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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Sherry: we all go throughthis dependent issue. I tried to do all my personal stuff like bathing,dressing by myself. Initially we had shower chair in our bathroom once I was strong enough to take standing shower, shower chair I donated it. for dressing up I need to sit down, so we have kept small stool in our bathroom, or I sit on toilet and dress myself. for almost a year I needed help in wearing bra so I decided to go brafree till I mastered how to wear bra one handed. for my initial 6 months I used to wear only T-shirts &sweat pants, Though I still need help in wearing my contact lenses. I agree with every one first year is hardest or life with disabled person is hard, but we have to cut some slack to our partner they are also human, they can also vent sometime and it is not against you, it is venting against situation. I try to do as much at home to relieve his load of work, like cooking, now in market they have so much readymade, you can buy it and just throw in oven & dinner is ready that way you save money on takeout and also eat healthy. I like to cook dinner for my family (I feel proud when my kido says I m best cooker(cook) in the world :big_grin: Also you have to forgive and forget the incidence which annoyed you about your hubby, it is easy to get upset but think about his situation Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Wedding day

    Carolyn &Wayne: you both are lovely couple, and welcome to blog world, how did you manage to put pictures in blog, I would like to do it too. I m so glad you decided to join this wonderful blog community Asha(survivor)
  3. Sue: I am glad you are having great week wihout Ray, when Ray comes back you will be rejunavated for several weeks to do caring again, and when he goes again for camp you can have your me time again your blog makes me realise I don't have any girlfriends at all, and my goal should be that have some girlfriends like that Asha
  4. kristen: I m going to sugget asolution on medicine front, you can get pill box for week, I fill up my pills on every monday morning and since I m feeling for a week, if anything is running low I can ask my hubby ahead of time to get it, or call pharmach and hubby can pick up while coming from work. Now luckily my medicines r mostly over the counter ones now (thank God for that) I m glad things r turning around at work and moving is coming along Asha
  5. Bill: wow wonderful essay, r u always this intense or is Pam't zen thoughts have rubbed on you, In any case I agree with you completely and going to live life and enjoy my time on this earth Asha
  6. Amy: change of weather brings lot of fever, cough around this time, for our kido only motrin works, but its hard on stomach so should takeafter food, giver her lot of liquids, good time to read her bedtime storeies, and giver her lot of fuiids, it has to be viral will run its course, our kido suffers from allergy Asha
  7. hey Amy: That's wonderful, and be proud your hubby trusted you to do the job, and you did it 2. I m still bounded by hubby of not driving alone, he says me and our kido r more precious to him than anything else so don't want to jeopardize it anymore(big excuse :big_grin: ) I m so proud of you, you are my role modal in driving Asha
  8. HostAsha

    We're still here!

    hi rollyslowey: we wondered where were u guys, and no new recipes to try, every stroke is life changing event, if you don't have paralysis or speech problems count them as your blessings, but all strokes sucks that's what I got to say Asha
  9. hey survivor: I also went through lot of why and I too really blessed by loving husband who decides to stick it out with me in my new me when I had given him real good reason to leave and he still decide to stick by, he says would we had given up our child if something happened to our child, we are in it for good, I strongly believe our marriage has become much more stronger after my stroke, I finally grew up and happen to realise what really love means, when I go through lot of why, thinking this gives me peace that everybody goes through some problem and this is mine, and I also start counting my blessings and my pain goes down, I have read couple of good books and gave me peace, maybe you should try them 1. rippel effect 2. embraced by light both by betty j. eadie Asha
  10. hey Amy: that would be wonderful, you all ladies can have blast at festival, I want to come & eat that funnel cake 2, sounds delicious, take pictures and upload them here or yahoo and send me link thanks, Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Pack Rat

