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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue : so good to read your blog & update o your life. I am so like blogalolhic & I do miss my friends here whom I have never met before but have shared some innermost thoughts that go through my head & life. So welcome back. I am glad you are now flowing with life instead of resisting it. Asha
  2. Jay : you are such a blessing & nice person to be around. you deserve all happiness in a world cause you choose & distribute happiness wherever you go & meet. hugs, Asha
  3. I was so happy when I tried logging in to site & seeing it working & seeing blogs up & running again. makes me so happy to catch up on lives of all my blogger friends. Yesterday was great day I had read great reviews of movie hidden figures & hubby & I decided to watch it yesterday & then decided to take our son out for dinner, it was great day ended on very positive note. Watching movie made me realize how far America has come. Without exception everyone absolutely loved it. there were clapping, & standing ovation in theater when movie ended and I can say without reservation that it deserves every award and all the praise it gets. Here’s how IMBd sums up the storyline: “Based on a true story. A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program's first successful space missions.” And from Popular Mechanics, “This was a group made up of mostly women who calculated by hand the complex equations that allowed space heroes like Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, and Glenn to travel safely to space. Through sheer tenacity, force of will, and intellect, they ensured their stamp on American history—even if their story has remained obscured from public view until now.” It was amazing nowhere in the movie they depicted women as a weak one, but they were strong women ready to fight for their rights without making big hoopla about it. I was feeling so proud as a bright woman engineer along with those bright ones working at NASA lol. Asha
  4. George : Thanks for updating us, I am glad MRI showed all is well in your world, thank god & all your travel plans are on again.Enjoy. I have noticed people in south are much nicer & less hurried, & ready to help out others in need., unlike here in north. every one is running late & trying to accomplish too many things in short time. So no time to think about others. Asha
  5. Tracy : Thats great you guys had great chirstmas break. Its very sweet & thoughtful of your husband to get you all these gifts at our home we don't exchange any gifts always go & buy whenever we need something that way both of us are not attached to any material things, they all bring joy for short time. So I believe happines is a choice. Asha
  6. Sue : I can see you are relaxing now & letting it go & started going with flow of life instead of resisting it. big change I see in you since I have been reading your blogs. I think that's best way to enjoy life do your best every day without any expectation & have fun. Happy New year to you. Asha
  7. I am so happy Blogs are back. So here is my first blog for year 2017, its copy of post I posted in forum when blog was not available & I needed to blog. Usually I like to blog about my life every now & then & love the support I get in the form of comments which always encouraged me to post more positives of my life. When I first came to this site in Nov 2004. I was hugely depressed. I never thought I would find joy in living again, & could never feel I belong here. I felt I was too young to be among old stroke survivors & there could not be anything in common between us. I felt as young survivor my issues were very different from others. But fortunately I found blogs on this site & found therapeutic value of it as soon I became active in it. I love comments & support initial mentors & members provided were priceless. that's when one of the mentor on this site suggested me to do things I m am grateful for blog & I loved it & have always done my gratitude list every day. Now that year has ended I want to do Things I am grateful for year 2016. 1. I am grateful I can walk, talk & accomplish almost everything with just one hand. 2. I am grateful I am able to learn new things & enjoy learning them 3. I am grateful I am able to contribute in our home dynamics in whatever way I can so, that does make me feel useful. 4. I am grateful for having amazing family & friends, who has supported me in everything I try to do or get stuck in trying to do something. 5. I m grateful for my husband without him & his encouragement I would have not been where I am today 6. grateful for our son, mom, my siblings & this site without which I would have not find my own inner strength to keep on fighting. 7. I am also grateful that I learn my biggest lesson of 2016 that don't be afraid of change in life.Change can bring in lot of freshness & good things in life, so embrace the change & go with flow. 8. I am grateful I did not fall or break any bones in 2016, & now looking forward to good, fun & exciting things to do in 2017 9. I am grateful google it has made life so easy anything u r struggling with, google it & u got your answer, just now figured out something on windows10 . I guess once a nerd always nerd get happiness out of those things. I tell hubby & kido technology has tendency to make you feel great or dumb within matter of hour lol. when you solve something you feel like queen ofcourse u r feeling like dumb person till u r struggling with it lol Asha
  8. Tracy : Happy New year, I am also so excited blogs are back & I got to read your happy blog where you are settling into your new normal. once you start having fun in your new normal life post stroke is just different not good or bad just different. cheers, Asha
