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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    So disappointed.....

    Jean: I have never done arguments with anyone including my hubby, but I like your book club idea a lot and think we should implement that one, and Mary I read Angels&demons, and I liked that book better than Da Vinci Code, though currently I read gorden korman author my kido likes and I want to b involve in what he is reading such that we can talk about it infront of dad. I guess I might read emerson when kido is forced to read him in college:) Asha
  2. HostAsha

    back in nyc!

    Rich: welcome home, I m happy for you that treatment went well for you, I will be waiting eagarly for your updates on your improvements, and also pray for wonderful recovery. Asha(36 yo survivor)
  3. HostAsha

    today's the day!

    Rich: good luck to you, and wish you great success in ur treatment, and hope to learn ur pluses after treatment. Asha
  4. HostAsha


    Pam: I love your attitude towards life, I like the fact that you deal with life head on, and not dwell in selfpity, u r one of my hero. I m happy you are reclaiming ur house, don't go easy on ur X, but make sure kids r not getting affected in cross fire. Asha
  5. bonnie: I m so happy u r having great time with family,I 2 having great time with my inlaws but I m looking forward to my small nest in US I didn't realised & now US has become my own country. I felt at loss n India in begining. BTW thx for chatting with me last 2 days love Asha
  6. hey AJ: I agree with Jean 100%, but I have to say why would you buy such a fancy watch with so many features to tell time :big_grin: love Asha
  7. kristen: I m here in India, ur blog made me feel so proud of allstroke survivor and caregivers who wouldn't give in to self pity and still enjoy life I bet that waterfall must b more memorable trip than b4 love Asha
  8. Sue: I liked your blog very much, very thought provoking 2, and I m so glad you are taking that approach, Ray is lucky to have you I know none of the survivors ordered this affliction from catalogue so everybody supporting each other and lot of understanding,support v need from our caregivers Asha
  9. chris: It has been interesting reading and learning about you from your blogs. I will tell you from survivor prospective and my hubby's caregiver point of view. we all go through different coping atragies. In my first 6 months we had lot of regrets, things would have been better if only I had gotton TPA or other 100 things, over the time I realised it is okay to accept what has happened and forgive everyone including myself and move on with life, some things are destined to happen, something good I had to learn from it, hey best thing happened due to my stroke was that my marriage became more stronger, and I got to spend lot of time with my family instead of being stuck in ratrace of job Asha(survivor at 36)
  10. HostAsha


    Annie: my Spiritual teacher(hubby) always says expectation leads us to sorrow, not saying it right way, but I know from ton of examples expectation always lead to heartache and headache Asha
  11. hey Kristen: Good luck with your summer of change. reading your blog made me blink few times, m I reading my thoughts or same problems I encounter keep us upated on how are you overcoming issues Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Cruella DeVille

    Pam: I agree with what everybody said in their responses. fight for your right, don't hold back because of kids, you should get half of everything including right to kids wherever you are. first of all he had affair at such a important time in your life when you needed him most, but if you overlook just that still he can't run all over you, get that cruela devil out and make his life miserable Asha
  13. sue: congratulations to grandma, and pa,mom, dad & tori yes and I want all info 2, how much he weighs and who is he named after love Asha
  14. hey Butch: I won't bet on Lisa being wheelchair bound for 2 long, with the support of u guys, she is going to do better and better there is no other way about it, tell her to keep on pushing on that goal and she will b walking Asha
  15. hey Mary: y worry about it, you might find way around ur disability and enjoy all the fun things with ur family. If you can't do then big deal, you will enjoy your family having fun or maybe ask pakage ppl to give ur kids another round if u can't go. I had ton of concerns when I went to europe with my family, but luckily able to do everything with the group, agreed it wasn't very adventurous tour but it did require walking and with my slow pace I still did ok. with help of ur family u will do just fine so just chill and don't fret over it Asha
  16. Amy: there is line where u just enter what u want to say it and it appears on the top of the page, if u ask me i find it useless feature cause everyone can read what u r saying Asha
  17. Amy: I m happy you had freat father's day. Do you wear brace when you go and walk on uneven grass. I wear b=my brace all the time when I walk outside, at home I don't wear it, and my ankle hsd been improving a lot I think Asha
  18. phyllis: I will miss you dearly, please don't let technology stop you coming to site , I agree with Jean maybe there is way to individually turn off shout box, so don't give up without complainig to steve Asha
  19. Denny: where did that $50 came from, It's great story. Those small incident in our life makes us believe that there is supreme power and he will take care of us Asha
  20. HostAsha


    Sue: nice blog, I can picture your whole journey from england to australia. I do believe in life there are always going to be some changes whether u like it or not, I moved to complete new country new culture US from India where I grew up so differently, but I adjusted pretty well to new country, now I call US my home since my kido&hubby r here, that's where is my home, now if hubby decides to move to saudi I guess I will follow him there 2, and make my home there 2, life is full of adjustments, you have to adjust to whatever is thrown in ur plate, it could be ur hubby, new country or 100 other things. maybe downsizing will bring less pressure when v moved from our old house to new house, kido for longest time wasn't ready to accept this as our new home, everytime he would cry and say I want to go home, but after year making new friends, now when I ask him want to go back? he says no, this new house is his home Asha
  21. AJ: loved ur story, gives ton of hope to me Thanks, Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Pam: great blog, I think prestroke I was so absorbed in my own world that never thought about giving any support to any one, I m now learning meaning of good listner, though post stroke apart from this site I haven't found good listners Asha
  23. hey: That's awesome. we have kept small stool in our bathroom on which I sit & wear my clothes. In the begin I used to wait to get help for wearing my bra, but eventually figured it out, I think more you do for yourself and don't take help, it feels great, rebuilds ur self esteem. for a year we had help at home who will cook,clean&do laundry, finally I convinced hubby that I can do all that and v can save money on that, and I have been doing cooking, laundry all by myself, though hubby has to do heavy duty stuff like vaccuming, and I m not doing that cause I don't want to :big_grin: but horray for u, keep on doing more for u, more u will do, its great cycle better u will feel bye Asha
  24. Amy: I m glad you had fun going to bar, and listening to band and glad you found ur wedding band. Asha
  25. HostAsha


    Pam: For me sorting out bills and my son's school paperwork was always used to end up in mess, if I leave it for later time, The only thing works for me, is as soon as mail comes out, I sort it out, and if bills need to be paid, I pay them right away, file them right away so hopefully there is no error, and as a child and adult we have always lived on budget, and still save. Have you looked at online banking that way you know whether you have money in bank b4 drawing check Asha