    hey AJ : As usual I will start with my story and then come to punch line, when I stroked, doctors were saying its very big infarct so they were also worried about my cognative, multitasking ability and all along I was saying and denying that its not affected, yes my speed of doing things have slowed down bit, but during that time I did see my hubby was getting overloaded with lot of work, so I vowed to put in my 50% in household things and taking care of mail and taking care of my son's school needs. Initially we had full time help at home but we were paying small fortune for it, so I finally made my hubby trust me with all house responsibilty, and what I saw big improvement in my mental health, even in cooking, laundry,cleaning,emptying dishwater, it all needed some planning,multitasking activity, and more I did, more comfortable I became, so instead of bribing your doctor, I will bribe you $100 do lot more at home, taking incharge of finance at home, though finance was never my forte, but I help in sorting out mail and filing them right away. There r some tricks I m learning, never put off anything which you can do right now, that way less clutter and it does not become huge mess to sort out later sorry blabbered on Asha
  12. hey: you are going to have fun in CA, its my one of the faviorate vacation destination. keep on pushing yourself and all those adaptive devices will be way of past. I was adamant in not using cane or wheelchair and I achieved that Goal from day 1, and as I push myself more, my endurance has increased, I can walk for lot longer time wthout getting too tired I also believe in the same things you say, I survived for a reason, and there is some good purpose behind it, well I have little kido(9 yr old), so my purpose is pretty obvious Asha
  13. hi dnssmith1: I am stroke survivor 2, all strokes are so different and how you recover is based on our injury, I don't have any suggestionfor you to try, one thing I have to say it, your mom is very lucky to have you, who is not afraid of stroke related disability once again it makes me believe we all have surrounded by angels among us, and welcome to blog world Asha (who has her hubby and kido as my own angels)
  14. hey justsurviving: you said it so beautifully, I actually like new me better keep on chiseling and you will fall in love with new diamond u find u r Asha
  15. hi Survivor: you have great positive attitude, you have already inspired me not to give up on my road to recovery. I too suffered stroke at 34, and my left side was paralysed, I can walk now, but my left hand is taking its own merry time to come back, but as you said I m not going to give up my hope, God is great miracles do happen, look at yourself, you yourself is walking miracle. welcome to blog world, keep on blogging and inspire all of us Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Life Goes On

    Annie: with the stroke we all go through blaming our self, that's the first part, but you have to realise nothing you could have done to avoid stroke, it just like poop it happens, I m telling you from my own personal experience, and make sure your hubby goes to rehab its very important, he will learn hi limitation and how to work around them, will make life easier for you at home Asha
  17. HostAsha


    Mary: whatever your & ur hubby's family background, needless to say you both combined are doing amazing job at parenting, you should be proud of ur 15 yr old, I know I will be, As aparent myself sometime I doubt myself whether I m doing right job in raising our son, but then I think he is Gift of God to me, and I will do my best in raising him, rest is all will be his destiny and God's will. Asha 6dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. hey Lynn: Last I had come on your pity party, I m happy for you that things r turning around, Rod is doing better, ur surgery is also set. Good luck Asha
  19. HostAsha

    boom, boom, BANG BANG

    Marty: atleast someone on top floor is having fun, I was recently thinking of living in NYC in apartment, thanks for reminding me of those neigbhours who used to walk at 6 in the morning with their pencil heels shoe, so no more buying condos or apartment for us, hey celebrating ur wife's birthday in style sounds like good plan, let us know how it went Asha
  20. hey: that's great news, keep on challenging yourself and you will be running in no time Asha
  21. hey: now I know what teachers think of our adorable kidos , just kidding mine is just 9, but I can just guess those teenagers I was there 2 once Asha
  22. phyllis: glad you are back, I missed you Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Kim: You are making me feel guilty about my behaviour with my mom, but if I allow her she will walk all over us, but yes she loves us unconditionally now today I will just walk to her house and say hello to her, c what you started Asha
  24. hey Vicky: I agree with Sue, you have come so far ahead in a year compared to where you were year before, married Gem It will actually feel like happy ending, you will now have better mwmory of capeTown with Greg&your sister in tow this time have fun love Asha
  25. Amy: I told you, you will do good in your party, I m even scared to ask about passion party, and do people buy stuff like that, :Dr_Evil: Asha