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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. hey phyllis:


    I am with you in being cheap category, and I m proud of it. money does not grow on trees to be thrown on ugly things.

    right now our kido is so much money consicous that sometime he embarass us, hope he stays that way when he grows old.


    right now if I have to buy anything, I have to justify myself to him 10 times b4 he gives permission.


    lots of love


  2. hey Pam:

    wherever you move I hope uou get computer and internet connection. but wherever you move, you will be away from kids, I hope you have thought about that.

    I really wish that they do something about transportation in suburbs.


    Good luck with your change



  3. Amy:


    its sticky and strange but oh well lucky for you, you got gemstone who sticks by his vows taken at wedding, big loss for her. life s strange sometime.


    I met my hubby's x at party, felt pretty bad that now I have to meet her when I m all crippled, but what the hell I danced with my hubby that day so close, and could see all God's planning and miracle, if they wouldn't have parted, I would never have gotton such a wonderful hubby



  4. hey bonnie:


    I hope you are feeling better already, and ur grandson 2. here its quite chilly inside home. so I m pestering hubby to take me shopping.


    feel better, and come to site as often as possible, I miss you all guys



  5. Gary:


    It's great that you are starting stroke group in your area, initially I was looking so hard for it, after I found this site, my need to chat with other survivors hve npt been intense anymore.

    but good luck in forming stroke group, and it might be matter of time before you will be stating that you are 2 busy in coordinating your local group eh


    lots of love


  6. Bonnie:


    I m so glad you are able to create good memories for thanksgiving, I can shiver thinking of loosing child to illness, though I hav lost too but just a day old, and I m guilty of praying to God to take her away, I don't want kid with any disability, I still feel guilty about doing so, and feel my stroke was my punishment to my bad deed. I just wanted to hug you to tell you I know the pain, and just believe in God that our kids r now at betterplace than we could ever provide them


    lots of love


  7. bonie:


    I am glad you are back on blog community, missed ur feedback. I hope things work out well at your store. I have been thinking about doing somekind of business, I guess Ishould have done it when I was fit prestroke, now is the time to enjoy retirement




    Alexandria P.

    hey Pam:


    girls are so cute, they tell you their thoughts, last year I had to struggle with my son to get the closeness we had once, he used to cling to his dad alll the time and won't talk to me at all, it wasnightmare, but I hanged in there by thin rope and wished all the time that things would have been different if I had girl, your daughter is alreadythinking about marriage wow, my kido is still in girl oh yuck phase, though he says he wants atleast 6 babies. happy birthday to Alex and happy mothers day to you




  8. hi kholt:


    as in this journey of our life, each one of us affected by stroke has to go through their own acceptance, as a caregiver you have your own struggles that things will be different now not necessarily bad but different, your hubby has to go through same path too and for him or any one of us survivor that path is little more trecherous bu with the help of time, maturity, and family support he will get there 2.



  9. Amy:


    I understand howyou feel, but listen you are lucky to have great therapist working with you and telling you what to do, I used to get frurstrated when my hubby becomes therapist and tells me what things to do, it used to annoy the heck out of me, like since my stroke he tells me everyday just to pretend picking up glass and putting it different places and Ihave never done that feeling its ridiculous. but just hangin there, therapist is there to help you not to insult u, she is working for u benefit


