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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Lynn:


    I m so happy that Rod is getting drive to do things himself maybe it's triggered back again out of love&concern for your well being. I know as we come further away from stroke that will I can do everything slows down a little. Don't stop Rod from keep on trying, he will get new confidence on his weak side, so in end as you know whatever hardship we all go thrpugh is for reason, & be sure its good reason




  2. Amy:


    paying money always sucks but it is necessity on car which allows us to earn money. again paying money is kind of bad luck which we always notice but gaining some money by tax ewfund, we never even consider it





    right now I m paying for my driving lessons through my nose,I finally convinced my hubby to let me drive local&once he feels comfortable I can drive local, lets see whether he actually allows me or not




  3. Sandy:


    that's how I felt in my marriage before my stroke happened& my hubby being there fr me whole time helped immensely, so my viewpoint on my marriage changed completely after my stroke, but man I was so bored of the damn routine in my life, no excitement or anything, and I m dreading even now it has started becoming routine& don't know how to fix it, getting new hubby won't help with my new great look I m nomore a good bet



  4. Amy:


    you give me complex, you are such a great person coming up with all these things to keep your kido entertained. I guess I still need to learn patience with kids, I get frustrated with my son sometime when he says I don't understand what you are trying to explain, & it is such obvious thing, right now I m working with him in writing assignments for his NJASK3 test, he is A student(like A-)& I want him to be straight A





  5. hey Sue:


    really don't be hard on yourself, you can do your best. when we were on holidays in europe, Imade sure the whole bus is not delayed on my account, so in our room my hubby always woke me 1/2 hour early which generally we have lot of headaches & fights on that issue, but I guess I was on my best behaviour in europe &all of us had great time together, & my hubby is looking forward to our next trip together







    hey Pam:


    Ithought you disappeared from east coast& never going to blog again, I was so sad&depressed& I m serious, the day I don't see jean&you I feel all defeated, but u made my day just by blogging. we always pay 15% whether service is good or bad. & I kinda don't appreciate being forced to do more than that. maybe I think its part of their job, & I never got any tip or bonus if I worked hard & on weekends, in my salary it was understood that I do my best& finish my job




  6. hey Kristen:


    I m so proud of you, you are such a go getter, & dynamic person. first anniversary always bring on lot of memory, but it also gives great outlook on how far you both have come along, my hubby still gets the chlls when my son called from my mom's house telling him to rush at my mom's home, its emergency. stroke is life changing event, and we all come out of it lot stronger&wiser.


    Happy 1st anniversary



  7. Kristen:


    In my case when I was still in acute care, my family will always dicuss everything&my hubby would make decisions after telling me all pros&cons. though afterwards when situation wasn't acute anymore he was my caregiver, now I keep him in loop, I think it will be alright with his parents if you nicely tell them, could you please keep me in loop. I agree with Butch I m sure my mom would have butted in if she knew any english, though she kept on blaming me & doctors for my stroke.


    anyway I know you already know they don't mean any malice, they r just trying to help, you can always tell them in very nice way that you would appreciate if they keep you informed about aeverything about patrick








  8. hi suzieq:


    welcome to our blog community urfe venting machine, for longest and even now after 2 years I still vent about my raw deal, hey I m just 36, you will meet lot of young survivors here, who r going through what u r going through.


    I can tell you from my own perspective life will become once more fun, it will be little different but hey u r still here to enjoy it. you can always IM me or any other young survivors. here on this site we have great set of people with their warmth& wisdom.





  9. Gary:


    I m so glad to read your blog and finding out you are doing ok, nowadays I have kinda stopped coming to chat, thugh I come online to read blogs, since I m addicted to blogs. we got all the snow you were suppose to get it, so we chiled at home today. hope your daughter is doing good, hope to c u in chat sometime



    be well and take care



  10. hey Butch:


    I love reaing your blogs, they sound so honest, and I sometime feel I m reading diary of my hubby who went through all when I was in ICU. hey keep us updated on your marathon , I was in such a lala land while in hospital I was betting that after all this is done I will run marathon, I m noway close to running any marathon, I guess I will walk a marathon if people still stay at the end cheering me on :)


    hey another suggestion, maybe you can get treadmill for lisa, that way she can do her walking indoor. I read in some journal walking 40mins atleast 3 times a day, helps in recovery of stroke, since my all therapy has ended. I atleast walk every day for 40 mins with very slow speed




  11. Amy:


    you are so funny. that dog is better than my kido who is bilingual but can't talk back, so its alwys hilarious to see him communicate with my mom in english& 3 different indian language. yup I agree college days were so great& funfilled, and I m so happy that yor life after stroke is also as happy. sorry can't come up with intelligent comments, I m hungry.







    missed you and your blogs and comments, was so excited to see your blog, though turn out to be disappointment, but will cheer for steelars, don't watch any football or baseball.


    but start blogging woman, I miss you



  12. hi D of L


    I didn't know you were suppose to write only helpful or thoughtful things, we would love to read your blogs, I m kind of nosy person wants to see what everyone is dealing in their life, it could be normal, not so normal, anything, just something you would like to get off your chest, or maybe you are like me who just likes to blabber and like to read people' s comments on it.


    so cmon now we r bunch of good people here



  13. Sue:


    lots of hugs to you, I was the one who used to love dancing before though not western, now I guess that's what I will be able to do in arms of my hubby, and I m looking forward to it, dancing together, cheek to cheek with our kido right in the middle feels like good experience. though won't be able to do my jumping jack style indian dance for awhile.


    sometime life gives us lemon we have to make lemonade out of it

