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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Fred: your blog brought tear to my eyes and smile to my face, oh I m so happy being mom, and sad for loosing opportunity 2 years back. love Asha
  2. Zain: that's wonderful news, my hubby always used to cry seeing me walking like that with lots of assistance but eventually I gained strength, and needed no assistance, no cane or wheelchair, Farhaan will do great in PT I m sure and you will be blogging more here about hisdaily improvements. hang in there, give Farhaan hug from me, I have 9 yr old son 2. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    hi Hpoi: its natural to feel anger towards God, but Jean and my hubby told me once, it is luck of draw that we got stroke, God does not have anything against us. It's just something I guess we signed up for to learn some good virtues of life from this event. When I m feeling very low sometime what helps me is to write down positive things which are still abudent in my life, start writing down your blessing and you will see we are not that bad off Asha
  4. Tina: I m really sorry for Mike's outburst, I am sure he is not doing on purpose, it must be assualt of his brain injury. I have read someplace frontlobe injury can make people do this kind of things. I know as it is things are hard on caregiver and top of that if person does not appreciate and does verbal abuse, it becomes more unbearable. I m sending you tons of virtual hugs. have you talked with his doctor about his outburst. please hang in there, I know for sure without you caregivers I don't know where any one of us will be. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Wow - 2nd massage

    hey Zain: tell him to put all 5 fingers in his nose and mouth, I bet it was funny sight to watch and you must feel so happy about it 2, I bet I will do the same thing when my index finger move 2 :big_grin: looks like massage is doing wonders for Farhaan Asha
  6. Sue: you describe your feelings so well, I don't know I can do justice to your beautiful essay by writing comment on it, but as usual I always learn lot from you, I see how caregivers are handling thir stress, and how gracious they are. I am also following same principal, like enjoy and accept your life as it is now, who knows tmorrow even these treasured moments might not be there Asha
  7. Robyn: you are telling me you won't blog anymore , now that's bad, I have gotton used to your blogs and seeing you around, hey you can still blog about your life with your kids and other new exciting stuff which will be happening to you, and keep us uptodated. Also I guess you are not aware that 90% of male caregivers give up on their spouses and run away, and 50% of woman does the same after stroke, so in my mind stroke is big test or barometer of your lovelife. I am one of the lucky one who wasn't een aware that hubby meant it when he said together for 7 lifetimes, I guess stroke taught me to stop looking around and appreciate what a Gem I got Asha
  8. Robyn: I know for a fact though every stroke is different, after stroke survivor goes into most self centered stage, we are still adjudting to our needs and our grief, so I can understand Jane's point of view, she does not have energy to deal with your insecurities, those are your own to deal with it, and on top of it if she got any speech issues than it makes it more difficult. Again from your blog I m not sure what kind of disabilities she is dealing with. I m glad that you are ready to accept that there can be point in your life when Jane might not be part of it you just have to give it time to Jane for her to decide one way or other Asha
  9. hey Ken: we are complete opposite spectrum of season, we are getting into Fall, and I m thinking about winter, and you are heading into summer and spring. I love your positive attitude, and also like your mantra of never give up, but also enjoy your journey, destination will be big reward, but don't forget to enjoy the ride for me our soccer season is going to start in 15 days Asha
  10. Sherri: I m really glad you have right attitude of looking how far you have come, instead of what you lost, and also happy that you are continuing with ur phdprogram, you worked hard for it, and by not letting big wolf stroke beat u getting ur phd, will help you immensely in boosting ur confidence. I have found more I do what I liked to do before, more my confidence is coming back, so hang in there, trust in yourself, &God and things will be fine Asha
  11. hey Diane: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: so happy for you, I knew it, you can do it, these damn stroke takes time but you can do it, keep positive attitude towards your recovery, Asha
  12. hey hostsue: welcome to our great volunteer club, I m happy to b part of such a great team where I can hang out with all u great ladies u,Jean, man I m lucky. I think slowly I will get used to ur new name, now that u have new id ask new avatar from steve, he does wonders with avatars, I like mine so much hope to catch u in chat sometime Asha
  13. Butch: I m always happy to see you back updating on Lisa, I m glad she is back in PT again. I know you don't need medal from any one of us, but I just want to tell you, we all survivors appreciate our spouses who decided to stick for ride. you all r great guys. cheers, Asha
  14. Denny: With that cool information mom gave out about not retaining infomore than 5 mins, we can wage our war in book club, I like to have that punching machine back that way I can meet Don faster :hahaha: without Jean keeping eye on us. Asha
  15. Denny: you look so different than what I had imagined, but I agree with Jean, you both look pretty cool in that t-shirt Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Massage from Kuwaitie

