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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam:


    wepay our bills electonically for few years now, and there has never been any problem, they take out money from our checking acct at certain day send us statement, it has been working out great. after my stroke Ihave taken responsibilty of mails, but there is not much to do except filing, which with my 1 hand and great system set up by hubby I m able to do.

    having productive days does feel great though




  2. hey Pam:


    I don't think u r forgotton by your kids, who cares if sumbhead moved on, but ur kids do need you and still loves you. kids r most wonderful people in whole wide world, with so much short term memory problem and forgive us so easily, don't judge us parents they just love them no matter what, and I bet today is better day for u, I know for sure u r quite strong personality to overcome small pity parties, So many things I still need to learn


    get up and fight buddy life still goes on.if chocolate works for u then eat those.


    lots of love


  3. hey Butch:


    when I just got admitted in rehab still needed wheelchair to go anywhere, I was arguing with doctor to release me such that I can go back to my work, he was shocked he was like do you even realise what that means, do u think you can still do the work, and I gladly told him in programming if you know 3 simple rules you should be ok, and it took me year to come back to work part time, and I m still not there yet, lot of things have changed at work, so have to relearn everything,and I realise now that I m getting that satisfaction at cost of leaving my child alone, and I started to question is it worth it.


    but having goal of going back to work is good goal nonethless




  4. hey Sue:


    I don't have anything to add to it except the fact that I sympathize with your frustration, my dad suffered from alzeimer at age 44, it was great impact on whole family, he died at age 55, I was only around with my mom, who took care of him all the time, all other siblings had flown from nest, It was not easy on my mom at all, and you have to relise this is in India where no onehad heard of alzeimer, initially we thought he had just gone plain mad, it used to frurstrste my mom whole lot, and I was teenager at that time, so I was no help to mom in anyways, I guess I was youngest of 4 so maybe suffered from young child syndrome, but please take care of urself, at one point I prayed my dad to pass to God. take as much help you can get in taking care of Ray, I don't think nursing home is bad idea either,


    This remind me I better make living will of me.


    lots of hugs



  5. Alana:


    welcome to our blog stroke community, every story is different just like every stroke, but I think we all get enough courage to get through our share of problems in life. having positive attitude and sense of humor is one of the required criteria in stroke recovery. hope to meet you someday in chatroom,




  6. hey Amy:


    for longest time I cried and blamed everyone including God, since in hospital they wouldn't give me TPA saying I will bleed to death since I had just delivered baby day ago, and everybody around me made TPA as a wonder drug (clot buster drug), which could have saved my neurons, you know what with ur blog, I m making peace with myself, that this was my destiny, and nothing would have helped it, so I march in my life with what I got. hey I will miss you at party, so in case I don't see you, wish you merry Chirstmas and happy holidays



  7. hey Butch:


    I m impressed baking cookies can you bring some in our festivus party, I have never baked cookies before, but you guys areall tempting me, our household is not too much into sweets, but I think I should bake this year, you knowwhat I might just go and buy readymade dough and bake some cookies this year maybe my son will like it.


    have great Christmas and wishing you and your family happy, healthy and prosperous new year.




  8. Pam:


    I loved your defination of success, if its Emerson who wrote it, then I love him 2, I do have question, how do you change world around you who believes having more material wealth is being successful, also at thesame token wealth does bring power, look at how america noses around every other country's business, they can get away with it, cause they have power money


    but I feel with the money you can bring lot of difference in world




    Long time no Blog



    it was perfect time, I was wondering about you 2, so happy for you and hans, glad thinga are working out for you.


    lots of love, and Merry CHRISTMAS and wishing you happy, healthy new year to you both.


    lots of love


  9. Amy:


    I think talking with her and making her understand cwertain things are not acceptable in school, and she has to follow the rules, and some time outs will happen, next time if it happens is thing you can try. though my kido was getting into trouble all 2nd grade, but in 3rd grade his teachers r wonderful and he also listens to me, so things r not bad. cause I m of opinion that they r kids, some small things they do might get them into trouble, so they r ok,

    last whole year my kido wasn't allowed to watch cartoons, and he was ok with punishment.

    sorry blabbered on, follow aunt jean's advice





  10. hey Fred:


    wow wonderful blog, since I have been reading world history, I think all war presidents r bad, like going in vietnam and loosing so many american troops, nuking japan over pearl harbour, Idon't know who is advisors of these presidents, how come they lack simple reasoning which even half damaged brain can comprehend, but these presidents do not.I guess I simply don't understand politics, hoe come people can not impeach this president while clinton over sex scandal was about to get impeached.

