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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Ruthie:


    its ok to have pity party once a while, but don't make too many, you are mom, wife too many responsibility on your shoulder, you and ur hubby are both wheels of your life wagon, so be strong, and enjoy every moment with your family, if your hubby comes home early, you will get chance to cuddle with him. come and say hello in chat room sometime.


    lots of love

    Asha (mom,wife , 35 yr old stroke survivir)

  2. hey devoted daughter:


    I agree with lighthouse, family member has to be advocate of patient, when patient is not able to do it. luckily I did not have speech problem and I was just 34 so doctors and nurses were kind to me, but my hubby, sister they all took very active part in my treatment. when I was still in ICU drs were nuisances, they would come and tell me things will get better once you r in therapy but u can't go in therapy cause we have to adjust ur INR level for coumadin, once Ipush one doctor too hard in prescribing me coumadin, he bluntly told me if we don't get ur INR level theraupetic, you could bleed to death and stuff like that, and making me more depressed, finally my family blasted that dr, and told him not to visit me anymore if there is no uplifting things he can say. anyway point I m trying to make is family member has to be active in their loved one's care, I know you are very busy with your kids, then maybe get somebody else involved. I wish I was closer to help out.



  3. Mary:


    I also have sometime those days, where getting out of the bed is chore, there is nothing to look forward, for me to get out of that mode, I read spiritual books or novels, we need something to look forward to in life, just expect something wonderful is going to happen today or start planning vacation, sorry for rambling on, if you find pill to get charged up, pass it to me also or come online to chat


    lots of hugs


  4. kristen:


    I know how you must be feeling, I was hugely depressed while going for therapy, and I knew when my therapy was coming to end, drs and therapisr were very nice where I went, they were all saying since ur insurance is ending for this year therapy has to stop for this year, its nothing to do with reaching platateu, by reducing hours they r trying to maybe wean off therapy though I know speech therapy continues on for long time

    just take it in positive side, that they think he can now survive on its own



  5. hey stan:


    I m jealous, y don't u book 2 cabins, I think our family will join 2, have a wonderful time with ur family, and u still look dashing so don't even think about past and now, in god's realm all ages are looks r wonderful



    have fun










  6. hey Amy:


    this is general suggestion don't make outsider judge you or decide what you will be pre or post stroke, I m reading right now your best life right now by joel (something), it says and I agree with it, God has sent to earth to enjoylife in complete abudence, and those drs are no God anyway, keep faith in you and God within you, nobody can make us feel inferior, we are capable human beings and for God nothing is impossible, so what they were testing you on silly stuff, think of them trying to do their job, but u know urself, and whatever part I have known, you are very caring, compassionate young lady, who is making sure her household is managed nicely with whatever limitation she got, so just ignore those drs who think something else, they are not even worth thinking about, do u think they go home and think about their patients, just ignore them, we all do comparisons in our recovery, but we all got damaged in some part of the brain, where dr thinks those functions exist, but brain is wonderful thing, mine is same as urs right part CVA and initially they thought I wouldn't be able to swallow or do accounting at home, but what do those drs know, just keep ur chin up, have faith in GOD



  7. Pam:


    I never knew you had married such a jerk, good you got rid of him, you know I have been told before, if you are really happy from inside recovery comes in real spurts, hindsight is u waited too long, u should have got rid of him as early as possible



  8. hey Mary :


    nice meeting you, good to know you are doing lot of other things than concentrate on ur stroke and throwing pity party, oh I did it for a year, now got back my senses and started appreciating life, I have been thiking about gardening for long time, but don't know where to start, and how to start, being mom is fun, I have 8 yr old boy who I thought don't need me home, but more I paid attention to his needs, realised he is still my baby who needs his mom forever



  9. hey Amy:


    such a cute story, ur hubby going to b e very protective of Mad, and running after boys when time comes with gun and tellin them not to be anywhere close to Mad


    our son already bought darthvedar voice changer mask, and sword, he has decided to wear my black jacket which covers him from top to bottom, so his costume is set already, he is going to be darthveda of star war





  10. Mary:


    its open forum where I don't want to wash my dirty laundry, but what I learnt from great man I have married is forgiveness brings lot of happiness, and I for 1 would vouch that happiness is state of mind, I kinda did unthinkable in my marriage, but stroke opened my eyes, and I was able to see the love of my hubby, and I m glad he forgave me, and I m more happy than I was ever in my 14 yrs of marriage, I had constant resentment that I could have married better guy or married better. but after my stroke and my hubby's response to it, I truely believe matches are made in heaven, and we have to do best with what we have, there is no point in pondering on past, and beating on it, you have to forgive and be happy



  11. Janice:


    there is your purpose, other day you were wondering what's the use of you, you can't help in anything, I think you have bigger role in your family, keeping family intact, and let communication line open between family members, so I m very happy to read today's blog, sometime when we are in midst of it, we think we are not useful anymore, but if you just step in your hubby's shoe for a minute you will realise how much he appreciates you keeping family still intact



  12. hey Amy:


    luckily I don't walk on my hand otherwise i will have same problems with my hand fingers it always wants to curl, by the way weight bearing should relax it, that'swhat they used to tell me for my hand, try putting weight on your toe and it might open up, mine curls a little but as soon as I walk it opens up, lucky me woohoo







    I don't have any intelligent comment on that, since I m Indian who started her life in complete new country with new culture and did it okay, but after moving 4 times in america from NYC to NJ, and making my home in NJ, Iwould hate to move from this house and start again, but if circumstances changed then I wouldn't mind moving again. I agree with you,there is no big deal i starting over, I guess news people want something to talk about, they want to show how tragic things r and so forth




  13. hi vicky:


    I agree with janice, ur house of stroke is one stop in journey of life maybe letting you know ur choice in fiancee is best one, there r so many good destinations still going to come, specially getting married, going on honeymoon, and getting old together


    life is journey, enjoy to fullest


    love Asha (35 yr old survivor)

  14. Micheal:


    wow I realise now it is so easy to get fooled by all roll model we enact in our life, she must b real great friend and person who can see through facade, I know it won't be me cause I take people on their face value, whatever they say that's how they must feel within, based on that I will do my judging


    but happy for you, you found great friend with whom you can be truely u, without any pretense

