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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Amy:


    that's great, I have never filed our taxes or looked into any financial stuff ever, since my hubby is CPA, he used to take care of all financial stuff still we buy turbotax program and its very easy, so last year he allowed me to enter datas, rest was all automatic. after my stroke now I atleast know where is our money since i started handling mail, we do not do any online banking




  2. hey:


    I thought the blog will be depressing but turned out to be quite encouraging, yes I agree with all your examples and in 2004 when I went to India(I m from India), and saw so much difference btween rich and poor, as if poor people had no right of living, and only rich people can live normal life, all my troubles seemed so small that time



  3. hey Gary:


    don't let the little episode slow you down big guy, take enough rest we will be still here when you come back eh.


    BTW how did you fell, you lost balance or something, it happens to me all the time, for past 2 weekends while trying to sit on stool, I have been landing on floor. once again take good care of yourself, and practice getting up from floor



  4. Debbie:


    In another 8 years we will be furnishing our kido's room, the feeling itself scares me, all these years are so precious, I still remember bringing my 9-1/2 pounder home and feeling proud mom when everyone said he was big boy. It's hard thing to letting your kid grow and go.



  5. Amy:


    don't blame on your stroke, we as a whole family lost sight of our car in a mall one time and had to call security and my brother to help us find our car. I m so glad you are able to carry ur daughter, I used to do till I stroked and now kido is more afraid of falling then me. you have great attitude towards your recovery, I need to learn things from you.



  6. Amy:


    janice is right, fiine they could not read number but they could have called directory assistance to get number from, so don't feel bad, you are paying customer, they did not do their job right, so don't apologize for anything. I will credit you that you remembere to call photographer to get pictures, that shows real great mom, I would have forgotton that completely, I know not a great mom, but I m always work in progress



    I like your idea of having fun, Gabe is 1 lucky guy




  7. hey Butch:


    that's great thing she is going out with girls on her own, that will allow both of you to get confidence back that yes she can handle herself alone and that will help her also getting her confidence back. I have to tell you my story my hubby was getting too protective of me so when we decided to send me to India for alternative treatment, he was not sure how will I be able to handle alone, but I told him I can speak so I can always ask for help if I need one, that trip was real confidence builder for both of us, after that we also took packaged tour to europe and had lot of fun everywhere.


    life does goes on after stroke, now again v r planning to take india trip in july.



  8. hi vanilamoon:


    I am afraid to say this cause lot of people don't believe in God, but have you considered maybe higher power wants you to be in new loving relationship where love is reciprocated. don't dwell on past embrace future theremust be something more exciting waiting for you to happen. For me to fight my depression is believing in hgher intelligence and I know he has good plan for me. things have to turn around for everyone, there can't be just low tide all the time, or low rollarcoaster ride, things has to change, just trust in God



  9. Sandy:


    you are right you haven't said, I presumed it based on my own little knoweledge of projects in NYC, the thing protraied in TV, and movies, yes I should not make any judgement call on anybody. I m sorry, please forgive me.


    Asha( the person who first thought whole america is like jerry springer type, after staying and working in professional field realised that's not the case)


    once again sorry u big sister Sandy.

  10. Jean:


    I don't know about sandy but I agree with what you said completely, what's the point in dwelling over past, my hubby says forgiveness is key to happiness, and I believe whole heartedly, as I think everyone has different outlook on life, for example sandy thinks growing up in projects is some sort of downgrade thing versus I grew up similar kind of apartment buildings in India think as luxury thing compared to so many people living in slums, or guttor pipes. I guess every incident in our life has 2 sides to it, which side you want to look depends on your personality. I really like to remember my past with fondness since there was nothing horrible happened except money problems in my childhood





    Being PC

    hi all:


    I am not going to wear any hat here and think you were refering to me, if you were then I m sorry I agree with bonnie everybody is different and have different out look on life, but I too glad that you all are in my life, I like to see rebellian out look though I can't follow but I do admire gutsy people who follow that



  11. hey Butch:


    because of my son I have watched all star war movies and I like them. Darthvedar wasn't bad person, he ws very good from heart, but made bad choice to join dark side, we all flip sometime no big deal and getting out of bed was initially difficult for me 2, now we all 3 sleep on floor, now sleeping on bed or floor both have become quite easy for me, though I prefer sleeping on affected side such that I can hug my hubby with right hand




  12. Amy:

    our son for longest stayed on small bike where he did not even need training wheels, he can just put his foot down, my hubby was thinking himself as failure as father, so still riding small bike finally when he showed his dad riding big bike, hubby felt better we got him bigger bike and he loves to bike in summer in culdesac while I watch them play outside in summer





    A week later



    you inspired me to try without brace too, and guess what I m able to walkwithout brace, I think for few months I will walk with shoes but no brace, and then try wearing wering normal shoes( with little heel)


    congrats on your gains.




  13. Btch:


    as a young survivor I have been there, nothing interested me to fill up my time except surfing web and troubling my collegues on IM, finally I started coming to work part time 2 days a week luckily got a ride to work, and nobody is paying me but that's fine by me, I m learning our new project haven't contributed a cent in it, but feeling good about myself. If pay or money defines how succesful I was, then I was very successful, I was team lead in my project and now I m starting bottom up, but oh well being in my field gives me lot of my self esteem, I try to do all our housework. It is big adjustment going back to work again and starting from scratch bottom but hey its worth the self esteem. you should encourage lisa to start going to work part time no pay start smalland then build up, just my suggestion


    Asha(36 year old survivor)


  14. Vicki:


    things will be defintely better in 2006, u were in so much dump in 2005, that there is no way but going up this year.


    wishing you happy and healthy new year 2006


    Asha ( for who 2004 was worst, but things r turning around)