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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Mary:


    happy for you, PFO closure will be breeze, you will think wish you knew sooner, and closed it earlier, but hey nothing lost, your new year is starting with bang, wish you healthy and prosperous new year and merry xmas




  2. fred:


    out of curiosity and learning with kid, I have just started reading about pearl harbour, and decision to throw nuclear bomb on japan, and so many civilian lives got lost there,

    I think whatever the cause was to go on waron japan or iraq , I don't admire any of the war presidents, including trumen and george bush




    Bah Humbug



    over the years spirit of celebrating anything dies, cause when I was child the way we celebrated any festivals there was big difference, the excitement of food,clothes,gifts were so much, now as a adult that excitement is gone, nothing to do with stroke, it was part of growing up

    but at the same token I still want to celebrate all festivals indian, amercican all for my kido, I feel having rituals and celebration I m creating memories for my son and my family.



  3. hey Butch:


    you are right this is ur place to vent about your feeling, I don't haveany right to judge you, I m sorry if I offended you in anyway, the thing is this stroke has all pushed in one big room, where we r all fellow citizens of strokestan. (instead f pakinstan, afganistan...).


    glad you are back and dealing better in lisa-butch's stroke journey.




    poopie list

    hey Stan:


    my 8 year old boy will go wild reading this poopylist,


    what iswith you guys(boys) from 8 to 40, likes to talk about only poop,butt, fart, boogers.


    my son always says those words, it just cracks me up, so he gets more encouraged,

    but ur list was hilarious lol_2.gif





  4. hey Sandy:


    lets have festivious party, and I don't think you need pole for that. I am Hindu growing up in cosmopolitian city Bombay xmas was something our neighbours celebrated, they celebrated diwai and xmas both, so for me after coming to US we celebrate all holidays including xmas, we light up and decorate our plastic tree and give present to our son, and I get my perfume during that time, since its on sale during those timeframe. my family spends relaxing time at home during xmas vacation or better yet my hubby would take some time off and we take mini vacation in US someplace .


    but maybe we should have xmas chat party in our stroke wonderland



  5. Kristen:


    wonderful blog from caregiver point of view. but as a survivor point of view who is maybe same age as you guys. I also did not sign up for this, for caregivers you have opportunity to runaway from this stroke, but do we survivor has any opportunity ro run away from it. I can just sit and count my losses, but at the same token I realise by looking back and counting my losses is not going to help anyone including myself, I have to march on this road we call it life picking up my pieces.maybe I should write blog about this



  6. hey Butch:


    Jean said nicely though I m getting quite offended at your thinking as a survivor. how much love you had for your wife that once going got tough, you want to blame it on her that its her fault and take easy way out, it depresses me to core that I saw 2 examples of guys o this site want to take easy way out, by blaming whole world but themselves. you know how much loss lisa encountered, I don't even want to think your loss or ur way of life. put yourself in her shoes and think what would you had prefered if it was you who had suffered stroke.

    I know its your life and you don't have to justify your actions to anybody. but I m forming my own opinion about western men


    I m sorry for harsh words but blame it on my damaged brain.
