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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam :


    great news. you are warrior. ofcourse sooner or later you will win. persistence always pays up. again this reminds me there are brick walls in life they are there to remind us how badly you want something in life. I am glad you fought tooth & nail for what you wanted. enjoy ur friend & new room. Happy New year.



  2. Jay :


    you are indeed blessing. I so agree with you & affirmed by research feels good to know. you know I had amazing support of my family after stroke, but I still felt very alone in my journey I thought no one can understand what I am going through. till I found this support group, this support group literally got me off the ledge I was ready to jump off from. No wonder I am still around here on this site after 11+ years. Now its pay it forward time for me.



  3. Katrina :


    good to hear from you & I m glad you are doing well got new job & dog.  I think you should also watch oprah's super soul sunday either on her channel OWN or watch it online. It is quite healing. for me spiritual books & reading has been my antidepressant for last decade or so & ofcourse now I enjoy & love my new normal.



  4. Pam :


    I think its always us then others, when we try to change circumstances our roommates other things, its more that we don't like situation we are placed in, so trying to fault in everybody else then looking inside & seeing what is bothering us more. post stroke I realized happiness is a choice  & since so much is taken out of our control we fight over little things we have control over, and take out on people who are still in there in our life.



  5. Colleen :


    I am so sorry you are going through another darkness period they say its always too fark before dawn. we just have to hold on the hope that sun will come out. Usually when you are going through dark period its very hard to believe that something better going to come out of this ordeal, but you got to believe & be strong for both of you. who knows that Mike will end p getting more rehab due to this injury & will recover better than before. I love the idea of Pam. you need to connect with your daughter & celebrate her wedding in your own personal small party.  I know when I was going through dark phase in my own life my hubby's words that keep your head above water & hold on little longer, things will change  & you will get through this. nothing lasts forever good times or bad times. all is in our attitude. will keep you & your family in my prayers




  6. Fred :


    will be praying for you & your family to find good solution for your daughter.reading Beckys comment makes you realize as a parent we don't have much control over our kids actions. We can guide them & be there for them but at the end it will be their choices in life which creates their own destiny. Hope she learnt that valuable lesson in life & now will choose wisely.



  7. Sue :


    welcome back home we missed you around here. I have learnt that lesson when you step out of your comfort zone there is always growth that occurs & usually something very good better than I had imagined comes out of it. I have realized now that just by trusting those nudges & acting on it something good always comes out, and then I wonder was that god's wink or what.