    hey Zain: that's great news, I too after my traditional therapy when ended went to India for alternate treatment which included some herbal treatment and massages, though did not help me much, but hey I didn' have anything to loose at thattime except money:) I will tell you again Farhaan has age on his side so he is going to recover a lot, you will see. and as my hubby would tell me when I was very depressed about my condition, we will keep on trying and knock on every door atleast some window someplace will open up. its long road to recovery, you will have to be very strong for you and your family, kids adapt to things pretty easy Asha
  17. HostAsha

    The next step

    hey cindy: I m so happy for you, more you trust in him, more he will be able to do and more he will feel good about himself, its great cycle PS- BTW in my blogreport I in mistake called you hotcindy, hopefully you are one hot babe, and not mind my typo cheers, Asha
  18. Amy: I loved Jean's idea of lifelist man she is good, we all have these kind of worries, the way I deal with them is by putting my burden on God, telling myself God will do what is best for meand my son, and he won't give me more than I could handle, and if he will then I m praying he will give me enough strength to raise my kido singlehandedly too, but next time I start worryting over those things I m planning to implement Jean's practical approach to life go and give lot of hugs and kisses to Gabe and Mad today, since they are with you right now. enjoy them RIGHT NOW, I know u do, that's y u r my buddy Asha
  19. hi hopoirer: welcome to our blog world, I stroked at 34, never thought I would, didn't even know what stroke means that time, hated newme for a year or so, though eventually in my acceptance journey, I have accpted newme and actually like her better than oldme, you are very lucky to have great supporting family, that makes life much more easier, I know it did it for me. blogging has helped me immensely in my acceptance journey. hope to learn more about you through your blogs Asha(mom of 9 year old boy)
  20. HostAsha

    Stroke - what the heck

    Zain: I stroked at 34, and the reason for my forming clot was after pregnancy, and also they checked my heart and found PFO(patent foreman ovale), basically birth defect in heart amost found in 1 out of every 5 individual, which allowed clot to travel to brain, and I got that fixed in june 2004, and luckily I didn't have recurrence of stroke, so I m back to rebuilding my life again,the way I had before Zain, hang in there, Farhaan will do great in his recovery. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Stroke - what the heck

    HeyZain: I agree with Jean, blogging is was exceptional tool for me to accept what happened to me in my early 30s,but I can share your pain stroking at 8, that is damn too young, but hey keep the faith, things will improve by leaps and bounds, and yes you do keep yourself happy if you break how is your family going to handle this whole stroke crisis. one more thing when stroke happens everyone starts thinking and blaming themselves that they could have would have done something else, that brings lot of unhappiness. now I think that it was destined to happen, that's y it happen, and it could have been real worse for me, if I had died that day, I would hav e never had such a wonderful years with my son, and hubby, just today we all went to water park, and yes I went too, yes I needed help to get on rides, but hey I went, and enjoyed. important thing is Farhaan is still with you all, and he will recover a lot, and since he is so young, his recovery will be great, and there are new things r always coming up Asha(stroke survivor at 34)
  22. Dalene: I work 2 days a week at my previous employer and I m not getting paid anything, and I don't mind, I still like to do those 2 days a week, it gives me feeling of worthwhile. you do what you feel right for you. Asha
  23. Denny: I am glad you had great time at golf tournament, I wanted to come so badly too but since I can't drive yet could not, but I think I will keep goal of start driving on highways too by next year, and come volunteer at the tournament next year cheers, Asha
  24. HostAsha

    getting the word out

    Rich: Thanks for update on your life, I look eagarly for your updates, and you know many others do as well, you are our beacon of hope. and I m happy you got rid of naysayer, who needs them Asha
  25. Amy: its such a cute story, and take picture of that girl ambassedor of 1st grade, oh God, I lovegirls or I should correct it and say kids, they r so cute and adorable, and I agree with you statuatry time has passed, it is great that she tells you all this, hope it continues in her teenage years 2. still smiling you made my day Asha