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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha


    Update entry

    hey Pam:


    welcome back, so where you went for your vacation, Ihope you had nice time with your friends. seems like after your divorce you are becoming quite popular eh


    Glad you are back and still blogging, around here on board only your life is interesting





  1. hey Janice:


    keep on posting your questions here, since its benefacial to us whose kids r still young, and we as parents are learning ropes of parenting, though I have my mom here, but I not nevessary agree with her way if raising, though it worked in Indian environment, don't know would it work in US, but in India lot of things are were taboo, sex was one of it,



  2. hey Janice :


    why are you getting aggrevated about this, kids grow up, and they do stuff too, let them enjoy just tell them they better be able to handle baby if that's what u r worried about. I hope i don't have to worry about this for decade



  3. Sue:


    I also think in US all these PT,OT is governed by insurance, its nothing to do with what patient says or does it, if patient does not show changes from week to week basis, your therapy ends, nothing is forever, you can guide patient, as jean says you can bring horse to lake, bu can't make it drink, I know yu are in tough situation, maybe ray minght be depressed, also get him to read some spiritual books, for me having hope on higher power helped me there r few books which I like to read are

    1. path through suffering elisabeth elliot

    2. ripple effect - betty j. eadie

    3. embraced by light - betty j. eadie


    good luck




  4. Clarke:


    you are lucky to have such wonderful supportive collegues, I used to read your blogs and think poor him, no one cares about him, but its not true, there ae s many caring and understanding people you work with, with all these economy, minute you don't perform, you are out, where as your company is quite supportive of you, you must be quite valued employee.

    good luck and try to look at positive sides of life, start simply by writing gratitude journal, it forces you to look at the positive side of your life, we all have to deal with our hand of game life has given us, we can choose to do crying or being happy



  5. Janice:


    isn't technology wonderful, acqutance of ours also kept daily journals of her hubby's treatment on web, rather than talking on phone and going over again and again, it was written very nicely looked like written straight from heart, you are doing great job holding your stern family together


    good luck and best wishes



  6. Pam:


    don't expect too much out of him, I think he just wants friend with whom he can share his ordeal and friend who is able to understand it what he went through his brain tumor and stuff, maybe eventually it could turn out to be more than just friends, but I m sure right now that's his intentions, keep us posted , your life is never boring, something is always going on.



  7. hey Ruthie:


    congratulations on your achievement, I agree with Bonnie after a time going up becomes much more easier than coming down, we have installed railing on our stairways, I m still afriad to try coming down without holding and and with reciprocating, though I agree with my hubby its not worth the risk not holding cause I have made big hole in our wall once, congratulations to your daugther and you on her 13 birthday, actually we mom re more scared of teen years than they are



  8. Amy:


    78 degree wow u r crazy, yesterday we went and got electric heaters for our bedroom, but even with that hubby won't let me turn on, he says we will turn on when temp are really low, and in 50s isn't low enough for him, oh how I love and hate that guy lol_2.gif if you are planning to keep 78 degree in your house can I come and stay over at your place, I don't mind winter as long as its I m warm enough.




  9. Janice :


    you both are corageous people, I hate it when people says this to me, I m amazed how you are dealing with situation, but God hasn't ask u to go through tria, it has ask you for this trial and he will give proper ammunition to get it throug tool, I greatly believe God never gives you more than you can cope, hang in there, you all r in my prayers.


    hugs and kisses to u both