  9. I was thinking about writing things to be grateful about for this year till yesterday. Today I feel so much at loss. can't do any work properly & feels like going in circle can't decide what I want to do in life & how to go about it. okay my life is still great, lot to be grateful about & I have no complaints there. I got amazing family & I am surrounded by most of the people who like me or pretend to. Anyways life goes on. I understand life could have been so much worse than what it is today. I am in good health & still got my sense of humor where I am able to laugh on myself & others. our son is doing great at college & back home for holidays. though he still has student final exam jetlag where his sleep cycle follows his exam cycle & bight owls cycle than us humans lol So I am still trying to find joy of spending waking hours together. Asha
  10. wow strokewife : you write so beautifully. with your words you took me to journey of your life. what truly matters in life when all said & done. Wish you & your family Merry Christmas & happy holidays. Asha
  11. HostAsha


    Susan : thats wonderful blog what we think about we get more, think of abundance brings in abundance in life. thats secret of life/ Asha
  12. Lenny : so glad to see your blog & update. yes this is season to be happy & grateful for another year given to us to make our mark. Enjoy your holidays with your lovely family & post some pictures wishing you Merry Christmas & have happy , healthy & Prosperous New year. Asha
  13. George : I hope & pray it will be nothing, getting checked & get to the bottom of it is good idea. please keep us updated. I get amazed by people who can travel in motor-home. I can never envision us doing those things. cabin camping is only thing we have done in past, & now with my disability I would like to have basic comforts in life lol. Enjoy each day given to us to fullest Asha
  14. jay : thats how new traditions are born, life is all about living & making new memories & plans. Asha
  15. Tracy : wow you are on fire. congratulations, It feels so great when we accomplish some things off the lis. I bet its begining to look like christmas at your home, Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Kelli : I am so glad & relieved you are ok. you need to relax & let go of feeling of resentment of your ex going on cruise with his girlfriend. he is your ex for a reason & allowed to have happiness in his life again like you do. I know it is sometimes hard to detach ourselves from people we loved once. but time to forgive & forget & move on remembering best is yet to come Asha
  17. Heather : thats such a great fun weekend & idea of joining these groups & develop new relations & friendships Asha
  18. Tracy : you have great ideas do them happiness is a choice. you are still here for a reason & not as punishment so enjoy holidays & be fun person to b around. have blessed holidays Asha
  19. Jay : congratulations jay, those benefits will b big help in ur finances, better late than never. Asha
  20. In my last blog I was talking about adjusting to all new changes in our life, agreed they were just inconveniences and not disaster. Sue's comment on my last blog is about adjusting our sail to wind of change in our life was so perfect thanks. also read another beautiful quote on change "The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings" by kakuza okakura. All these beautiful quotes gives me strength to adjust with new change. As I am growing older & gaining lot of life experiences I am learning not all changes are bad. Some are thrown in your life for your growth & happiness only. So instead of resisting that change just relaxing & going with flow will be better choice for my own sanity & happiness. There now you all have my new learned wisdom too Asha
  21. Fred : can't believe year is almost coming to end & Christmas is already here. stores have started playing beautiful Christmas songs which makes you feel happy & go shopping. I guess we both stroked around same time, soon it will be 13 years for me too. I find my life more meaningful & beautiful post stroke. I guess life is great when u r not in pain. being young survivor has its own pros and cons. Asha
  22. Hi Fred : Happy Holidays & enjoy your football games & thankgiving holidays, will be keeping you & your wife in my thoughts & prayers. I never enjoy shopiing I go & buy things when I need something or see some good deals, but never like to rush for shopping cause its bargain, never enjoyed that thing even pre stroke. Sometime I feel like guy since idea of my fun is spendng time & playing with family. Asha
  23. Tracy : I am so happy for you. & all your blessings in life. When going gets tough its hard to remember something better is going to come out of this & we just have to keep our head above water till tide turns for better. enjoy your blessings, & remember to be present in your now. Asha
  24. Happy Anniversary achandra!

  25. we just returned from our week long vacation to India. lot of things are changing so mood at home was somber. government cancelled 500-1000 rupees bill to curb black market. Every one was worried on how to get their money deposited in bank without getting into trouble or paying high taxes on it. In India most of transaction happens using cash only. so mood was somber. once we returned home we changed our cable service provider went from cable service to fios so that added more change on how I access my tv, phone or internet. on top of that I updated my mobile with new software update so things changed there. Nothing is sacred any more lol. I know I know these r just inconvenience in life & not disaster which r hard to overcome. Asha