and questioning my existence. your blog made me realised that being mom of my 9 year old child, I m still needed. you are 1 great daughter, that's what I would say. Asha
  20. Robyn: I am sorry about your breakup with Jane, but I think it will do you ton of Good. you will see things will turn out better than before, as a great believer in God, I think he will make sure your life is happy and more fulfilled than before. I feel good you now haveclosure, and you are strong person, loving and caring and so much to offer to the world. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Who's terms??

    Annie: I am so sorry to hear problems yo are going through, I will pray for you t get over this bump in your life fast, and send you ton of virtual hugs. Asha
  22. Hey Robyn: congratulations on Sam, hey could it be that when they serve some food he does not like and they still ask him to eat, he is throwing tantrums, I would think with 4 year old that is high probability than any other things. I m very happy for both of you. Asha
  23. Karen: your blog came on timely manner, same thing happened at our house yesterday, though at our house I don't fight about it, since hubby does lot of things which includes everything, I bought few shirts from India, and I knew color will come off, so I was keeping it aside for hand wash, since I can't do it yet, hubby picked up my reaally brown shirt and mix it with my orange shirt and hand washed himself, and volam my orange shirt has brown patches everywhere, now I come home and look at it and said oh, can't wear this shir anymore, he says, oh it looks like interesting design to him :blush:. I just laughed it off, I decided not to fight this battle since he was trying to help me out here, and did not do on purpose, so we are on even keel BTW I loved that quote, and now I m making it my personal signature Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Annie: I have seen hospital here in US, your caregivers have to be vigilant such that their survivors need the best care possible, The doctors discuses everything and what course should be taken with survivors and caregivers alike. In rehab hospital I hadsnapped at physiatrist when he was thinking aloud what therapy to prescribe and what would be good for me, I had told him you are doctor, you should do what is best for me, and how will I know, its not my field, now in computers and programming language, I won't come and ask you which way toi write my program, I will do it and make decision myself. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    how lucky?

    Sue: I learned a trick of how not to iron, as soon as clothes are done in dryer, you take them out and hang it, that way it does not have too many wrinkles and you don't have to iron. loved your blog and always enjoy your very truthful essays. seems like you are having great week Asha